The Alley |
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Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space ![]() |
Can I rant about responses in Open forum? There's a lot of great writer's going unnoticed just because they're writing is a little edgy or darker than most can handle. And I am NOT talking about myself I've been truly blessed in the time I've been here that many people have taken the time to read my work. And even when they don't understand or can't relate they've never been afraid to say so. Pip and Open are not about genre's, they're not about talent level and it's not topical either. I just wish some people would get noticed for their WRITING. That said I'd like to name a few names of people I think have gone either unnoticed or are shamefully disregarded altogether. Gemjop and absolutely brilliant and abstract writer, Wind is a prodigy, Brad Majors writer/mod extraordinaire, ecrivan always writes thoughtful and provoking pieces,1slicklady doesn't get near enough reads or responses,Ceinwyn mix of whimsy and and sadness, Brian sites who thank god has returned to us..and inkedgoddess who I hope returns to a warm welcome..I hate to single these out or exclude others these are just names that popped into my head. And i'm not attacking PIP I'm just saying give these writers a chance I know sometimes we just miss things But I've been bumping them whenever i can and I hope more people take notice. You may not agree or understand subject matter but I'm sure you can read or appreciate great writing skills. |
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Local Parasite![]()
since 2001-11-05
Posts 2527Transylconia, Winnipeg |
Yeah, it is sad how a lot of writers get drowned out in the Open forums. Just why I post in Poetic Haven. Otherwise, I'd fall to the archives like a brick. ![]() Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world. |
passing shadows Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577displaced |
you know me Raph...I'm the queen of the bump...I don't know what to say, because you know I read everyone on the site, regardless of who they are, happy or sad, and respond with a few words that describe how I feel. [This message has been edited by passing shadows (05-27-2003 01:16 PM).] |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
Local you're right and I wish you didn't have to, I didn't even know I was able to go to Haven until a week or two ago Dixie I know you are the queen of the bump and it's in large part to you that some of my mine got noticed so thanks and i encourage more people to do the same is all |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Okay...I've got a plan--I'll bump brian, on mondays. And then on Tuesday? Oh, wow--look, I've got Brian again. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,, yep, it says right here: "Serenity bumps Brian Sites", and then on Saturday, in fine print, Brian Sites has it in a rider on codicile A-2 of his contract: "All bumping of Brian Sites on weekends is to be contracted out to Serenity Blaze, at her discretion". Um, I think I can handle that too guys. Okay, now that's decided. You all go ahead and make up the rest of the schedule. I've got to issue out this athletic equipment to Brian and go over some special training techniques I have in mind. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
A fair question, Raph. Very fair. We all read our favorite poets [I could name Serenity but I won't... ![]() I try to give my time fairly...but some poems I don't understand...and it would not be fair to just do the " ![]() I agree, folks who "bump" up others work is a great thing, because it very well may have missed a good reading by the vast majority [and we're getting pretty vast around here] so I think what you have to say about giving everyone a read is...a good thing. We try our best. I know you do, too. [This message has been edited by Sunshine (05-27-2003 04:00 PM).] |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
karilea if one doesn't understand the meaning or doesn't relate it doesn't mean you still can't appreciate the writing ability. I don't think everyone understands my work or relates to it and yet I think people can appreciate my writing style or whatever skill I may possess. That's all I'm asking |
Nightshade![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-08-31
Posts 13962just out of reach |
Raph, I would love to sign everyone's poetry...but it is so time consuming reading each and every post...and for those of us who have only one phone line in the house..well, sometimes the old computer just has to come second. There is so much talent in Pip it boggles the mind. But, I understand your thoughts you have conveyed here. Chris ![]() |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
