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Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley

0 posted 2002-02-27 09:51 PM

From: Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary



Date: 1716 (This is the date of the earliest recorded use in English, as far as it could be determined, of the sense which the date precedes)

transitive senses: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own; use (another's production) without crediting the source

intransitive senses: to commit literary theft; present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source


You cannot imagine the feeling when you see someone’s name on the bottom of a poem that YOU wrote. It’s the worst feeling in the world. I know because it’s happened to me. I wrote to the offender and told them to remove it – that I am the only one who has the right to claim that poem. Most people removed the poem without a fuss (guilty conscience?) some offered to keep the poem but attribute it rightfully to me (I agreed in a couple of instances) and a few claimed I was the one who had stolen it from them, or their boyfriend/wife/husband/sister…etc.

We’ve had several discussions here about plagiarism and copyright protection. And recently the Supreme Court announced they were going to discuss the limits on the length of time for copyright protection.

The internet is a great place to post your poetry, but not everyone out there is honest. Do you think someone has copied your work and used it as their own? It could be. Do you know how to find out? Where to go to search?

I’m posting this discussion in both the Teen Chat Forum and the Lounge to ensure the most member participation in this discussion. It’s important to know how to protect yourself and it’s important to know that you should never put your name on someone else’s work.

So…..let’s hear YOUR views on this issue.

© Copyright 2002 Poet deVine - All Rights Reserved
serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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1 posted 2002-02-27 10:17 PM

Hmmm...there is much to be considered here outside of the main idea of THEFT...but let's start there. I never understood how any enjoyment could be obtained by passing of another's work as yer own. What price glory? I'm not one to take another's bows tho. I don't even like taking my own!

But I AM curious to see where this goes--I have been looked at with horror for GIVING away my work for lyrics to struggling bands who were interested, and my attitude was shrug...I sort of look at it as a SAMPLE. So a cow gave away a glass of milk. If they want more, they know where the udders are!

But that is just ME...I would not presume to make that decision for another.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
2 posted 2002-02-27 10:51 PM

What do you think of random checks of poetry on the forums? Looking for plagiarized work?
serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

3 posted 2002-02-27 11:58 PM

Well...I feel the same way as I would if someone wanted to search my person for illegal away!
Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
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The Hague, The Netherlands
4 posted 2002-02-28 06:39 AM

Unfortunately I know exactly how it feels to find a poem on the internet without given credit, completely changed, or claimed to be written by someone else. Let me assure you I do NOT like the feeling! These days I don't even bother anymore to write those who have copied it and have given me credit, although it would have been nice if they'd asked. (I've never said no yet!)

Those who have not given me credit I write, requesting to name me as being the author or remove my poem from their site. Thank goodness most react immediately with an apology and  make the proper adjustments.

Those who have put the poem on the internet and changed it to their point of view (obviously without giving credit) are the hardest, as often no email address is provided, or they just don't reply, in which case I have to file a report to the "main site" like Yahoo or Angelfire (sorry I don't know how you call this in English!) providing them with a lot of information to proof I am indeed the author. Even though it often takes a while, thus far the poem has always been deleted, although it seems unfair I must write so many letters for something that has been taken from me!

At the moment I am still trying to have a poem deleted from, without success thus far and no reply has been received after my last email to them (which was some time ago now). I tried to contact the site that claims to be responsible for the maintenance, but I only get an error message and cannot send anything. I really would like to file some kind of official  complaint, but since I don't know how to continue it seems I'm stuck. Also I have found this particular poem on a site I really don't like to see it on, but again no email address is mentioned and the site has its own "domain-name."

Is there anybody out here who'd be so kind to give me a hand? Especially with I'm pretty close to desperate! Please?

Random checks of poetry on the forums is something I would have no objection to. To find a poem illegally copied on the internet is awful (and yes, I've found many written originally by other PIP Poets as well and informed them), but to find a PIP poet plagiarize a poem right here at Passions would break my heart. It is my firm belief it's not only Ron's and the Moderators responsibility to keep Passions in Poetry "clean" - it's a joined responsibility. Unfortunately it has been proven in the past not everyone is as trustworthy as we hope for, therefore I say yes to random checks of poetry on the forums and would be more than willing to help if Passions should decide on it.

