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Open Poetry #7
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0 posted 2000-04-29 08:01 PM

My thanks to }X{Angel}X{ for presenting this challenge about this time last year.  I'm bringing this back for all of our new members to enjoy.

"I AM"

I am (two special characteristics you have)
I wonder (something you are actually curious about)
I hear (an imaginary sound)
I see (an imaginary sight)
I want (an actual desire)
I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

I pretend (something you actually pretend to do)
I feel (a feeling about something imaginary)
I touch (an imaginary touch)
I worry (something that really bothers you)
I cry (something that makes you very sad)
I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

I understand (something you know is true)
I say (something you believe in)
I dream (something you actually dream about)
I try (something you really make an effort about)
I hope (something you actually hope for)
I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

[This message has been edited by Alicat (edited 04-29-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Alastair Adamson - All Rights Reserved
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Coastal Texas
1 posted 2000-04-29 08:08 PM

I Am (Alastair's Ego)

I am the Semantic Picasso and Culinary Hound
I wonder if one hand clapping makes half a sound
I hear in silent forests the falling tree's ap
I see ragged chorus line angels on pinheads tap
I want to see my writing printed and bound
I am the Semantic Picasso and Culinary Hound

I pretend on the job that I'm earning bread
I feel Viagra-ed angels dancing on my head
I touch leathery wings of a horny angel
I worry I will never hear the falling tree's cl
I cry bitter tears for this abortive sound
I am the Semantic Picasso and Culinary Hound

I understand that angels often need to dance
I say, "Help me, I'm in a soft-shoe trance!"
I dream my works included in a child's education
I try to make the cl and ap estrange-ed, one
I hope something hears the falling tree hit ground
I am the Semantic Picasso and Culinary Hound

Alicat, the Persnikitty  

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2 posted 2000-04-29 08:37 PM

Well Alicat. I don't know what the challenge
was that brought this great read about,
but I certainly enjoyed reading them.

And, I hope you get your dreams


Janet Marie
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3 posted 2000-04-29 08:47 PM

AliCat, this is a very cool idea and I like your answers and poem...very unique and creative.
I'll get back to ya on the challenge.

 ~as always, Take Care,JM~
I know it's been a long road
To get these towns behind me and I
Will gladly reap what we may sow--
I am there for you ...
and you're there for me ...
Are you waiting for
Heart in hand
Woman and man
See me where I stand I am
Heart in hand
~vertical horizon~

since 1999-06-10
Posts 444

4 posted 2000-04-29 09:05 PM

Well met challenge, I'll have to post mine tomorrow cause it already is over hear if you get my drift.  

 Yes, I admit your general rule. That every poet is a fool:
But I myself may serve to show it. That every fool is not a poet.

doreen peri
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5 posted 2000-04-29 09:11 PM

I'm glad you brought this challenge back, Ali... and you did an admirable job with it!!! Thanks!!! enjoyed...

now, i'll post my old one, too.. hehe

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Ontario, Canada
6 posted 2000-04-29 09:12 PM

Alright persnikitty. I gave this a

I am an independant nurturer
I wonder why people can be so blind
I hear the trees whisper to the breeze
I see the sky kiss the earth
I want to see the world
I am an independant nurturer

I pretend to live in his arms
I feel growth in the journey
I touch the dreams of the world
I worry I am not enough
I cry for the loss of innocence
I am an independant nurturer

I understand that anything worth while is not easy
I say love is the answer
I dream of true freedom
I try to live up to my potential
I hope to see my words in print
I am an independant nurturer

I hope I met this challange well.  

[This message has been edited by Marilyn (edited 04-29-2000).]

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7 posted 2000-04-29 09:33 PM

Okay, now I understand, the first post
was what we were suppose to do.  
And the second was Alicat's

Very Good Alicat. I enjoyed it.
and now Marilyn's yours too.

Now that I know I rules, I will
take mine out of here and post it
on its own, like most all the others
are doing  ---

I am also going to send this BTT
so that others can take this challenge.
Thanks Alicat, I like
these challenges!

[This message has been edited by netswan (edited 04-29-2000).]

Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
8 posted 2000-04-29 09:56 PM

Isn't this fun???
You're one persnikitty Alikitty
Ya Know?
Good work on this one
My friend..  

[This message has been edited by Nan (edited 04-29-2000).]

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9 posted 2000-04-29 11:49 PM

BTT so others can take this challenge,


Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
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Coastal Texas
10 posted 2000-04-30 12:11 PM

Netswan, I would appreciate it.  This was an icebreaker that XAngel introduced last year, when there were only a few of us.  Now that there's more, well...don't know why we can find out more about the poets here.  

Send it to as many as you like...the more, the merrier.


Jeffrey Carter
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State of constant confusion!
11 posted 2000-04-30 12:23 PM

well i guess i should have read this before i posted mine

All my love,

 I lie awake in a world filled with dreams,
but dreams can be so real when you don't know you're asleep

Irish Rose
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12 posted 2000-04-30 02:06 AM

this is something I could really sink my teeth into (ouch) I think I will get to work on is too much to resist...

[email protected]

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13 posted 2000-04-30 02:33 AM

Hi Alicat,

This was a wonderful idea, because even though I have been posting here for awial I sometimes feel alone because I do not know any one so this was a perfect thing to do, Thank you so much.

