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My "Past Lives" Series |
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Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA ![]() |
I have always wondered if I have ever lived in a past life. . . and a few years ago, I came to some realizations and some conclusions. I have lived at least three past lives that I know about right now. . . The first, in "Love's Minstrel" was as a minstrel in the court of King Arthur at Camelot. The second, in "Love's Poet" was as a poet in pre-Revolutionary France who was in love with a daughter of a rich man. The third, coming soon in "Love's Artist" was as a painter in the 1920's in New York City, who would have become the next Jackson Pollack if not for love. . .and a woman that he met Now, how did I come to these realizations? Well, I really can't put my finger on it. . . they all did come to me in dreams that I couldn't forget. They would come night after night and I would always remember them and they seemed so real. . . and I did fight them for the longest time. . . but they would not go away. . . Second, I would say that one day, I just "knew" that I was these people. I knew it in my heart and in my soul. . . Now, I know that there is "Past Life Therapy" that can supposedly help you learn about who you were in YOUR past lives. . . but for me, it was just about keeping your mind and your soul open to the possibility that you may have lived before. This is something that we can all do if we have learned to meditate and open our minds to the possible. So. . . have any of you thought that you may have lived a past life or two? Who did you feel that you were? What did you do? How did you live? How did you come to that knowledge? And, how does it help you in your daily life? Waiting to hear the responses!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl |
© Copyright 2000 John Garcia - All Rights Reserved | |||
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
I haven't had these feelings myself, but I'm certainly open to the likelihood of the real existence of this phenomenon. I have a young friend who has grown up with vivid recollections of a "previous life" - to the point of her participating in college research projects on the subject. She came up with very specific information (before the age of 6) about her former self that she couldn't possibly have learned from any other human being. She described people and places - She led researchers to cemetary sites... and on and on and on... Her visions were all documented and verified by the time she was that age. To close our minds to such possibilities is absurd. Being unable to explain it doesn't make it impossible.... |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
I am fascinated by this subject! I am sure I've lived before but have never allowed myself to be open enough to have the kind of dreams you had. I had a friend who had regression therapy and he discovered he was a woman during the civil war..the feelings were so traumatic for him that he never pursued them. |
Isis Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296Sunny Queensland |
I have always been fascinated by this subject. I 'feel' I may have been here before. I have had a couple of 'twinkles' that point to the probability. One is certainly Egyptian, I have seen this man with a limp, wanting me to follow on a couple of occasions. There is also a huge link to the civil war. Being an Aussie it should mean nothing to me, but there is definite feelings of dejavu there. Thirdly something about an inkeepers daughter in Scotland. They are more than fancies, but as yet I have no proof or certainty just feelings. I actually envy you Sven for knowing with such certainty. I do meditate and I am trying to go with the flow, what is revealed is revealed, what isn't - isn't. Certainly to me, a very real and fascinating subject!!! A heart and soul are not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others... ~Isis~ (Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit) |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
Sven...yeah, I've had some myself...too many in fact. I've got a very old soul. An empathic friend was interested in doing a regression on me...we had to stop after 5 hours. She found and recorded at least 8 different lives, but only found those that had pertinence on my present life. We didn't have the time to fully explore. The first one was in Scotland, before there were kings. The last was in the 1950's, killed by a jealous brother in suburbia. I would love to find out more...but only at the hands of an unbiased person I can fully trust. This is not something to be explored lightly. Alicat |
Marina Member Elite
since 2000-02-10
Posts 2245Pickering, Ontario |
I truly believe in past lives and I also believe it is your soul that holes the key. I myself have had at least three. 2 are not terribly clear, mostly flashbackss and just"knowing" poeple and places when it would be impossible for me to have this information. But, my third I clearly recall being a dairy maid in Medieval times. A close friend I have now was also there. It is a very intriging subject. Thanks Sven for bringing it up. Marina [This message has been edited by Marina (edited 04-28-2000).] |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