Plagiarism! Argh... it always upsets me!

[This message has been edited by Munda (02-28-2002 07:19 AM).]

Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada
5 posted 2002-02-28 07:59 AM

Hi Munda:  When you run into a problem where you can't seem to reach someone, if you go to the Internic "Whois" link below, you can type in the domain name in question:

In the box available, type the domain name:  In this case, type:

Ensure the first checkbox called "domain" is checked off. Click submit.

This will take you to some additional information, in this example (if the link doesn't work because I'm trying to link to a searched page, just follow the steps yourself as noted and you'll see what I mean):

Since you'll notice that didn't bring up any additional e-mail options, you can delve further, by noticing the "Registrar" is TUCOWS, INC."

This time, in the "whois" box, type:

Before submitting this time however, ensure you check off the checkbox called "registrar", then click on submit.

This will take you to some additional information, in this example (if the link doesn't work because I'm trying to link to a searched page, just follow the steps yourself as noted and you'll see what I mean):

You'll find that you now have a number of e-mail addresses that you can attempt to contact. Forward your initial e-mails to the admin contact for example. Hopefully, you have reached the base level of responsibility at that point.

Admin Contact: Ross W Rader
Email: [email protected]

Hope that helps.  

[This message has been edited by Kit McCallum (02-28-2002 08:06 AM).]

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191
Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
6 posted 2002-02-28 08:09 AM

If you choose to do your own search to see if your work is lurking anywhere about the internet without your knowledge...

Go to Google or another search engine.  In the search box, type in a phrase from your own poem.  It's best to use all lower case letters, as the search will automatically include both upper and lower (not vice versa).  If you put quotation marks around the phrase, or use the 'advanced search' function, then the search will look only for the exact phrase.  

Hopefully, you won't find anything.  That, however, is how Munda, Kit, PdV, several others, and I have all found our work being 'borrowed' by others...

Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
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Coastal Texas
7 posted 2002-02-28 10:40 AM

More than mere poets, or poetic wannabes, have succumbed to the temptation of 'borrowing' another's work without due credit...or even permission. Politicians, historians, and students (as a small example), have all perpetrated intellectual theft. There's an interesting story of an incident in Piper, Kansas, but I won't go into detail here. For those who want to know what I'm talking about, follow this link:

Google is a good engine. I use that one in conjunction with Copernic, , and most times my net comes up empty. There have been too many occasions (one is too many) where something rank was found in my net. Some time ago, Ron searched the forums and collected relavent threads on this topic, which can be found here:  /pip/guidelines/rules.html#Copyright%20Protection .

And I support spot checking these forums. Lord knows we've had our fair share of...surprises...when we found PiPsters plagiarizing others over the past 3 years. Fortunately, they have been few, since it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch (tarnish the image of PiP).


[This message has been edited by Alicat (02-28-2002 10:44 AM).]

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
8 posted 2002-02-28 11:49 AM

I hope if you provide links to sites that can help or previous discussions, that you will also find the thread in Teen Chat and share your info there.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669
Michigan, US
9 posted 2002-02-28 02:32 PM

Kit and Munda,

A Registrar is the company that keeps the database of domain names. When you go to a domain, like, your browser looks in a database somewhere on the web and translates the human speak into computer speak (the domain name to the IP address of the web server at that domain). In the old days, InterNIC. was the ONLY Registrar available. A few years ago, someone decided that was a monopoly and opened it up to others. Prices for domain registration dropped, often dramatically, but it does make it harder sometime to find who owns a web site.

When InterNIC. comes back and tells you the Registrar is Tucows, Inc., it's essentially telling you "we don't know - go ask them." You can write to, but you're starting at the high end of the ladder and it'll take a lot more time and effort.

Instead, go to and look around for THEIR whois utility. It's often a bit hidden (just as it is at InterNIC.), but it should always be there. Enter the domain into that whois and you'll find out who owns (Vineet  Banda).

