Open Poetry #38 |
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My Very Eccentric Mother Just Shanghaied Underappreciated Nanny Pluto |
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Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
(So, as you may have heard, the International Astronomers Union voted today to downgrade Pluto from its status as a planet, and instead become a future prototype for a new category that has yet to be finalized known as the "Plutons", becoming part of a category of "Trans-Neptunian Objects". I don't care what they think, Pluto will always be a planet to me! LOL! (starts Stephen Colbert impersonation) Who's to say these elitists have the right to tell us what is or what is not a planet? They're all just books.....I don't trust books, books are just made up of a bunch of organized opinions from a small collective of elitists who tell us their version of "truthiness". So next time, listen to your gut. My gut tells me that Pluto exists, that Pluto is a planet, that it is influenced both by the name of a Disney dog and the Lord of the Underworld! (giggles) So keep watching the skis.....I mean skies.....and believe in what you wish to believe! Here's my epic ode to our mysterious planet! (runs to the hills from Prague scientists, LOL!) ![]() * My Very Eccentric Mother Just Shanghaied Underappreciated Nanny Pluto By: Noah Eaton 8/24/06 Once upon a time, there was a man named Percival Lowell, who vowed to find that ninth planet, if it meant never once resting on his laurels, you see it was long speculated, that another planet was perturbing Neptune’s orbit, just like they suspected with Uranus, and Neptune was discovered by Sir Johann Gottfried. Lowell passed away amidst the mission, but on lived his intergalactic pursuit, astronomers hypothesized coordinates, perfected each parabola and square root, then one day in February 1930, an astronomer named Clyde Tombaugh, saw an object moving between photographic plates, and he declared, “Holy smokes!” Tombaugh moved on the double, to Harvard College Observatory, and when the news struck like lightning, boy, the meeting erupted into a conservatory, now all the gas gerber needed was a name, and nominations came pouring in worldwide, they included Zeus, Perseus and Prometheus, but they were all denied. Then one day a write-in candidate, stood out and took the biscuit, credited to a grand-niece cuttie, living in Oxford, England, yes, her name was Venetia Phair, she thought the name should be a monogram, named after the initials of Percival Lowell, and Pluto became every space cadet’s hologram! Then her father the Falconer, forwarded the golden ticket to Professor Turner, the response was unanimously favorable, and was officially announced by Director Vesto Melvin Slipher… May I introduce to you Pluto, she’s to baking like painting’s to Pierre Rousseau, she’s as peppy as Women’s Day in Maputo, and can broadcast a game like Phil Rizzuto, but some detractors can be so rude-o, they’re obsessed with throwing a feud-o, narrow-mindedly coming to conclude-o, that it’s orbit under definition is too skewed-o… . . . You see, some just can’t tolerate it’s right to exist, since a very long time ago, who seem to prefer negativity, like Ann Coulter or Janeane Garofalo, arguing, “It hangs on the fringe!”, or “It’s just an object of the Kuiper Belt!” or better yet, “It has a wonky, peculiar orbit!”, I think their propaganda smells like rainbow smelt! The International Astronomers Union say modern observations, are changing how we view our solar system, therefore our nomenclature of objects, should reflect our current rule of thumb, ah, I’m in complete agreement there, Lord knows we can’t dwell in the age of Copernicus, we mustn’t turn our backs from the future, we must face the truth like Oedipus. But then they add planets should be re-defined, as any round object orbiting the sun, but if the center of gravity is outside the larger object, does it not make the smaller object a planet, anyone? And wouldn’t our own moon, also be considered a planet, as it retracts from Earth and forms its barycenter, or even Janet Jackson! They’re treating our misunderstood Pluto, like some Trans-Neptunian Object, after all she’s done for us all these years, she receives much willful neglect, inspiring Mickey Mouse’s sensitive canine, and songs from Christine Lavin and 2 Skinnee J’s, and the Hugo Award-winning Starship Troopers, and that whole Space Battleship Yamato craze. She guides the guardian of the gates of time, on the anime favorite “Sailor Moon”, it’s guest-starred on a Bjork album, Cowboy Bebop, even Doctor Who... Why all the hate for dearest Pluto, their views of her are more overcast than Juneau, a more misunderstood teacher than Giordano Bruno, she’s just a shy, celestial bird of Juno, after inspiring Lean Cuisine frozen food-o, there’s only a gesture of exclude-o, despite the contradictory public mood-o, the IAU don’t want to include-o. . . . Pluto widely influences astrology as well, ruling death, rebirth and transformation, asking us to transcend that which we know, and come out stronger in appreciation, it governs our reproductive systems, and all that is undercover and secret, but if your Pluto is conjunct with Saturn, oh, be warned Pluto could also be destructive. Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio, my Sun, Mercury and Saturn, the sign of desire, instincts and magnetism, braiding each rhythmic pattern, it has multiple natures, between the vengeful scorpion and the wise eagle, and the higher-conscious dove, transforming passions into something peaceful. Pluto is in the crumbling of every empire, and every tragic event, as well as the phoenix of hope that rises, that accents re-birth as hearts mend, and in the heart of each Indigo Child, in the mind of each detective, who searches for truths among the chaos, seeking clarity from their perspectives. Yet some merely like to snub their thumbs, on their noses daring the lil’ purple’s existence, loving to mock and laugh and slander, and never keeping their distance, Raphael's Astronomical Ephemeris of the Planets' Places, didn’t even include it on its longitude tables, stuck back as late as 1975 on Page 39, dismissed as a hunk of debris fable. What is the sign of Scorpio, destined to be ruled by now, will Mars rule both this sign and Aries, each day from here on out… What a poor easy target, that Pluto, ganging on the underdog like Bluto, unleashing all their judo, on our mysterious cousin Pluto, if only they could construe-o, a reason for her to be reviewed-o, but they’d rather like her to be denude-o, love to boo and collude-o… . . . Meanwhile the plot thickens, they want to group Pluto with a new clique, they call themselves the Plutons, all with their own unique sort of schtick, they’re all round Pluto-sized spheres, beyond the realm of Neptune, with orbital periods that exceed 200 years, impugned as an eccentric sort of platoon. They include Charon, a fellow moon of Pluto that’s almost inertial, (No, that’s Charon, not Charo, you must have fell asleep watching that Geico commerical!) And then here we have Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt, orbiting the sun between Mars and Jupiter, ooh la la, isn’t she svelte. And finally there’s 2003 UB313, or better known tentatively as Xena, some theorize she has a feminine battle cry, like a laughing hyena, I can ever imagine the Klingons, laughing away when we break the story, that 92% of eighth-graders list that planet, on their tests as UB-40! Holy sweet Alaskan asparagus tips, does Pluto only exist now in those who dream, like Philip K. Dick of “UBIK”, and Joseph Michael Straczynski, am I doomed to crawl into my dryer, and pretend it’s a spaceship porthole, and stare at an enlarged boysenberry on a tapestry, imagining I’ve found you, Planet Pluto. Now thousands of scientists, have planet-napped my frigid beauty in Prague, it’s got me and fellow geeks worked up, like a bunch of pickerel frogs… This is an ode to dear Pluto, long a symbol of controversy on the news shows, I guess to some it was never born under a halo, taunting and haunting her like Cujo, why must some always be so crude-o, have a preference to seclude-o, well, you always set my mood-o… oh dearest... dearest... ...Pluto... (Tell your second cousins, Hygiea, Pallas, Ixion and Vesta, Varuna, Quaoar, Orcus and Sedna that I said hi… …as far as I see it, you will always be, the pie of the sky!) "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" Mother Teresa |
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Snowflake From Hell Senior Member
since 2003-07-10
Posts 777My own little Icey Oblivion |
pluto is under-rated, just because it sits at the back of the solar system doesnt make it less of a planet Swinging the Dead in this Free Fall you call life, Swinging the Dead on a Deathride |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Smiling at you, our Noah... She always did seem to be the orphan of the bunch, but that's no reason to abandon her... Well done! |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
![]() (giggles) If western astrology changes in result of this decision too, in result I will have absolutely NO air in my full chart! (My Pluto is in Libra, the only planet with air in my chart) Here's my full natal chart to those who are interested! ![]() * ![]() * Love, Noah Eaton "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" |
Earth Angel Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215Realms of Light |
I almost missed this gem! I'm with you on this, Angel Boy! Rock on! lol Pluto (as well as Mercury) was in Leo (my sun sign) at the time of my birth. That is quite an interesting and impressive birth chart you have, my friend! ![]() You and I both have Jupiter in Sagittarius (which is my rising sign). We also have Venus in Virgo. Veeery interesting! ![]() This baby is a ![]() Loveya, Asto Boy! EA |
Interloper![]() ![]()
since 2000-11-06
Posts 8369Deep in the heart |
If you make your titles any longer ... ![]() Fool, said my Muse to me, look in thy heart and write. |
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