Hey, thank you all. . . I've always been kind of interested in this. . . I have learned that nothing is impossible. . . Nan, you are definitely right. . . there are some people in this world who are extremely gifted and open to these things. . . I do envy them sometimes. . . deVine, it does take a special kind of person to learn to accept these things about themselves. I know that I had a little difficulty when I found out that all three of my lives had art and a tragic love affair in them. Sort of made me not want to continue my writing and music. . . Isis, I should have known that you would be interested in this subject! I can say that you probably know more than you think. . . the very fact that your name is "Isis" leads me to believe that. Meditation can help you begin to search for these kinds of things. . .but you have to be open about it. . . you can't close your mind to any of the possibilities. . . so a little preparation might be necessary. . .but the rewards can be very interesting!! Alicat, you are very right. . . if you're serious about this . . . you have give yourself to the process. . . it sounds like you have my friend. . . Marina, you too have brought up an important point. . .the soul knows the key. . . we must be willing to listen to it. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------ That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Okay sveetie sven--help me out here...genuine questions--I do have memory of other existance--but I also believe that time as a "linear" measurement is entirely an invention of man--no a-to-b-to-c...but a circle...but a circle...I believe it is Bhuddhist philosophy that points out that in the face of the clock, the only point that is still is the center...SO...if we consider our soul/spirit center, then can it be so that reincarnation can take place not only simultaneously, but at any given point in the circle of time? And if this is so, can it not be possible that we are ever-changing, evolutionary pieces of a moving, ever-changing evolutionary puzzle? And if this IS so...could it be true that history is but memory agreed upon by the collective unconscious of humanity at any given point in the circle?--and therefore subject to change? I know this is much, and I know my reply is late, but--well, methinks me thinks too much...Much Love to You M'Lovely Friend And I shall be waiting to hear your thought on this... |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
serenity, you have brought up a very interesting point. . . what if all of our lives, past and present, were happening just not one after the other, but at the same time?!?!? Just think! This could be why we know our way around places that we've never been before, or why we know things that we've never been introduced to before. . . or why we just "know" some things without thinking. It could be all of our past lives talking to us at the same time, giving us guidance and direction. . . all of us working together for the greater good of time and of the universe. . . what a concept!!! Serenity, I'd love to talk to you more about this. . . please continue to contribute your thoughts!!! Thank you, my friend. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------- That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl |
Isis Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296Sunny Queensland |
Well it's a while later but I will add something here. I have had another breakthrough in finding links to my past lives. I believe I was an ISO singer in WW2, came from small town USA and toured all around entertaining the troops during the war. Until I was killed in an air raid in London. All this still fascinates me ![]() I'll tell you this...... No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn..... ~Isis~ (Goddess - Sovereign of the Spirit) |
JOY 14 Senior Member
since 1999-09-22
Posts 1419Wisconsin USA |
Goodness, this all is so very facinating. I have never had any dreams or other indications of a past life, but I would be interested in finding out. There are some things that can't be explained about me through my genes or family tree. As far as I'm aware, there is no one in my family with my passion for poetry. That's the main thing about me that would possibly indicate something of a past life... Although it just might be one of those unexplainable gifts from God. I'm not sure at the moment what else. Hmmm. Now I'm wondering. Joy |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
Isis, that's excellent. . . would you mind telling us how you came to this revelation? And have you learned anything else since then?? Joy, there are lots of ways to find out if you've ever had a past life. . . the first step you need is to have an open mind about the whole thing. . .you have to be willing to accept that you may have led a past life (or more than one!!) and that they have happened to you for a reason. Go back in your life, think about those times where you just really felt something, or just knew something and didn't really know why you did. . . what were you feeling then? What was happening in your life at that time that caused you to feel like that? Another thing that can help you in this is meditation. . . take a few minutes in the morning just to be quiet. . . to be still. . . let your mind open up. . . let your body sink. . . let your breathing get deep. . . Write down everything that you feel and hear and see. . . no matter how insignificant. . .then later, look them over and see if you notice a pattern. . . anything. . . this is a good way to start. . . Thank you all for your interest and for your wonderful insight into this fascinating subject!!! -------------------------------------------------------- That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl |
Member Elite
since 2000-02-04
Posts 2919New York, USA |
Sven - When my youngest son was about 3, he started asking me where his "other mother" was. I was devastated at first, but then started questioning him about her. He not only described her, but told me about the house he lived in with a big open porch, and how it burned up. By the way, he'd never been in a house like the one he described, and there were no fires around...There was no reason for a 3 year old to ask questions like he did. This went on for quite awhile. He's now 21 and doesn't remember anything about any of it, but he is petrified of fire to this day.....I've always wondered about it though. Bonnie [This message has been edited by BSC (edited 07-06-2000).] |
Honeybee Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372Ontario, CANADA |
Sven, interesting discussion. I am very open-minded when it comes to philosophies such as this, however, I don't personally think that I have lived any other lives. I just believe that when we die we go to heaven and that's just that, living only one life. But, it does interest me when other people swear that they have lived a past life. I really don't trust or believe in psychics, although I have gone to 3, but one time I did go to one and she was hauntingly correct about most things in my life, she told me that I am an old soul and that I was a MAN in a past life, that I was a greek warrior in ancient Greece and that I was crushed in battle by a horse leaving behind my soulmate, my wife. She further told me that is why in this life I have problems with breathing and that my chest is weak. The psychic told me that my soulmate in this life is the man and I am now the woman. We just switched roles. The psychic said that it was no coincidence that my parents named me Melissa, it is Greek for honeybee. But, in the present, I am such a proud Canadian, I find it hard to believe that I wasn't a canadian before. I admit that I have always had a fascination with Greece, but as a little girl I wondered if in a past life I was an egyptian also. That is spooky. Well, at least I got it right in this life, I am WOMAN!!! Girl Power! Ha ha, I DON'T HAVE TO PEE STANDING UP ![]() I did ask her why do I only have one past life and she said that God was waiting for the right time to bring me back, that my soulmate's soul and mine have been waiting all these hundreds of years to come back. Thanks Sven for bringing this up Take care, Melissa or should I just call myself Mel LOL I still can't believe that I was a man in a past life!!! < !signature--> The beauty of poetry gives me wings to fly [This message has been edited by Melissa Honeybee (edited 07-06-2000).] |
JOY 14 Senior Member
since 1999-09-22
Posts 1419Wisconsin USA |
I have a true feeling that this is going to take a while and is not going to happen all at once for me. I am not going to be one of those people who just knows or has visions or dreams right away. (btw, does anyone?) I'm still open minded but I know that if I do actualy have past lives they are going to take some time to surface and I am going to have to sift through some quick glimpses and decide what is real and what is just my imagination. Joy |
X Angel Senior Member
since 1999-11-07
Posts 1521Oregon |
I find this absolutely fascinating. My heart is all things Celt, all things romantic and medieval. One time Nan said to me (after my fascination with Mermaids...) maybe you were one in a past life! I laughed, but maybe just maybe it's true. My soul is certainly haunted by a wisp of something just out of reach. I think my poetry is my expression of who I am...I never ever have been allowed to be me...so poetry is my self-discovery..and sometimes, yes, I wonder where the heck I come up with some of this stuff I write!?!?! Great post Sven, it gets the mind a-thinkin! my past lives??? Mermaid, drowning sailors, because of an unfaithful lover Scottish Girl, Highlands, in love with a brave kilted warrior Maybe after this last poem...a hint of a girl on a 1940's train, running away from someone.... An artist (painting romantic landscapes), long long ago A musician (pianist) ![]() < !signature--> "Our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything." --William Shakespeare [This message has been edited by X Angel (edited 07-06-2000).] |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
While I am not completely happy with my attempt, and I may try a repeat, you brought forth something that I have contemplated for some time... when you can and if you would like, please see my works, The Beginning Chapter I, The Middle Chapter II and The End, Chapter III, all inspired by you, posted in #8. I thank you because I thought perhaps I would be walking out on a limb posting something like this...but you gave me the courage to do so...enough folks already think I'm shy a few marbles... thanks! Sunny ~~~Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. Helen Keller ~~~ When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ |
JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA |
If reincarnation is the rule of the day, does that not steal my uniqueness away from me? Am I no longer the 'me' I believed myself to be. Am I a continuing amalgmation of consecutive consciousnesses? And what does that say about heaven? When I die, what is my final reward? To come back and do it all over again? When will this existence culminate and who will reap that final benefit? Just some questions that popped into my head. ![]() Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn. JP "Everything is your own damn fault, if you are any good." E. Hemmingway |
