The Alley |
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'Traditional Hijacking' |
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Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia ![]() |
As the spin begins I'm getting a little nauseated. How is a traditional hijacking any better than hijacking a plane to slam it into a building? Ari Fliescher says the administration did everything appropriate to prepare for a 'traditional hijacking'. Condoleeza Rice says they didn't have a warning and couldn't imagine anyone slamming a plane into a building but that they only were informed there may be a 'traditional' hijacking. First; the buildings were specifically designed to withstand the impact of a jetliner.... hmmmm... someone thought of it before eh? The FBI agent who arrested Mossaoi (sp?) specifically mentioned he was the kind of person who would 'crash a plane into the world trade center'. A homegrown terrorist actually smashed a plane into the White House during the Clinton administration. No one ever thought of this before? Ms. Rice is extremely intelligent and capable and there is no doubt a daunting task to provide national security -- but the fact remains she did not do her job. Now.. we get this... traditional hijacking? If they were prepared for any kind, traditional or untraditional, then -- they failed. She should resign. Period. |
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coyote Senior Member
since 2001-03-17
Posts 1077 |
Really makes ya feel all warm, secure an' fuzzy inside that they could surely prevent the next one though, eh Rebel? Of course, the next "traditional hijacking" will probably be a direct threat to the WTC, and then they'll already know what to do, the same thing, nothing!!! coyote ![]() [This message has been edited by coyote (05-18-2002 10:27 PM).] |
Opeth Senior Member
since 2001-12-13
Posts 1543The Ravines |
I will tell you what is truly digusting here and it makes me sick, not just to my stomach, but all the way down to my toenails... This is nothing but a political ploy by the Democrats in order to obtain votes in the upcoming elections. Shame, shame, shame... Hind sight is always 20-20, but the Dems would expect the Bush administration to have X-ray vision. Jebusfreekingchrust, what could of the Bush administration have done to prevent that dreaded attack? Not a dognot thing. Use logic people, let see...hmmm...I know, a month before the attacks they should of shut down the airports? No, no, wait, they should of cleared out all highrise buildings, so no people would be in them...yes and shut down the airports...until? Well, until the attack ocurred or not ocurred.... Don't be duped by political means. |
coyote Senior Member
since 2001-03-17
Posts 1077 |
Thanks Opeth. Precisely Reb's point, I think. Why is anyone even talking about it? A cyoa attempt to feign concern. Will this 20-20 hindsight prevent the next one? No! Will there be a next one? Yes! coyote ![]() |
Brad Member Ascendant
since 1999-08-20
Posts 5705Jejudo, South Korea |
You know what really chaps my hide here? I actually feel like I have to defend dubya and his staff here. There are too many substantive disagreements, mistakes -- we don't need this. |
coyote Senior Member
since 2001-03-17
Posts 1077 |
No problem. I'm outa here. Got my two cents worth of democracy. How 'bout you Reb? ![]() |
doreen peri Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
Posts 3812Virginia |
good morning rebelliousOne.... ![]() this is a very interesting topic... quote: i've sorta been missing the news lately... did someone actually say the buildings were specifically designed to withstand the impact of a jetliner.? if so, who was it? also, i'd totally forgotten about that white house incident.... geesh... and i live so close, too... was a big deal at the time... what year was that? do you remember? hope you're doing well.... good to see you here again.... |
Marshalzu![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-02-15
Posts 2681Lurking |
I guess a lot of people are trying to keep their jobs at the moment so that is why there is such a white wash. The previous instances of terrorism of this type are virtually non existant, the Plane hitting the White House the only example of a plane used as a missile, having said that surely that should have opened some eyes within the intelligence community but I guess something so horrific like this is not planned for until it happens once, unfortunately that was one time to many. What worries me is the blanket statement by the Bush Administration that terrorist attacks are likely, that sounds as though they have heard rumours but are not quite sure or that they have heard nothing and want to be able to quote themsleves as saying we knew something was going to happen but we couldn't prevent it, either way it is not very reassuring. |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