Often even more importantly, the Technical Contact will usually tell you the hosting company that is renting web server space to Mr. Banda. I usually only CC my warning letter to the hosting company as a LAST resort, when nothing else has worked. These guys are typically getting a few bucks a month for rent, and rather than face the hassles of a legitimate complaint, I've seen them immediately pull the plug on the web site. I like to give the site owner a little more opportunity than that to comply, but after they've had their opportunities, contacting the hosting company is the equivalent of pulling out the big guns.

since 2002-01-26
Posts 180

10 posted 2002-02-28 02:55 PM

I’m interested in the mechanics and procedures at this site when an accusation of plagiarism is reported.

What happens?

Do you investigate the evidence and come to your own conclusions about ownership?
Or do you err on the side of safety and remove any poems where a doubt of ownership is raised?

These seem pretty simple questions but the ramifications of either course of action could be potentially damaging.

Let’s grasp the first horn of this dilemma, apart from the time and energy needed to dig into each case there is always the hazard of ending up with the wrong conclusion. If you don’t remove a questionable poem after receiving a request from the true author isn’t this site still in breach of copyright regardless of the conclusions you’ve reached? The flip side of this is just as bad, what happens if you decide a poem doesn’t belong to a member and remove it when in fact he/she did in fact write it?

The second horn seems more even-handed but it too has a potential pitfall. Let’s say you receive an email that claims that all the poems posted by Shou-Lao aren’t in fact his own work, following the even-handed approach you remove all the posts by Shou-Lao, but what if the email is just a prank or a vindictive attack?

You can’t remove a poem without evidence that just leaves you open to being impaled on the second horn.

Or can you?

Are you within your rights to DEMAND evidence before removal? Then aren't we back to the first horn?

[This message has been edited by Phaedrus (02-28-2002 03:07 PM).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669
Michigan, US
11 posted 2002-02-28 06:49 PM

February isn't quite over, but it looks like we'll hit close to two million unique visitors this month, to both the main site and the forums. January came in at about 1.5 million, March will likely fall between those two numbers. With that many people reading, it's really getting tough to get by with anything sneaky. Post or submit something you didn't write, and someone is gonna bust you. Probably multiple someones. The new software at the main site now includes a button to make reporting even easier, and you can bet our next forum software update will include something similar.

The first year the main site was alive, when these forums were still at and everyone knew everyone, I'll admit I had a tendency to over-react if I got an email from someone saying a poem had been stolen. I pulled first, and asked questions later. Somewhere along the line, though, I received a letter from a very rude young lady who claimed she had five of HER poems stolen and posted on the main site, all by different people. One of those five poems was by Poet deVine. Another was by me.

It suddenly occurred to me that not everyone tells the truth.  

In another instance, I had an irate mother write me because someone had stolen her son's poem and submitted it to the main site. As proof, she gave me the circumstances behind the poem (it was for his father and the result of a specific incident in December of 2000), as well as a link to the poem at poetry dot com. More, she just KNEW her son wouldn't lie to her about a thing like that. What she didn't realize is that if you go to the Author's Page, where all of the poems by an author are listed, each poem includes the exact date the poem was submitted. And we had the poem up a full six months before the incident that so inspired her son.

With so many lies on both sides of the fence, it seems like it would be almost impossible to make any kind of a fair decision. Surprisingly, though, that's not usually the case.

In most instances, if someone steals someone else's work, it's because they saw it posted somewhere else on the Internet. All we have to do, then, is find it. And that turns out to be a bit time-consuming, but not at all difficult. Search Engines have become VERY useful tools.  

If we can't find the poem, and the person making the complaint can't offer solid proof, the poem is NOT pulled. In most cases, we don't even tell the author they had been questioned. If we do find the poem, it may or may not be pulled from our site, depending on whether it's immediately obvious who the original author was. Too often, we find fifty copies of the poem scattered around the web, with fifty different names under it. Or we find it with a very famous name under it. If necessary, I can check dates embedded in the HTTP headers, though I won't ever consider those conclusive.

