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Huan Yi Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
Posts 6688Waukegan ![]() |
. Do women really have a problem being physically/sexually attractive? I remember reading the quote of someone famous that her fantasy was to be wanted only for her body. Does any woman physically attractive to men wish truly otherwise. Seems the solution is easy; Kentucky fried peanut butter sandwiches! . |
© Copyright 2006 John Pawlik - All Rights Reserved | |||
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
I could be wrong John, as I'm NOT a woman. But I am married to a darned good one. ![]() I don't think I would be too wrong in saying that women don't tend to shun being sexually attractive ... but they wouldn't want that to be the only thing, or even the main thing. And that makes sense if sexuality is not a stand-alone pleasure, but something which should always be accompanied by respect, devotion, commitment. To borrow your terminology to "fatten" my argument; if sex is no more than a deep fried PBJ, then a woman feels debased and dehumanized. Hey don't get mad ... no ladies were takers on this one. ![]() Stephen. |
sandgrain Member Elite
since 1999-09-21
Posts 3662Sycamore, IL, USA |
I recall my beautiful dearest HS friend wishing guys could look beyond a girls face and body. She was fed up with dating because of her popularity for being a beauty. Rightly so, as egotists have such narrow, surface vision, every female's viewed for their physical pleasure. Rae |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Are you suggesting that overweight women are not sexually attractive, John? ![]() |
Huan Yi Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
Posts 6688Waukegan |
Big women scare me . . . |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Some clarification please. How big is "big"? |
Huan Yi Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
Posts 6688Waukegan |
. Where your always first impression is one of overwhelming burden. What is your notion of "overweight"? . |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
"Where your always first impression is one of overwhelming burden ." I assume by "your"--you mean YOUR first impression John. I could say that my first impression of you, for example, would be that it would be entirely possible to conclude that the first impression that you convey, as evidenced by your posts, is that you are emotionally overwhelmingly burdened. I could say that--but I won't. You took a personal prediliction and generalized it, yet again, and in so doing, assume yourself spokesman for the male gender. I happen to know there are those who would protest. A long time ago I wondered if you were deliberately insulting or just socially inept. As Ron pointed out in another thread, it is possible for both answers to be correct. tsk to you, John. The only thing that you have clarified for me is how shallow a viewpoint you maintain at times. *nod* No wonder you're vague. It's sort of like wearing black for the slenderizing effect... ![]() No wonder you are a bachelor too. Please refrain from reproduction, John. You might actually have a daughter yanno. I would hope not. The largest sex organ is the human brain, John. You might wanna get in some exercize dear. ![]() |
Huan Yi Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
Posts 6688Waukegan |
Well, so be it . . . |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Ah. I see you edited to ask me to define what I mean by overweight. I can't answer that for anyone other than myself-are you a physician John? Proper weight is as different as our very bones. I can answer for myself though. Am I overweight? Yes, the doctor and I have concluded that I am overweight. I can add though, that my size has varied, since, well, conception. ![]() My size is not my the focus of my medical treatment right now. (I was more surprised than you might be, considering I am a high risk cancer, heart disease, and diabetes candidate.) But Nope. He is not concerned. The doctor is more concerned that I am apparently malnourished. Again. Seems that the body takes note of caloric intakes and adjusts the metabolism accordingly. But my doctor, like anybody with half a brain, addressed me as an entity unto myself--and yanno? He didn't even tell me to quit smoking--yet. He did not hand me a diet. He told me what to add though. He did not tell me to stop eating. It might surprise you to know that he prescribed a vitamin and told me to change one thing--eat breakfast. Then he congratulated me too, because for the first time since I was ten years old I can say that I am not on any street drugs. (No, Not even POT. and if I type that grumpily so be it. ![]() I want you to understand something John. Right now? I can pick up the phone, and have any drug I want. Anything. Delivered to me. Let's suppose I wanted to attract someone who shares your viewpoint. I can have a rock of crack cocaine in five minutes. But I won't. Now if you saw me somewhere, and judged my character, my willpower, by the size of me now, you might say "that woman has no restraint". Consider how much restraint I am demonstrating to live INSIDE of the drug/cookie jar and not partake. But you wouldn't know that unless you took the time to talk to me. You wouldn't know how much I would love to take a "mini-vacation in my mind". You wouldn't know that my weight is a direct result of a chemical meltdown inside of my body. You should, really THINK, John. Or should I go score some crack and laxatives? I looked so good back then, size four, but those pesky seizures really put a damper on my sex life. tsk...to both of us. I'll make a deal with you. I won't pass judgement on your emotional stability by virtue of cyber appearance if you don't pass judgement on mine by virtue of my physical appearance. |
Huan Yi Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
Posts 6688Waukegan |
. When did I make a comment about you? I've never seen you. . |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
![]() If you persist in generalizations, I must counter with personalization. Go in peace John, and remember the Boti tree... ![]() |
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
Ron, Anybody seen that little padlock thingie? lol. Stephen. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
*sniff* "He" started it. And I'll agree to a lock on the thread, because we do agree on something--he's never seen me. He doesn't know that he hasn't--I could be his next door neighbor for all he knows--but with this sort of bias? He will never "see"--me. |
LeeJ Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296 |
I must say honestly, I agree with Stephanoes...and Karen "I don't think I would be too wrong in saying that women don't tend to shun being sexually attractive ... but they wouldn't want that to be the only thing, or even the main thing". Yet, I believe there are woman out there who feel it is their main duty and sole purpose to be sexually attractive to men? But then, I suggest they find a good counselor... But there is more, so much more...all in moderation...desire is the want of a thing, that sometimes can't be had....yet all things in moderation, meld and make one whole....and true love, true love blended with physical bonding, to me, is like a trip to the stars...or perhaps a spiritual love that God had meant for us... to me and for me, I could care less who is sexually attracted to me, and depending on who the person might be, find it insulting...I'd much rather be admired for who I am, what I think & believe and how I present myself to situations...socially, handle family situations...my strengths, and yes, even my weaknesses and by God, there are both men and women (believe it or not) who do not have sex permantely tatooed into their foreheads... ![]() I admire strength, confidence...intellectual conversation.... John, in this as in most of your questions... there is no wrong or right answer... [This message has been edited by LeeJ (01-03-2007 08:05 AM).] |
sandgrain Member Elite
since 1999-09-21
Posts 3662Sycamore, IL, USA |
Amen to Lee's quote: "But there is more, so much more...all in moderation...desire is the want of a thing, that sometimes can't be had....yet all things in moderation, meld and make one whole....and true love, true love blended with physical bonding, to me, is like a trip to the stars...or perhaps a spiritual love that God had meant for us... to me and for me, I could care less who is sexually attracted to me, and depending on who the person might be, find it insulting...I'd much rather be admired for who I am, what I think & believe and how I present myself to situations...socially, handle family situations...my strengths, and yes, even my weaknesses and by God, there are both men and women (believe it or not) who do not have sex permantely tatooed into their foreheads... I admire strength, confidence...intellectual conversation...." Rae |
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