Hello all... Been monitoring this thread but really haven't had the time to reply until now. I was going to engage the discussion with how both sides are politicizing this, what with the Daschle/Lieberman assault on the administration, and the Republican assault on the former administration, and the most powerful woman in the world (aside from Oprah) with the sole job of providing national security deciding... nah.. just not going to get into it.. Because the truth is dead. It is always the first causualty and Brad is right. We don't need it. I don't need it. You don't need it. The republicans and democrats don't need it. The catholic church doesn't need it. Islam doesn't need it. Isreal doesn't need it. Pakistan and India don't need it. The truth is dead and I don't care. It was a meaningless and empty death and I'm not going to be the one to eulogize it or keep pumping away at it's heart in meaningless CPR attempts. John -letspartylikeits1899andwouldjaputsomeclothesonthatstatue - Ashcroft can just go ahead and give me my little lojack chip now and get it over with -- because -- I really don't think anyone is that interested or has the time to be worried about where I go or what I do anyway. But of course -- since I'm giving up on the truth and I have no political or religious affiliations to defend dogmatically with demagoguery -- I have no further use for my intellect. Therefore -- I've had all but the reptilian portion of my brain removed and placed in a formaldehyde/acetic acid electrolytic solution in a glass jar on a shelf in my office. I think it looks good over there but maybe I'll buy a fake plant to put beside it and keep it company. There is an infrared link to it at the moment to enable me to type this reply -- but as soon as I'm done I'm going to sever the link at which time I will have the equivalent IQ of Homer Simpson -- at which time I plan to spend the rest of my discretionary time watching endless reruns of SNL on Comedy Central. As long as I have my cable, some soilent green, and an occasional cigar it should be a peaceful existence (assuming that Pakistan and India don't drag the rest of us into thermonuclear warfare). So... I'm pulling the plug... Now... mmmmm... D O N U T S |
doreen peri Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
Posts 3812Virginia |
hey rebel !!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha !!!!!! yer lyin', right? LOL!! donuts?? holy chit! ![]() |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
I never lie about donuts. |
Brad Member Ascendant
since 1999-08-20
Posts 5705Jejudo, South Korea |
"But of course -- since I'm giving up on the truth and I have no political or religious affiliations to defend dogmatically with demagoguery -- I have no further use for my intellect. Therefore -- I've had all but the reptilian portion of my brain removed and placed in a formaldehyde/acetic acid electrolytic solution in a glass jar on a shelf in my office." --Interesting phrasing. But what about the other distinction they (commentators, politicians etc). are making? We now talk about the next phase of terrorism being attacks by homicide/suicide bombers (an unimportant distinction -- we know the difference between a suicide BOMBER and a Buddhist priest who douses himself with gasoline and sets himself on fire). But what was 911 if not people committing suicide in order to kill other people? Now, with that said, we have a pretty good idea of what they mean. Planes won't be hijacked, individuals will walk into malls or whatever and blow themselves up taking as many as possible. We see this 'short hand' in government all the time. When Rice said 'traditional hijacking', she, of course, meant the taking over of a plane in order to bargain with a government for some reason or another. I think we have to consider what we would do in this situation, our feelings and views before 911. I take that (that hijacking happens and the main point is to keep the people in the plane alive) and apply it to Rice and the rest and find that I can't really criticize for lack of preparation. So, put the brain back in the cavity and lay off the doughnuts. Brad |
Opeth Senior Member
since 2001-12-13
Posts 1543The Ravines |
Homer sells his soul for a doughnut and remarks, "Mmmmm, sacrilicious." [This message has been edited by Opeth (05-28-2002 08:36 AM).] |
Interloper![]() ![]()
since 2000-11-06
Posts 8369Deep in the heart |
Welocme back Reb ![]() Pssst. Shine a little light on your reptilotomy then replace the fluids with formaldehyde. Please let me know how this has affected/changed your ethos. |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
I don't know what an ethos is but I'm getting lots of phat offers to become a conservative radio talkshow host. quote: gee Brad ... do I haff to? |
Sudhir Iyer Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
Posts 6943Mumbai, India : now in Belgium |