The greatest determinant, I think, is what happens when we start checking OTHER poems posted or submitted by the same author. Because we do check more than just the one being brought to trial. I have yet to find an author who writes nine original poems and then steals the tenth. Either all ten are original or all ten were stolen.

And when you find a pattern like that, the decisions really aren't all that tough.

Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
Posts 3544
The Hague, The Netherlands
12 posted 2002-02-28 06:49 PM

Thank you Kit and Ron for the additional information. ~Sigh~ It only seems to complicate things even more. LOL Would you mind Kit if I'd email you for some advise?

Thanks Nan for reminding me of Google. I have been using Copernic lately and forgot all about Google. You wouldn't believe the things I ran into!

I found one of my poems submitted by someone else on another poetry site. Since this site has "hidden" email addresses like Passions' main site, I left the false author a message I really liked the poem, being the author, and an email to was on its way to inform them. Of course I did write an email to, providing them with the link to when and where my poem was first posted and another to where and when this poem was first published on Passions' main site. (I hope this answers part of your question Phaedrus.) reacted immediately, had all poetry by this poet deleted from their site and the poet banned. Sigh... perhaps I should feel some kind of joy, but it only leaves me with great sadness.

Anyway, after this adventure I stumbled on another site where a poet claimed all poetry up there was written by him. Ha! I knew one of them wasn’t! After reading some more poems I got very suspicious. There are not many poets with that specific style like Hoot Owl or Michael Anderson! ~Another deep sigh~ Are you seated and in for a shock? Here are the results of my research this evening:
This poet claims all poetry on his site is written by him.
These poems I tracked down to Passions main site.
I did the research, could someone native English please write the email?

White Rose
Sidney Frances

Walk With Me

Love is
Andrea Hill

(Title changed to: You Ask)
You Ask Me If I Love You
Louis Jenson

(Title changed to:Still Learnig)
A Promise To My Love
Katin Schafer

Hey, I’m Keeping A Good Attitude
Quinten Christensen

(Title changed to: Missing You and instead of 20 lines the poem has now only 14)
Terra Incognizant

(Title changed to: Different Life)

(Title changed to: Shawn – Dedicated to Shawn Sept.12.99 and the poem adjusted to the poet's need) I think I'm more upset by this one than any of the others!
A Faded Rose

(Title changed to: The Pefect Date)
Hand In Hand

Ready For Love

(Title changed to: Endless)
Endless Blue
Michael Anderson

Ok guys, I'm off to bed. I still have too many emails to write tomorrow!


Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
13 posted 2002-02-28 07:18 PM

Thank you Munda! Oh gosh...I guess we better get this kids attention right? I'm going to email him.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
14 posted 2002-02-28 07:23 PM

Page 2 of his list of poems claims that the following poems were submitted by the respective poet. I'm not so sure:

These are some poems that people
have submitted to me -
If you would like to submit your own, email me
[[email protected]]

Within Me[by Kathleen Sheppard]

This Kiss[by Martini]

Things I Love About You[by Anthony West]

Wedding Poem - Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow[by Kit McCallum]

Could You Be The One For Me?[by "LoveBug"]

Evermore[by "Desperado"]

Returning Home[by "JP"]

Marriage Views[by "Bleeding]

Lip Print[by Joel "The Wolf"]

Last Night[by "CMGrimm"]

Dream Of Me[by "Sven"]

First Time Love[by "Lonely Shadow"]

An Angel Cared[by Dan McDonald]

Forever[by Kristi Lynn]

Petals Of A White Rose[by James Haley]

Drying Your Tears[by "Hoot Owl RN"]

Dream[by Nicole Boyd]

Eternity Of Your Love[by Milette Addison]

Whispering Winds[by Marge Tindal]

My Perfect[by Carl Rimmer]

Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
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The Hague, The Netherlands
15 posted 2002-02-28 07:31 PM

Heck Sharon! Most of these I recognize from the main site! (Nope I'm not asleep yet! )
Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada
16 posted 2002-02-28 11:19 PM

Ron, thank you for clarifying the "registrar" side of things. That goes far in explaining why on a few occassions, my e-mail was forwarded by "the registrar" to the person I was truly hoping to reach in the long run.  In a sense, "the registrar" helped me reach the person I hoped to, but had missed without realizing it.  

