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Lost Dreamer
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Somewhere near the Rainbow

0 posted 2000-06-12 10:50 PM

I have decided to take charge and repeat last years gathering at the cottages in Algonkian Regional Park in Sterling Virginia. This is 30 miles outside of Washington, DC, which is a beautiful place to visit in September when the weather has cooled a bit. We had a small group last year, but it was delightful all the same. I would like to get an idea of how many people would be interested in participating at the gathering this year? I would say it would either be the weekend of Sept 15th,16th,17th or the following which would be Sept 22nd,23rd,24th. If you are interested please E-mail me at: [email protected] and I will get back to you with more details as soon as I have a head count. Please put Algonkian Regional Park in the subject line. Thanks all, and I hope to hear from you  

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Member Rara Avis
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Mobile, AL
1 posted 2000-06-12 11:47 PM

COOLERS! E-mail is on its way via the name Mississippi_Peach.  

 Nothing can deter a poet, for he is actuated by pure love. Who can predict his comings and goings? "Thoreau"

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2 posted 2000-06-12 11:51 PM can probably count me in, I think!  hehe  Just so long as the group is friendly!     Let me know who all is gonna be there, and then I'll tell ya!  hehe  I'm on some folks' list you know!  
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TEXAS (it's all big)
3 posted 2000-06-13 03:40 AM

well i was born in washington d c but i never seen it and prolly won't for some time..was born at walter reed and i wish i could be there but its a million miles away...will be there in heart (sniff)  
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
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4 posted 2000-06-13 02:45 PM

I'd love to join! BUT, the kids will have started school and it's WAY to far for me to go.  
Lost Dreamer
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Somewhere near the Rainbow
5 posted 2000-06-14 10:37 AM

Hi all, being this is in the beginning stages of planning I just wanted to give option here if anyone might have a better date in mind. I went with September cause it's cooler and that's when we did it last year. I was thinking that even the weekend of Sept 8th, 9th, 10th would be possible. It is also possible to rent these cottages for a week if someone wanted to stay longer, these are just idea's flying around, just looking for the best way to please all. Please feel free to throw any idea's you might have here too, and we'll play around with them.  
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Oklahoma City, OK, USA
6 posted 2000-06-14 10:45 AM

TOO COOL!!! I have family in northern VA about 10 miles outside of DC that I am due to visit anyway! I will do my best to make this gathering.

HEY GEN!!!!!!! Want me to pick you up on the way through??????

Lost Dreamer
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since 1999-06-20
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Somewhere near the Rainbow
7 posted 2000-06-14 11:52 AM

Well, I just found out not much playing with dates can be done, actually my choices are out. The weekend they have available right now is for August 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th. Check in is 4pm on the 25th which is a Friday and check out is on the 28th at 11am which is Monday. Other than this date they said the next available is in October.
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8 posted 2000-06-14 12:00 PM

