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Kira Aso
since 2006-09-26
Posts 351
Closer to Hell...

0 posted 2007-02-01 08:46 AM

Okay, I haven’t gotten the boot yet but I can see it coming. I’m in the worst possible position to be getting “thrown out” as my mother would say. I’m jobless, car less, a high school drop out and at this very moment friendless. If it was anyone else besides me I would say “Oh, just work out your family problems” But the problem is that some things can’t just be worked out. I need to leave and I know that things will get worse if I don’t but I have absolutely no place to go if I do. I’m terrified of being stuck out on the streets and believe me my mother has no problem putting me there. She very much wants me out of her life. I’m not bitter. I’m long past bitter now. I suppose I’m just resigned to the fact that no matter what happens things will never be well between us. I’ve lost a lot coming to live with my mother but I never regretted it until now. (At least where I was before I had a vehicle) But I’ve burned a few bridges and I’m about to have one burned for me. Tell me where do you go when you have no place to go? I’m packing my bags and staring at a road that doesn’t seem to lead anywhere but into a scary and uncertain future.

Can anyone give me any advice before I’m gone?

© Copyright 2007 Kira Aso - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2007-02-01 10:39 AM

I don't know for sure how old you are, but if you are a school drop-out, and jobless, it's certainly not any wonder that you would also be car-less ...~

Don't know how long you've been at your mother's home, but maybe it is time to move on and she may be doing you a big favor in helping you to make some decisions~

In order to have the things you need, you will need a job to pay for a place to stay, a job to pay for a car ... so the place to begin is in getting in gear and getting that job~

Hopefully, somewhere down the road you will see the importance of finishing your education and improving your chances at a better lifestyle~

Only you and your mother can mend the relationship between the two of you ... but, my goodness ... you do have the responsibility of startig somewhere~
TODAY is as good a day as any to begin~

Good luck~

~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
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Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296

2 posted 2007-02-01 01:46 PM

I couldn't say it any better then Margie, and agree with her all the way.  First things first, get a job, any job that brings in money will safice at this present time...perhaps if you show your mom, your concerned, and maybe even pay her rent, small amount to start out with, but something to let her realize your taking responsiblity seriously.  

In the meantime, finish school, night courses would work, or day courses, depending on the hours of your job.  And believe, there is nothing you cannot do if you really put your mind to true to you, realize your opportunities are endless if you apply and assert yourself honestly, fairly and with fidelity to self.

But first things first, get a job, and all else will eventually start falling into place, with a very serious to do list.  

hugs &

Good luck.

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since 2006-06-18
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3 posted 2007-02-01 04:15 PM

hmm I don't really know what I can say to help I guess i have sort of been there but I've always had a back up plan. I suppose the only good thing with having divorced parents. i really don't know how serious your relationship with your mom is so I can't say what to do there but definatly get a job and maybe when she sees you are trying she will act different and feel different....
but anyway,
Best wishes,
luv hunnie

Kira Aso
since 2006-09-26
Posts 351
Closer to Hell...
4 posted 2007-02-02 07:46 PM

Hmmm...everyone's telling me to get a job...

Well, that wasn't my most horrible problem. (I've never had a problem getting a job in the past) Just finding a place to stay was my big problem. Lucky me I've got both problems solved!
I guess I made myself sound like some kind of bum but to be honest all I'm really not.
Well...I can be sometimes.

Thankyou very much Marge Tindal for what you had to say. (I did need some motivation) I've every intention of finishing my education and leading a clean and respectable life style. (If such a thing is possible)

No, my mother is not the oger I put her out to be. (Our family has a big love, hate thing going on right now)My mother has thought of her children and only her children. She has done incredable things and I can honestly say I would never replace her. We just can't live together. Period.

I'll be living close by (I'd die if I lived too far from my sisters!) and hopefully things will work out better this way.

I suppose it isn't very thoughtful to post my problems when they really aren't that bad (I get really stressed and freak out sometimes) I know other people have things much worse and I'm obviouly not such a great person for not being thankful for what I have right now.(I will not post any future drama)

Thankyou LeeJ for your comment and hunnie I always love hearing from you!

Thank you all,
Kira Aso

[This message has been edited by Kira Aso (02-02-2007 10:07 PM).]

Member Elite
since 1999-09-21
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Sycamore, IL, USA
5 posted 2007-02-03 05:01 PM

Oh, Kira, please don't put yourself down so much.  We do all have our problems and there are times they avalanch on us.  I often think when teens and parents grow apart, it's God's way of separating them so parting isn't so hurtful.

We live in a confusing time, with lax morals, costly living expenses, and little learning of our loving Creator.  I've been there.  Once I put GOD first, the other problems shrunk.  Maybe you could look into it.

I will say a prayer for you and wish you the best.  I think it's good you post your plea.  It's better than crawling in a hole remaining silent.

God bless,

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since 2006-06-18
Posts 2567
6 posted 2007-02-03 08:35 PM

I'm glad you've worked it out maybe not with you're parents but yet again maybe it's better not to be with your mom just be friends instead of housemates...
best wishes,
luv hunnie

Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296

7 posted 2007-02-08 11:40 AM

I suppose it isn't very thoughtful to post my problems when they really aren't that bad (I get really stressed and freak out sometimes) I know other people have things much worse and I'm obviouly not such a great person for not being thankful for what I have right now.(I will not post any future drama)

I think it's healthy to post and ask for help, there are times when we all need to speak, but there are also times we need to listen...all of matter how old we get...

When a problem arises, it seems so God Awful Bad at the time, (for all of us) but when we discuss it, and listen to the input of others, somehow, it doesn't seem as serious as first see...that is what this forum is for...expressing feelings, and asking what others think....

Asking questions doesn't make us look stupid, or is a sign of weakness, but more so, a plea for help to understand a situation that we are so closely and personally involved with at the time...

So, don't put yourself down or sell yourself short...

asking us for help, doesn't always mean we have the right answers either...but remember, we love you, care about you and are simply trying to help the best way we know how, and we older ones, well believe it or not, our experiences have to account for something? Right?     

Love ya to, and thanks
Lee J.

since 2007-04-10
Posts 82
8 posted 2007-04-13 06:07 PM

Hope that every thing goes well when you are on your own.

Form Starpower

Email me at [email protected] and I will get back to soon as I sign on to my computer.

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