Regarding cases of multiple copyright infringement, I have tackled several of the situations as noted above where multiple poems I am aware of have been plagiarized, whereby someone has copied several of our resident poets "as a group". In these cases, I note to the plagiarist, that I wish "my specific poem" to be deleted on the grounds of copyright infringement, and at the same time, will comment and link several others if/when I am aware that have been written by other Passions' members, pointing them out specifically. I make a point of suggesting that they address all other copyright issues while deleting "my" poem. This is usually enough to embarass the offending party and they will often immediately delete all copyright infringements in one fell swoop.

Munda ... please feel free to e-mail me anytime.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
17 posted 2002-03-01 08:59 AM

I told this guy that I have contacted the poets he plagiarized and they and/or their attorney would be in touch with him. Haven't had a response yet.
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191
Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
18 posted 2002-03-02 09:40 AM

Are the posts still up?
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612
Hurricane Alley
19 posted 2002-03-02 10:02 AM

I sent another email to this guy and an email to Yahoo/Geocities. I suggest that individual poets do the same.
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
20 posted 2002-03-02 10:10 AM

I have also e-mailed the person listed on the site you listed~

I do a search on a weekly basis ... and do attempt to courteously request that either the poem be removed immediately - with notification sent to me that it has been done or if I approve of the site where my poem has been used - I will write asking that the appropriate Copyright information be applied with a link back to my e-mail address.

MOST often I have made some really good friends with the request and the site owners are willing to comply with my instructions.

In a FEW incidents - the site owner is somewhat belligerent and refuses to remove the Copyrighted piece in question ... DUH !  And at that time I show no mercy ... I CAN and DO notify all sponsors on the sites AND have my attorney contact the site owner with explicit instructions and a time limit for removal.  That has certainly been most effective for me.

We all need to stay diligent in our searchs and notify any other poet when we see their work also used in violation of the Copyright provisions.

I DO want to know if and when someone sees one of mine somewhere else ... without the proper Copyright notifications giving me credit for what I pen.

And searches in the forums for plagiarized work is something a couple of us (that I know of) do on a regular basis.

Thanks for the opportunity to respond to this post and you searchess ... GREAT WORK~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

21 posted 2002-03-02 12:24 PM

This topic has come up before several times and each thread had long lists of some of Passions most respected poet's work that was stolen from the main site... I questioned then whether or not I wanted my work posted there.(I have several on the waiting list as Ron upgrades) Now that it seems he's about to do that with what I've read about Aphrodite in recent days... and after reading all this, I again am having second thoughts. It seems this happens at the Main site more than the forums?
And yes, I realize its a chance we all take posting on-line but, I'm wondering if having the poems there on the main site is "worth" all this time and effort that it seems to be in tracking your work and getting it resolved? Can someone who has work posted there tell me your thoughts on this...or offer the upside that makes the risk worth it?

Also ... could or would this be a helpful deterrent?  I have been to poetry and lyric sites where there was some kind of block wrote in the software that you cannot "cut and copy" anything on the site...No lifting and leaving...I wonder if that would help here ... My thought is if they are too lazy to write their own work...then wont most be too lazy too type all these things in themselves?
Just a naive hope, perhaps.

Thanks for listening. Good luck to all of you who have to deal with reclaiming your work. I'm sorry you have to go thru this.
mothy me

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since 1999-10-08
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The Hague, The Netherlands
22 posted 2002-03-02 01:54 PM

Janet Marie, All this must sound awful and I do understand your hesitation.

It so happens one of my poems at the main site does get copied a lot. Often with the proper credit given (although it would have been nice to be asked first), sometimes without any credit given and unfortunately it also happens people pretend it to be their own writing, change it to their own needs and very rarely it happens someone submits it somewhere else signing it with their name. All this is not very pleasant and causes a lot of correspondence I shouldn't have to write, but... if you compare it to the replies given by readers, the very kind emails I receive, the requests to use this poem for their wedding vow and "thank you, your poem helped me to translate my feelings to my loved one" I assure you it's very much worth it.