X Angel Senior Member
since 1999-11-07
Posts 1521Oregon |
ROFL JP!!!!!! Good questions all! ![]() Hmmm but I dunno....lemme contemplate those questions a bit... ;oÞ~~* ~Heather |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
I want Him to let me get it right so I can finally ascend without [too much] fault... LOL at myself...I'll live to be a millenium in all of my lives... Sunny ~~~Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. Helen Keller ~~~ When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
Superb questions all!! BSC, that's a very interesting story. . . has your son ever gone further into why he feels that he's afraid of fire?? Has he ever mentioned or written about his "Other mother"? Has he ever tried dream therapy?? It might help in this kind of situation. . . Melissa, for someone who doesn't believe in psychics and the like, you seem to have your role down pretty well. . . have you ever asked your Mom why she named you Melissa?? And your search for a soulmate continues. . . this I do know. . .you may find him yet. . .but remember, usually, we find things when and where we least expect them. . . X-Angel, you seem to have a good grasp on what and who you were. . . now see if you can find any of these things in your writing. . .and ask yourself why these things show in there. . . Sunny, glad that I could give you the push that you needed to write about this!! And I will indeed go back and look for those poems that you spoke of!! And I don't think for a moment that you've lost your marbles!!! JP, each life is indeed unique. . .and with each end, you do get a reward. . . some believe that we get to choose how many lives we lead. . .and when we get it right, our reward is greater because we understood it. Great job everyone. . . keep those questions coming!!! ---------------------------------------------------- That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
You inspired yet another...so if you will...if you want...see "Wall be Damned" when you can... Sunny ~~~Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. Helen Keller ~~~ When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ |
Honeybee Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372Ontario, CANADA |
Sven, my Mom decided to name me Melissa because in the seventies it was a fairly new and popular name, she named me after the singer Melissa Manchester, and the two child actresses on Little House on The Prairie Melissa Gilbert and Melissa Sue Anderson, so I don't know if it was "written in the stars" so to speak that Melissa is my greek name. She said that she just liked them and that was that. Besides, thank God that she did name me Melissa, you should hear the hideous name that she picked out before she finally decided on Melissa. Also, I still can't believe that I supposedly once peed standing up! AAAHHHHHHHH! Well, i'm sure at least I hit the toilet bowl consistently unlike some men, and I bet that I was a sensitive guy and put the toilet seat down after I used it too ![]() Seriously, though,I think maybe I lived before in the medievel times, because I envision myself a this noblemans daughter who is forced to marry some rich man's son, but who I really love is a poor man's son, and we are the true soulmates. It sounds strange, but I always have thoughts and visions about that. And I was brunette in that life too. And, I was a feisty woman too, not the typical obeying pushover woman from those times. Yep, that sounds like me ![]() Take care, Melissa Honeybee< !signature--> The beauty of poetry gives me wings to fly [This message has been edited by Melissa Honeybee (edited 07-08-2000).] |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
Ok my friends. . . Sunshine wrote a beautiful trilogy of poems in Open #8 that speak to a lot more questions!!! Are we a spirit that fills a new body for each life? In other words, when my body dies, does my spirit seek another body to fill? Another life to lead? Does the spirit still live? And if so, why do we not take the memories of our past lives with us? To expound further. . . were we originally created as Spirits?? Follow my train of thought here. . . in the book of Genesis, it says that we (humans) were created in God's own image. . . what image is that?? Could it have been the image of a spirit? And if so, are we all spirits just floating through life and death? Looking to live again and again different lives?? Would you say that the reason we don't retain the memories of our past lives is that they're locked inside of us?? Waiting to be discovered? And that we don't have the training and mindset to actually know what to do with those lessons as they apply to the life we're in right now?? Part III of Sunshine's series actually brings up another part of "Past Lives". . . do we all have a twin? Someone who is not related to us, but who is like us in almost every way?? And not just in appearance, but in spirit? In other words, a SPIRITUAL twin. . . one that we went through certain experiences with in past lives? Someone who we may never meet?? Ok. . .that's enough for now. . . I'll let you all digest this. . . and I await your thoughts!!! ---------------------------------------------------- That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl |
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