Hi, I wanted to say that I, too, try and read most on here. Just because I don't respond to everyone does not mean it isn't read and understood and enjoyed. There are times when I am on here more and I do try to respond to a lot of poets who don't get the usual rush of responses. Sometimes they have none and slip down. Some people have more time to be on here than others. I do appreciate those you have mentioned. But then too, is it reciprocated? Do all of them participate in responding to others not within their own group of friends? And I don't mean that negatively. We all have those we like and are partial to. It is about sharing and sometimes some poets stay within their own friendships and comfort zones as Karilea said and rarely respond to others. I don't mean "tit for tat", but by responding to others one gets to know and understand another poet and may even become friends. This has been discussed many times in the past. Especially when by responding back, it would bump our own poems up. That was changed. Numbers don't really mean anything. Some people reply a thanks separately to each response. Others do it in groups. And it doesn't show how many actually read a poem. You can't "make" people respond. They have to "feel" and want to. But it is good that you have made us aware of this, with all of the new posters, some poems do get lost, but poetry is subjective and what you say is good may not seem so to someone else. I could probably list 10 or more, different poets than you chose, that in my opinion, should be responded to more often. That's why there are the archives, to be able to read later if we missed them and that's why I assume we are allowed to repost or rework poems, and give them another chance. But there are times when someone is writing about a painful experience, that may be too fresh in my own mind and I don't think I can respond properly.( for example..I am dealing with what I would call an alcoholic husband and a life ruined because of it, so I don't enjoy reading or responding about drinking or drunks or the repercussions from it) Thanks again, this is a good topic and I am sure will get the attention of others. M [This message has been edited by nakdthoughts (05-27-2003 09:33 PM).] |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Raph, I DO try to direct people to poems I particularly enjoy as well. But I too, learned a long time ago that the numbers lie--many more read than reply, so I hope this doesn't discourage those who don't garner a bunch of numbers next to their work. (Can I still be in charge of bumping bri, tho? ![]() |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
alright nevermind I said anything |
BluesSerenade Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549By the Seaside |
This is a good topic of conversation Raph, but I have to ask, who is overlooking who here? I read alot and try to reply in kind, and I am careful not to play favorites or reply only to those who only reply to me. (Yourself being an example) I read you, because I like what you write, but that doesn't mean you have to like what I write. To be honest, it makes no difference at all, because you're obviously an active member, and you will respond to whom you wish. Of all the names you mentioned I have left word more than a few times, with the exception of one, letting them know that their poetry has touched me in some way. A poetry forum such as Passions is interactive and based on a certain amount of compassion and appreciation for the written word. Certainly not just mine...or yours, but everyone's! A community does not exist of a few certain members, but as a whole. For me, the bottom line is, there is something nice to say about everyone's work. Having the time and/or making the time is a factor that comes into play, and another personal choice that each one of us makes. Just my two cents. |
WhiteRose Member Elite
since 2002-07-23
Posts 3208somebody's dungeon |
Keep in mind this is just my opinion, and it's not worth a whole heck of a lot. This is a huge site, when you sit down and think about it. There is no way that I could possibly comment on each poem that is written on here by each author. I know when I came here I was much more active than I am now, and my life, my real life, didn't seem to leave the ground much. I like soaring in the real world. I like the real time moments that touch me, that move me. I also love the written word. I like to read, and understand. I like to let the verse caress, tug, slap, hurt, pinch, or just plain knock me out. If it does none of those things, what I post to that work would be nothing but a platitude anyway. Most people will comment to what moves them. Different verse moves different people. I've noticed that when it comes to my own work, from time to time someone new will post to it, but it is mostly those same people who appear to find something in my words that touches them in some way. I'm not really sure what the outcome of this post will be, except to make others perhaps spend more time reading something they may not relate to, and then post a few words that really mean very litte to the writer anyway, since they have now been called to our attention. Maybe it's just me, and I'm being a real witch here, I just know if no one responded to my work, I really wouldn't want anyone to post a message about it, because then, if others did begin to respond, I'd wonder if it was from the heart, if I'd really touched them in some way, or if they were just doing it because it was called to their attention that they were not. [This message has been edited by WhiteRose (05-27-2003 11:52 PM).] |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
