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Senior Member
since 2005-12-21
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California, U.S.A.

0 posted 2006-01-02 11:54 PM

I was feeling lonely tonight so I thought I'd write.  I don't want to start feeling sorry for myself like I sometimes do.  My health is bad and I tell people dumb things like I'm paying for the sins of my youth.  Frankly this is a new person talking.  I quit smoking 5 days ago and I hope that I can keep it up.  I go to group and it helps.  I am wearing the patch and it keeps comming off when I shower.  My daughter was going to come visit but I called her and told her not to because I was worried about her driving in the rain. Now I'm lonely and still worried.  I'm new to this place and I worry that people will find my work offensive. Please forgive me if you do.  I haven't published anything in 11 year. Now, I am writing again and publishing again. I hope you all will accept me. I am looking forward to having friends that write.  Please forgive my spelling, I can't figure out this spellcheck as I'm new to the computer.

© Copyright 2006 Kimberly Benton - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
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New York
1 posted 2006-01-03 12:13 PM

Trust me, I offend a lot of people and I am still here.

Right guys?  *smile*


Seriously, when I quit smoking, I was insane.  I did not know what to do with myself, It was awful.  Felt like I lost a part of myself, actually, I did.  The smoker part of me so its natural to feel sad.  You really are giving up an entire personality. I had to have the patches.  No way could I do it cold turkey, but when I did?

Oh man, it sounds how you feel.

This is a good place.  Don't worry so much. Everyone here is very supportive.

Feel better and be proud of you for quitting!

(My patches didn't come off though, that is odd, maybe ask the pharmacist about that
or if you have body lotion on or oils, that will make them come off too.)

ska babe
since 2005-11-08
Posts 58
nowwhere, IN
2 posted 2006-01-03 05:04 PM

i feel lonely all the time so if it helps your not the only one. cuz i feel like i'm the only one all the time.smoking is hard to stop but you are doing good. and think of it this way if you feel like smoking just sit down and write a peom or story.

"I am the one who has to die when it's my time to die, so I'm gonna live life the way I wanna"- Jimi Hendrix

Member Elite
since 1999-09-21
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Sycamore, IL, USA
3 posted 2006-01-03 09:13 PM

Hi, I sure can relate to you. We moved here after 30 years in our last community and I really miss the familiar. Groceries are higher priced with smaller selections, the water here is awful.  After laundering a few times the whites all turn yellowish. The only people I know are gals in the bank and a couple across the street we met. Always thought if I had this much time, I'd be writing like crazy, but haven't written a thing. I need to be out and about to be inspired. One thing I've improved is prayer time, which I'm thankful for and needs further improvement yet.

Keep up the good work with that clean air, non-smoking change.  That's wonderful!

   God bless,
Oh, yes, they allow all kinds of kooks to hang out around here.  I'm living proof!

Senior Member
since 2005-12-21
Posts 876
California, U.S.A.
4 posted 2006-01-03 10:58 PM

Thank you for your nice responces.  My daughter was involved in a accident tonight and didn't know.k  The police were going to arrest her but lots of prayer and request finally worked out.  She called them they made the report and changed it from a hit and run.  So I had 1/2 a cig. I have been and nerveous reck since 4 pm.  I will start a new patch tomarrow.  But no more slips. sorry.  I hate being so weak, and I am when it comes to the people I love.

Huan Yi
Member Ascendant
since 2004-10-12
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5 posted 2006-01-04 08:15 PM

There is an Irish saying:

A long loneliness
Is better than bad company.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2006-01-04 09:34 PM

Hi Jody~

There are many of us here ... drop us a line when you wish~

By the way ... Welcome to PiP~


~*No matter what I search for ...
let me know when it is LOVE that I find*~ <))><

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