I am sorry to say this but with any guess... in 50 years or even less, 09/11/2001 will be remembered as a traditional memorial service for which that generation will check their history books, and say I am sorry that happened and move on to their next piece of burger or next sip of cola.... and it is a scary thought, but it is no secret that there are many people in this world who think (even some Americans) that the Bush administration orchestrated the events of 9/11, and then used Osama Bin Laden and Afghanistani regime to establish the new World Order firmly and get an easy way out of Defence budget problems etc... There are multiple ways of terrorism, active and passive, and there are various levels of it as well.. From the next door kid who vandalizes the neighbourhood, by breaking glass doors of cars and houses to people who drive others from their homes by bombng the neighbourhood, to a government who establishes its own dictat on its or some other country's people by brute force to suicide bombers who are controlled by neo-fascists and religious zealots etc... The same goes for hijacking. It only depends what object is being hijacked... any hijacking is a deplorable event... just like a rape offence... how is any one going to deal ith it, accept it as part of life? fight against it after it has happened, or cross check everybody's personal life for tracing whereabouts of each individual or filling up implants into the head of each iving thing, man or animal and attempt to do intent-analysis... I don't know... I am talking too much... should shut up for a while... cheers all, Sudhir |
devina Member Elite
since 1999-10-28
Posts 3539Cali |
Hey still here???? *touches screen* make sure I'm not hallucinating!!! G's...I missed the doughnuts..and here I am trippin to bring the damn coffee!!! Stop hiding and get to posting you!!! I've been giving lectures on this in adult if you happen to pop in!!! Take care ~D Open arms can be the most fragile in the world... |
LCBS Senior Member
since 2001-11-29
Posts 532Connecticut |
Fifty years from now, someone better not say "I'm sorry" and go to grab a burger, because I will make him truly sorry.... To prevent that from happening in the future, don't let it happen now. Every December 7, sit down and think about the 2,000 plus people that died at Pearl Harbor. Thats just one example, and I will be the first to admit that History isn't my best subject and I couldn't tell you a lot of historical dates. However, lets take time to recognize the heros of hte past, to ensure that the heros of today are remembered. |
Toerag Member Ascendant
since 1999-07-29
Posts 5622Ala bam a |
Ummm...ya misspelled Israel...LOL....hi ya Hawk...have missed ya...where ya been?....keeping your teeth clean?....Hope things are going well ferya.....luvtoe.... Yep, there are alotta folks with an I.Q. of nine and some with 11 that think the Bush Adm. orchestrated those attacks...even though Osama takes credit?....Yep....just goes to show ya how many idiots we have in this world...scary ain't it? [This message has been edited by Toerag (07-19-2002 09:11 AM).] |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
Well if it isn't my old spell checkin buddy from RCC glory daze...good to see ya Toe... (do you ever have a hard time explaining the genesis of that handle?) Now if anyone would get this thread Buzz I'd think it would be you given your former association with the intelligence community and all... It kind of chaps me that the whole country seems to be Jaywalking on this issue -- did anybody ever hear of the "Director of Central Intelligence"? or the "National Security Advisor"? Hmmmmm.... guess not... not enough to defend the nation... we have to defend the we get a whole new (rearanged) branch of givernment and nobody gets fired... that's efficient.. I feel safe already My whole point here of course was Condy's statement was... 'We only expected a traditional hijacking'... let's take out the spin words 'only' and 'traditional' -- "We expected a hijacking" 4 of 4 hijacking attempts were successful... albeit one was thwarted by vigilante passengers. I maintain Condy should resign. So should Tenet. Oops... was that MY brain? Gimme another donut quick. [This message has been edited by Local Rebel (07-28-2002 02:36 AM).] |
Syneq Junior Member
since 2002-07-28
Posts 40 |
Democrat or Republican, the government has some tricky things going on behind our backs. When has the American economy ever been in a recession during wartime, until now. Usually the economy sky-rockets, and this isn't for lack of donations. The moeny still goes to the government, but what they do with it is probably along the same lines as to why they chose not to prevent the up and coming attacks. Billions of dollars in taxes are missing and a few select people, government and ceo alike are getting rich on the backs of millions of Americans. Now that Afghanistan is loosing it's popularity with the media, lets go bomb Iraq. Hell we need the money and everyone already hates Saddam Hussein. More money for the fat cats in power, more patriotism for the people in America, who'll buy the Wanted Dead or Alive T-shirt with Bin Ladens picture on it and the American flag magnet for their car, but stay as far away from the recruiting office as possible. Syneq Disintegrated to materialize in reformed delight. |
Local Rebel Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-21
Posts 5767Southern Abstentia |
Hello Syneq Your thoughts may make for a thread but have nothing to do with the subject here. You may consider starting one on those subjects. |
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