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Junior Member
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0 posted 2000-07-24 09:08 AM

I have only posted 1 poem here but feel close to you all thru your I need your help.  I just received this in email:

Sorry, I haven't talked to you on the phone, I tried a few times but you seem to have a life other than listening to me.  I can live with that.
Thomas' head growth shot off the charts in the last two weeks.  He went from 40th percentile for full term babies born on may 23 to the 90th a week later and the last measurement put him off the scale.  His head looks in proportion to his face, both big for his body, so we felt it was just a big head.  He had and ultrasound and an MRI last week (Tuesday and Friday) and the results show enlarged ventricles (Fluid spaces in the center of the brain that produce cerebrospinal fluid.) The MRI confirmed the ventricle size, but showed no blockage, hence our trip to a neurosurgeon tomorrow.  His behavior is normal, and he shows no symptoms other than the head size, so we are having a hard time with the possibility of a serious problem.  
ATTENTION: It's tough on Nancy to have this crop up after the pregnancy and hospital time we already put in and having to wait until Tuesday to speak to the neurosurgeon, so I am asking you not to call to discuss this until we call you.  When we find out what's going on, we will tell you.  I know you want to call and show your support, but what we really need is to find out what is happening and what we need to do to correct it.  Carol is here and giving us time to get out of the house and get our minds off the situation and that's been a huge help. But until we know the story, it's still pretty tense here, so bear with us.

I want to be able to write some words of encouragement and prayer but am unable to do so.

© Copyright 2000 Cindi Perry - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
1 posted 2000-07-24 10:19 AM

I really don't know what to say. I know at times like these words seem to fail us. Just simply start by writing down your thoughts on this matter.  You can always go back and change them around.

Never underestimate the power of prayer!
Ask God for the words you'd like to say   He'll help, I'm 100% sure of that!

Just start by writing down your thoughts, what you might feel about all this. Pretty soon you'll be writing a page without realizing it!

Best of luck, and I'll say some prayers too!
Hope everything works out.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
2 posted 2000-07-24 11:29 AM

Cperazzi, knowing that these friends/family are stressing can only cause you stress, too.

Simply let them know that they are in your prayers, and if there is anything you can do, you will if in your power...

and then remind them again, they will be in your prayers.