I suppose it's the flip side of having poetry on PIP's main site. After all Passions in Poetry IS visited by more readers than you and I can imagine, but if any of my poems can make a difference for someone, I'm happy and that makes it all very much worht while.

By the way, it also happens poets from the main site do get asked for publication. Cool isn't it?

Anyway, I suppose it's a choice you've got to make. You can play it safe by not having any poetry on the main site and have little to no risk of illegal copying, or share your poetry with the world, which obviously means you have to keep track of who's doing what with your poetry.

Personally I love the main site. Often I've received emails from readers that touched me deeply, or left me with a smile upon my face.
I'm pretty sure with the next update of the main site another poem I wrote might get copied a lot and will force me to write again and again and again. Alas! So it be, because it's nothing compared to the long list of readers who do respect and enjoy your work.

Ok, I'm off writing some more emails. Nope, I'm not complaining and even though plagiarism upsets me every time, I still believe it's all very much worth it. Come to think of it... perhaps I should be flattered so many "steal" it... right? Right!

since 1999-09-11
Posts 478
Washington D.C.
23 posted 2002-03-02 02:42 PM

a question for marge?

"In a FEW incidents - the site owner is somewhat belligerent and refuses to remove the Copyrighted piece in question ... DUH !  And at that time I show no mercy ... I CAN and DO notify all sponsors on the sites AND have my attorney contact the site owner with explicit instructions and a time limit for removal."

really just curious here... what do you or your attorney intend to do if the poem isn't removed in the time limit?  

has that ever happened?  


Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
Posts 14774
Ontario, Canada
24 posted 2002-03-02 05:09 PM

Janet Marie ... I whole heartedly second Munda's comments. Although I have dealt with many copyright issues on a personal level, the responses received both directly in the poetry posted at the main site, and the direct e-mails received as a result of people reading at the main site ... are so incredibly heartwarming. To me, it by far outweighs the issue of plagiarism.

I have met hundreds of people via the main site through direct e-mails. I have shared their heartache, listened to their stories of how they related to something they'd read, and I've responded to each in return. It's been a truly wonderful experience.

From a time standpoint, I search via Copernic and Google about every 2 to 3 weeks and address any problems I find at that time. Copernic lets me create a little database if you will, of key phrases from each of the poems I want to search for so I don't have to recreate it each time. They are each saved and easy to retrieve.

I use Copernic's search, and at the same time, copy the phrase easily into Google's advanced "exact phrase search" and review the findings there. Often google will still pick up items Copernic does not. Here's a link to review that software - and you can download it for free ...

I have template letters already made up, so when I do find an issue, it doesn't take much time to copy my Word text into an e-mail and send it off.

You may remember that I once wanted to remove one of my posts from the main site due to personal issues, but I decided to leave it, with much help and encouragement from my friends here. Funny thing is ... "that" poem has turned out to be the most rewarding work I've ever posted at the main site. I guarantee you ... it will remain there as long as the internet and Ron are still going strong, lol.  

  LOL ... just a little main site cheer!

Member Elite
since 1999-10-08
Posts 3544
The Hague, The Netherlands
25 posted 2002-03-02 08:14 PM

First of all: Thank you Kit for your help. You sure made my work a lot easier. Soon we'll know if it helps too. ~evil grin~

Once in a while I stumble on something on the internet I must share with others. This particular site most likely never asked any of us for permission to have our poems up there, but at least each and every one of us is given proper credit. Heck, the site looks quite nice too! But... hehe you knew that was coming... check out this link and read the comments above the poem pages carefully. Anyone familiar with the main site will recognize them immediately. ~evil grin~ I'm sorry Ron, but this really made me
I bet ya didn't know you have a double uh Ron?  

I shall send the person an email first thing tomorrow, informing him/her our wizard may not be too pleased with this, but... but... heck, this is really too funny!