sigh I bloody hate opening my mouth and worse the whole point of my message being misconstrued. I DID mention that I hated to single out any names but did so as examples. I DO realize its a huge site and that not everyone will be read. What I DID mention is that IF YOU DO READ SOMEONE WHO HAPPENS TO BE DARKER OR PERHAPS YOU CAN'T QUITE RELATE OR TO THEIR POETRY YOU CAN STILL APPRECIATE THEIR WRIING ABILITY. With that I'll bow out of this and NEVER write in the discussion boards again. [This message has been edited by Aenimal (05-28-2003 12:03 AM).] |
BluesSerenade Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549By the Seaside |
OH come on, take it like a man Raph! IF YOU DO READ SOMEONE WHO HAPPENS TO BE DARKER OR PERHAPS YOU CAN'T QUITE RELATE OR TO THEIR POETRY YOU CAN STILL APPRECIATE THEIR WRIING ABILITY. Rightly so, my point exactly. You are ruffling my feathers, in a good way! We may not all be the best of friends, but we are equals. Hugs, and mellow out would you! ![]() Never say never, because you and I both know, more times than not, it never works! |
Aenimal Member Rara Avis
since 2002-11-18
Posts 7350the ass-end of space |
Take it like man or take it up the tailpipe Blues? I should just sit here while my words are misconstrued? I think the problem with the alley is that people read the post half way and then are so eager to make their comment they don't bother to really read it through. That's why I don't want to post in it anymore. (note I've been guilty of this myself) My point was that should you read something you don't usually understand, relate with, can still support the writer by saying I appreciate your writing skill. I'm not saying to go looking for these writers or other writers because like K said it's pointless and I give up on that too. The point was and is.. and I'll repeat it and hope for the sake of communications everywhere and in the hopes that you actually READ this far. That some people aren't getting recognition based on the factors I mentioned, darkness, non abilty to whatever. I understand the size and time restraints of the site that's a given. My point for the love of all friggin things holy, is that you can still appreciate a persons writing so if you get a chance to do so let them know. Karilea has often told me she doesn't always understand my work but reads and enjoys it and that is inspiring to me. [This message has been edited by Ron (05-28-2003 06:12 AM).] |
BluesSerenade Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549By the Seaside |
Yea I read that far~ Sorry Raph~ I never meant to insult you! Quite the contrary~ Misconstrued~ I must have been on the wrong page when looking it up! |
littlewing Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
Posts 9655New York |
Ok guys - lets get real here please - I have been away a week and the whole place goes nuttier lol. I, for one, do agree that my poems get replied to not because they are maybe understood or that they are particularly good even but because I do reply and am active. I read everything I can and reply to what moves me - even if it i sone line in a poem that says something to me - I relate that to my life. I have learned so much from everyone here just by reading. I know where Raph is coming from - yet I do agree also that all of us that dont have the time or will to read it all may pop in when they can and reply to who they know ( I am guilty of this myself) but yes - there are far too many writers going unoticed - I havent posted anything for a very long time even . . . and do not plan to just to take a break and read and let the new people get in and get their feet wet. I always bump what I can when I can and really see the most in whatever I read - I try to anyhow. I do know that feeling of writing something dark or sad or disturbing and getting 8 replies and writing something everyone can relate to and getting 28 replies. I did notice that some of the writers mentioned are quite amazing - as we all are - and havent been getting replied to as they should. I have also seen so many new people just flow by - not get responded to and leave. I make it a must to get the new poets as soon as they come in - this way they feel welcomed. I also start at the very last page when I post - starting at last 5 days and go from there - that way anything I missed I can read and bump it up for everyone who has been away and missed it the first time. Very time consuming but well worth the reads. I do try and reply to everyone and do try to be a friend to everyone here and really seriously intently cannot leave a work unless I grasp some sort of understanding from it - if I dont I ask for elaboration (I know . . . ) We are all different and all have different tastes - but yes certain people do fall to the wayside. The only thing I can suggest is that when you come in have an open mind and heart and click on a name you have never seen before . . . you never quite know what you will find. As for the ones already here, I have been away for a bit so I do apologize - I usually keep the bumping going . . . (please lets at least agree to try and read more when we can) and that up there . . . you guys know each other better than that. xxoo [This message has been edited by littlewing (05-28-2003 02:21 AM).] |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Post locked at request of poet. |
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