As they will be in ours.



~~~Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.
Helen Keller ~~~

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
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The Hague, The Netherlands
3 posted 2000-07-25 09:07 AM

Hi Cperazzi.

I see how you'd like to write some words of comfort for them. All I can offer you is what I wrote for a friend once. I can only hope it will give you the inspriation you are looking for. Take care and they will be in my prayers.

Wishing you an Angel
to guide you through your days
with love and tenderness
to chase your clouds away

Wishing you an Angel
that makes you smile again
helps you through the sorrow
and takes away your pain

Wishing you an Angel
who dries your wheeping eye
embraces you with peace
and hears your silent cry

When you are in trouble
or need a helping hand
a reasuring smile
someone who understands

Then call out loud my name
and in minutes I'll be there
to help regain your strength
'til life once more seems fair

Junior Member
since 1999-12-13
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4 posted 2000-07-25 10:40 AM

Thank you so much for holding us up in your prayers.  I tried to talk to Patrick this morning but he was too emotional.  They are at the doctors now and as soon as I know something will post.

Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
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United Kingdom
5 posted 2000-07-25 10:45 AM

Keeping you in my thoughts here as well.


"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost;
that is where they should be.
Now put the foundations under them."

Junior Member
since 1999-12-13
Posts 34
6 posted 2000-07-25 11:00 AM

Patrick and Nancy just brought the baby by on the way home from the is scheduled for Tuesday to put in a shunt to try to drain off the fluid
Dr said they caught it early and no brain damage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
prayers are answered...thank you so much
There are tears but ones of joy today.

since 2000-02-03
Posts 369
7 posted 2000-07-26 04:24 AM

My first child after he was born i notice his head was getting bigger and the first doctor could not see anything wrong after i told him it is getting bigger everyday we went to another doctor and urgently sent us to the emergency and we were there at 10 in the morning and they saw us at 6 pm, by then he was in the coma it was too late for him. So it caused a lot of brain damage and blindness at 4 months.
He is 25 years old and he is like a baby i have to feed him smashed food and change his diaper he is wheelchair bound and do not speak or see.


I have a lot of bitternes toward God and the doctor who ignore my concern about his head growing to the point of his little winter hat would not fit and at the emergency where my son should have been seen right away instead of waiting 8 hours to get the fluid out of his brain.
We did not sue anybody i did not even know what that was anyway i was young and i know people can make mistake but this was so obvious for the first doctor to notice and at the emergency for them to wait so  long after the second doctor wrote them a note see this child right away.
Yes i am mad at life and i try to ignore my feeling the best i can.


Junior Member
since 1999-12-13
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8 posted 2000-07-26 05:54 AM

This just breaks my heart.  I understand all too well what you say about being angry with God for the circumstances we sometimes find ourselves in and to me it shows the great faith you have in Him.  I truly believe everything that happens to us has a purpose in our lives.  We may not understand the "why" but we accept that it has been allowed to happen for our good.  ("allowed" but not "caused")

You will be in my prayers and I thank you for sharing your life.    

Thank you to all of the Passions family for your prayers and love shown not just in this circumstance but daily.  

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
9 posted 2000-07-26 09:15 AM

Cperazzi I'm really glad to hear the baby's doing all right! Much to be thankful for.
Please keep us updated!

Monique I'm sorry to hear of what happened!
I really am. I can understand why you would hold bitterness. Though it's not God's fault this happened. It is human frailties, human mistakes. Sadly it turned out the way it did.
Like Cperazzi said, things are allowed to happen. We are allowed to make choices, and in your instance looks as though many made bad choices and your family suffers because of it. Though I have to say God has given you the strength, though hard at times I'm sure, to deal with all of this as long as you have.

I'm sure no one feels special when they have to deal with this everyday of their lives, but you are a special person who has the strength of God to do what you're doing!
For God would only leave him in the best of care. That choice was to leave him in your care. Because you're special enough and have enough love to endure!  So God bless you!

Junior Member
since 1999-12-13
Posts 34
10 posted 2000-08-02 07:49 AM

First, a thank you for supporting us with your prayers. There is a lot of love in these rooms!  Now, for the progress report...I apologize in advance if we didn't tell you that it was coming, but things have been hectic lately.  Thomas was diagnosed with hydrocephalus, with enlarged ventricles (fluid spaces in the center of the brain) two weeks ago.  The pediatrician, following orders from the hospitals neonatalogist, kept a close watch on his rapidly growing head and when he jumped from the 40th percentile to the 90th, suggested a ultrasound and MRI to check his noggin.  MRIs take images of the head as if it was sliced front to back and also from the top down, very discovery channel-ish.  The MRI showed the enlarged venticles and his surgery to install a shunt to carry fluid away from the brain was performed yesterday. The shunt is a very small tube, about the size of a coffee stirrer with a valve about the size of a half a pack of paper matches.  He won't be playing football, but otherwise should lead a normal life afterwards;  well, as normal as it gets in the Foltz household, but I digress.  The operation took about 25 minutes and went very smoothly.  Thomas will have a CT (cat) scan today and should be home tonight, unless the nurses realize he is the best baby in the world and try to keep him.  Thanks to everyone who lent their positive thoughts during this time, and if you didn't know about it and feel left out, please don't be offended and lend your positive thoughts toward his recovery and his learning that dark=night=sleepytime and light=daytime=it's ok to wake your mom and dad up with screams for more food!!!!

Patrick and Nancy

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
11 posted 2000-08-02 09:53 AM

Great news! When you have a minute, send one of us a photo and we'll show him off for you! (take turns sleeping!)  
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