Ah geez, calendar is already full for this year, but I WANT A COMPLETE REPORT!  Excerpts may even find their way into one of the digital newsletters...who knows!


~~~Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.
Helen Keller ~~~

since 1999-06-10
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9 posted 2000-06-14 01:34 PM

I can’t make it this year   but if you decide to make this an annual event I’ll do my best to make the next one.

That is as long as you don’t mind a British Fool tagging along!

 Yes, I admit your general rule. That every poet is a fool:
But I myself may serve to show it. That every fool is not a poet.

X Angel
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10 posted 2000-06-14 03:14 PM

*sigh* September prolly would have been do-able...August just is not. We have found a lovely super old building to buy in a neighboring town. To move our shop and selves into (it's huge w/ upstairs apt.) Our business move date would be Aug 1 ish and me leaving hubby all alone there whilst I galavant off to DC would prolly send him into a fit of misery! Barring all other obstcales, count me in next year!

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
11 posted 2000-06-18 02:38 AM

I could probably do August, but October is also an interesting month. Different if nothing else. Geesh..I hope others will soon see their way into trying for this meeting again. LOL! If not then I guess I'll be attending a Non Meeting.. LOL!!  

Nothing can deter a poet, for he is actuated by pure love. Who can predict his comings and goings? "Thoreau"

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since 1999-08-31
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Oregon, Originally From Alaska :)
12 posted 2000-06-19 12:46 PM

I am very interested, last year I was in Alaska!!  This year I'm in Oregon on the west coast!!  Maybe next year I'll be a little closer!! LOL!!  Anywayz, maybe!!


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13 posted 2000-06-20 11:05 PM

hehehe  Temptress, if nothing else, you and me and Sea can go wreak havoc on D.C. nekked or something!  LOL  A non-meeting?  Heck no!  It will be me, you, Sea, and Gloria!  hehehe  I'm sure others would go if I removed my name from the list - most folks are too scared to meet me....   ROFL I promise I don't bite!!!    
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
14 posted 2000-06-21 01:51 AM

Hey Femme!!
ME?? NEKKID???? Geesh..I dunno..I'm kinda shy. *points to the halo* SEE??  

Nothing can deter a poet, for he is actuated by pure love. Who can predict his comings and goings? "Thoreau"

Lost Dreamer
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since 1999-06-20
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Somewhere near the Rainbow
15 posted 2000-06-21 04:36 AM

At this point October would have to be the month to look at, but if anyone else has idea's of a place that would be better to gather that's fine too. I saw a thread in suggestions that had some grand idea's of places that would be fun.
Sudhir Iyer
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
16 posted 2000-06-21 07:32 AM

Brussels??? or Paris, maybe Barcelona thats some place I can get to for the weekend....   I am placed in Brussels, you see...

Well, I hope you have a nice time, and have fun, wherever in the US of A you have the fun party...


regards, sudhir

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Loomis, CA
17 posted 2000-06-21 01:01 PM

Hmmmmm... let's see....  California to the east coast, about 3000 miles, the average human walks about 4 miles per hour, 3000 divided by for is... damn, where is my calculator... hold on...   Ah! 750 hours!

Now, if I walk 8 hours per day it would only take me 93.75 days (let's just say 94), 94 days to get there, so if I left my house two weeks ago, I should be able to make it in Time!  ALL RIGHT!   Wait a second....  damn...

Just put me down as wishing I could be there and promise to read one of my works and spend a few moments bashing me over a bottle of something intoxicating..

Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn.

"Everything is your own damn fault, if you are any good." E. Hemmingway

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
18 posted 2000-06-21 11:56 PM

*stomping feet* NOBODY WANTS TO PLAAAAYYY!! WWHHAAAAAA!!! I still think we should find out who can POSSIBLY be there, and settle on a location that is sort of halfway for everyone. MEET IN THE MIDDLE!! Of where?? I dunno...I know..I know..Why am I opening my "mouth" if I don't have any creative or constructive input. I do think October is still different and interesting though.

Nothing can deter a poet, for he is actuated by pure love. Who can predict his comings and goings? "Thoreau"

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19 posted 2000-06-22 03:16 AM

Er....did I hear you say "halo" Temptress?     Ahehehe, somehow that strikes me as FUNNY!  Now as far as October, I'm still game!  As far as WHERE, I say make us a list of who all has emailed you so far, and if we have to, we can pick a new place like you said.  Who all is going?  So far, I see Gloria, me, Temptress and Sea!  ROFL  That means there's just more Beer for us!  *burp*  Uh...I meant Mt. Dew....   
Lost Dreamer
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since 1999-06-20
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Somewhere near the Rainbow
20 posted 2000-06-22 06:45 AM

The only E-mail I got was from Jenn (Temptress)Denise expressed to me she'd be interested in joining us, so that's where it is right now.
Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
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21 posted 2000-06-23 10:04 AM

I'm with you in Barcelona!
Anyone else?

X Angel
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22 posted 2000-06-23 10:16 AM

Now if it were Paris....I'd leave hubby home a-shopkeeping in a heartbeat! *wink*

There's something in the works for next year in Oregon maybe.....*sly hint*
*adjusting Temptress' halo*
there ya go hunny


Senior Member
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Loomis, CA
23 posted 2000-06-23 12:16 PM

Oregon would be a good idea!  I could walk there in a few days....

We should do something really interesting and  have a gathering in the exact center of the country (that would mean pitching a tent in the middle of a pasture or a cornfield wouldn't it?)

Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn.

"Everything is your own damn fault, if you are any good." E. Hemmingway

X Angel
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24 posted 2000-06-23 05:42 PM

I saw this sign on a pasture in Kansas...our bull can cross this field in 6 seconds fast can you do it in???

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25 posted 2000-06-24 01:44 AM

Heather!  Oregon!!

*winkie winkie!*

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lost in blue pages
26 posted 2003-06-28 08:15 PM

Im in with Elizabeth and Sudhir.....Barcelona, or Brussel would be great......even The Netherlands is a great country to visit.

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
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27 posted 2003-07-03 02:06 PM

How about Jacksonville, FL?
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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
28 posted 2003-07-03 11:41 PM

Start planning for 2010 too... Canada has the Winter Games in British Columbia, and it is magnificant there.   This sounds great to get folks together, I love meeting friends from Passions.  
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in the shadows
29 posted 2003-07-21 12:22 PM

Las Vegas for Hallowe'en.  Airfare is cheap.  Hotels are cheap. Food is cheap.  Poets are...uh, nevermind.
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30 posted 2003-07-21 08:53 PM

I'll have to speak to my parole officer first..

believe in what your heart feels...

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