LOL I found it Nan! I must remember... page 2... page 2...

[This message has been edited by Munda (03-02-2002 08:32 PM).]

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

26 posted 2002-03-02 08:49 PM

Munda & Kit ...
thank you both so much for taking the time to reply to me and give me the benefit of your experiences. I'm sure the good does outweighs the bad, and it is worth it. Frankly... after reading all this and thinking about it, I'm not sure I will worry about it...if someone is intent on it, let them live the lie, I know they are my words. No one can take that from me ... naive perhaps, but then I'm sure until it ever happens to me, I dont know how I'd react. I'll hope I wont have to find out. I did some Google searches and was overwhelmed by how many pages of results come back to wade thru. I only did a few and so far anything that turned up were things I had given my permission on. Mostly friends here who asked me if they could put something on their webpage.  I already spend way too much time on this computer, I cant imagine chasing down all this info.
Anyway...thank you for sharing and listening.
I believe this is one of those things until it happens to you, one cant know how it will effect them.
peace and poetry

Member Elite
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The Hague, The Netherlands
27 posted 2002-03-04 02:16 PM

Janet Marie, you'll see... it will happen to you, but it still will be worth it. Go for it girl!

Update on the Poetry on the Web site:

I wrote this person an email (yes, I was kind) and it turned out this page was a project for a HTML class. Sam had no idea this site was public, but would love it to be in the near future. At the moment the site is "under construction" and it's my guess PIP poets will receive emails soon with a request for permission.

That's all folks!

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
28 posted 2002-03-07 03:52 AM

Sorry .. I forgot to check back to this discussion -jenni wrote~
a question for marge?

"In a FEW incidents - the site owner is somewhat belligerent and refuses to remove the Copyrighted piece in question ... DUH !  And at that time I show no mercy ... I CAN and DO notify all sponsors on the sites AND have my attorney contact the site owner with explicit instructions and a time limit for removal."

really just curious here... what do you or your attorney intend to do if the poem isn't removed in the time limit?  

has that ever happened?  

I have a very stern Copyright attorney ... he has successfully had my Copyrighted material removed from two sites, where the owners had pretty much told me to go take a leap~  The legalese he sends is enough to get them comply.

AND were it not to happen that we were successful in getting the work removed - we would file Copyright Infringement suits.

Thanks for asking, Jenni~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
29 posted 2002-03-07 09:15 AM

Well ... not only does this one have your greeting cards Ron ...
but copied to a 'T'~

Includes the poetry cards with the following authors - PoetdeVine, Ron Carnell, Lia Fail, Angel Towe, Andrea Hill, Colin Ramage, Nancy Ness, Tara Simms and Jason Silverthorne.

My poem, 'A Tear Fell' is also used on this site and I have written the owner a letter already.

The contact e-mail address listed is -   [email protected]

Arghhhhh !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

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Queensland, Australia
30 posted 2002-03-07 06:36 PM

I have never been plagerised, as far as I know. Should I be relieved or insulted?


Oh and it looks like our simplyangelic is gone. Each time I tried to go to his site I got the Yahoo message taht says the site diesn't exist!!!!

I wish you every happiness and may you always have the best of the good things in life.     a brand

[This message has been edited by Dee (03-07-2002 07:17 PM).]

Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley
31 posted 2002-03-07 07:08 PM

The NERVE! Sigh. I wrote him and I'm sure Ron will too.
Masked Intruder
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32 posted 2002-04-11 02:47 AM

Kit, Sharon, Ron, Munda...?  Do any of you mind if I quote you in a speech I'm giving on Plagiarism and the Net?  You've all given great examples, and many good sources that I would love to use.  You'll all be up in a few hours, and I know that at least three of you will check this forum, so let me know when you get a moment.  k?  *grins*
Masked Intruder
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Near golden sunsets
33 posted 2002-04-11 02:47 AM

PS:  You'll all be properly cited for your words.  lol
Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
34 posted 2002-04-11 05:31 AM

LOL ... you've got this question in two spots Philip. Covering all bases ... I like that, lol.

It's fine by me.  

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