You seem to be a wonderfully fun and witty person, and I love the clapping hand line that is perfect.

Thanks again,  Cerenity

Lost Dreamer
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Somewhere near the Rainbow
14 posted 2000-04-30 02:53 AM

Alicat, This is a great challenge for everyone here, and you created a masterpiece with your creative personality.  
Member Elite
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Coastal Texas
15 posted 2000-04-30 03:13 AM

Guys....can't tell you how much I've enjoyed reading each and every response to this challenge.  I thank XAngel for first giving this one out a year come May.

Cerenity...*smiles* just had a feeling, what with all these members, I sometimes feel like I'm in a high-rise apartment complex, filled with faceless I felt it was a good time to meet everyone.  

*blushes* Girl, you're gonna go and make my beard ignite if'n ya keep that up.....  


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16 posted 2000-04-30 07:45 AM

Sending this back to the top. I would
love to hear other's challenge on this,
as I too, would like to know more about
the people in Passion's family.

Again, Alicat. Thanks for this challenge



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17 posted 2000-04-30 08:15 AM

Ali, from what I know about you I think you described yourself perfectly!!! Great job, my friend...
Poet deVine
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18 posted 2000-04-30 12:15 PM

Let's get this up on the first page...  
Member Elite
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Coastal Texas
19 posted 2000-04-30 02:43 PM!  Tis me, and the things I sometimes think about...hmmm...guess my answer to the challenge was very Zen.  

Sharon?  Good idea...let's send this back to the top.  *self gratuitous, and I Am*

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Floating gently on a cloud....
20 posted 2000-04-30 02:54 PM

Sorry I got it all wrong! I guess should have made more of an effort to look for the original thread. *running for cover*

Love and hugs,

 "Poetry is the true expression of my soul, it is my ultimate means of communication. It is my rainbow of delight."

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21 posted 2000-04-30 10:10 PM

Esp it is okay ----you are not alone
in this -- write another IT is fun.
I will be looking for it.

Sending this back to the top, am having
lots of fun getting to know people in
this forum.

Thanks Alicat for starting this --)


Jeffrey Carter
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State of constant confusion!
22 posted 2000-05-01 12:14 PM

since 2000-03-22
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23 posted 2000-05-01 09:04 AM

This was a enjoyable challenge to do and to read all the responses.
Amazing that so many people can write about the same topic in so many different ways.
Thanks for suggesting it to us  

 "Love is the only drug you can take that will convince you each time
that you've never had it before."
~author unknown~

X Angel
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24 posted 2000-05-01 10:36 AM

My oldest son originally brought this template home as a school assignment and I fell in love with it! So neurotic am I about sharing things that I think worthwhile I typed the dratted thing in wordpad and copy and pasted it to here   . Thanks Ali for starting this again...I'll post last year's version and then see if I can muster up a new one for this year...

I am a dreamer and a poet
I wonder if there were ever really Unicorns
I hear a brook babbling in an ancient forest
I see a handsome prince on a majestic steed
I want to ride there too, among the trees
I am a dreamer and a poet

I pretend that I can feel the power of the horse underneath me
I feel the wind blowing through my hair
I touch the warmth of the horse's skin
I worry that this dream might really end
I cry upon waking and realizing it was just an elusive wisp of imagination
I am a dreamer and a poet

I understand that I must live in reality, not fantasy
I say that life is what we make of it
I dream of faraway places, and magical isles
I try to write beautiful sonnets about what's utmost upon my heart
I hope to write, someday, of my deepest desire
I am a dreamer and a poet

< !signature-->

 "Our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything."
--William Shakespeare

[This message has been edited by X Angel (edited 05-01-2000).]

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Coastal Texas
25 posted 2000-05-01 06:17 PM

XAngel....I thank you again for showing this to us the first time...and I just had to bring it back for this forum.  

And I simply love your I Am response...can't wait to read your new one.  


Lone Wolf
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26 posted 2000-05-01 09:01 PM

Thanks for the challenge!  Nice to get to know you better too.  Love your work!!  

 Friends are friend forever if the Lord's the Lord of them and a friend will not say never cause the welcome will not end.
--Michael W. Smith

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Coastal Texas
27 posted 2000-05-02 01:28 AM

Thank you Jen.  

BTT for those who still wish to play and get to know others better.  

Alicat, the Persnikitty

 As I sit here dimly thinking
Watching modem lights a-blinking
Churning out poetic hash.
Lord, in all Your piety,
Help me keep my sanity:
Please don't let the modem crash! --Alicat

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28 posted 2000-05-02 09:55 AM

had to track you down and say thanks on your poem as it was you who got me started...have enjoyed this challenge most of all...and I loved reading more about you....great writing  

and yep will agree with tess, its amazing to see what so many different minds come up with using the same format  

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Coastal Texas
29 posted 2000-05-02 06:48 PM*beard spontaneously combusts from too much blushing*  
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30 posted 2000-07-04 05:24 AM

Alicat, what a wonderful challenge...have posted mine in Open#8..hope you like...

your poem had some very creative lines.i liked esp:
I wonder if one hand clapping makes half a sound
I feel Viagra-ed angels dancing on my head

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