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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
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0 posted 2000-05-11 03:35 PM

This is true and just happened a while ago. It was the most amazing thing.

The storm was raging outside
Thunder clapped and lightening flashed
The lights began to flicker
And my hopes had all been dashed

I also had the same storm
That was raging from within
I couldn't fight my way out
Didn't know where to begin

Had to shut the puter down
Because inpending danger
And spent some time in His word
To which I'd been a stranger

I sat among the thunder
As His word to me did speak
I then bent down on my knees
Felt the storms both getting weak

On my knees, head bowed in prayer
I found slowly, sweet release
Storm outside and in my soul
Were soon calmed by God's great peace

It just seemed the strangest thing
Both at once the storms were still
The one inside and out
Were quieted by God's will

I soon cried the tears of joy
There was calm inside and out
And I thanked the Lord above
For bringing this peace about

I was reading the Bible and then bent down to pray and as I was talking to God the raging storm outside and the one within me seemed to stop simultaneously.  I heard the birds singing and the calmness outside after the storm is what I finally felt on the inside.  There is just no peace like that of the Lord.
I tried to describe that in this poem, and I hope it came across.  Thank the Lord  

I think His message was Be still and know that I am the Lord


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ellie LeJeune
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King of Prussia, PA USA
1 posted 2000-05-11 04:15 PM

Dearest Rebecca; I am so happy for you!! I have sensed this happening with you and have been praying for His Grace to bring it to an end. David and I were both praying for you. "two or more agree....".
Rest in the arms of God now and enjoy the peace.
This is a beautifully written poem, and the message loud and clear. You said it in the last sentence.. "BE still"....Love, Ellie


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2 posted 2000-05-11 04:55 PM

Rebecca, I love you! Thank you for this peace from storms within and around. Jesus is so sweet. He loves a yielding soul such as you have. Without a word to anyone, I sensed your storms, you have been in my prayers too. I am going through storms myself now, I ask your prayer for me. This was lovely written, so humble and with the love of Jesus abounding in your spirit. Amen.
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
3 posted 2000-05-11 05:10 PM

Ellie I thank you for your prayers! Though I felt that peace I still have a long ways to go.

Marcy I thank you also! My dear I shall pray for you too. I hope your storms will soon end and that once again soon you will hold peace and joy within!

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since 1999-09-21
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Sycamore, IL, USA
4 posted 2000-05-11 05:36 PM

Rebecca, this is beautiful!  I'm so thankful you feel the peace and what better picture can our Lord give than the one you described raging outside.  God bless you and thank you for writing and posting this.  Love, Mom
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New York, USA
5 posted 2000-05-11 05:49 PM

Oh Rebecca what a beautiful perfectly you described the very worst kind of storm.  So glad to see you're walking in sunshine again.  His light does bring us peace, doesn't it... Bonnie
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6 posted 2000-05-11 07:03 PM

  Isn't wonderful how that God can both work out and orchestrate the needed blessings in our life without & within--and your poem greatly illustrates that truth.  Yes we have been concerned for you, and yes we have been praying too.  The God of Heaven is not deaf to such cries of those seeking help or a closer walk with Him.  God bless you-Peace dear Friend,   David

 "GOD GIVES- but man must open his hand." (German Proverb)

Member Seraphic
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7 posted 2000-05-11 11:24 PM

He is amazing in how He works! This is beautiful, Rebecca! I love those happy endings!   'Be still and know that I am God', that's one of my favorite verses....don't know where it is at in the Bible at the moment, but it is one of those that speaks to me all the time!

Love ya

Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
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TEXAS (it's all big)
8 posted 2000-05-12 12:10 PM

this be so true yuh i love it when God zaps an answer to my prayers tho i dont mind waitin either yuh great poem
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
9 posted 2000-05-12 12:15 PM

Mom what can I say? It was the darndest thing! When the storm quit outside I felt better inside. I felt the calm of the outdoors and the praise within. It is was wonderful!

Bonnie it sure does! Nothing else like it, now if I can just keep it around forever  

David thank you for concern and prayers! I really appreciate that. (But y'all was talking about me weren't ya? LOL)  

Denise it is found in Psalms, sorry I can't give the precise location at the moment and I'm just to lazy to look it up    LOL
Thank you my friend HUGS!

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
10 posted 2000-05-12 12:37 PM

He sends us the calm for sure ...
but we must first reach for His umbrella of love.

He shelters us in His loving care and we have to be humble enough to let Him know when we need His calming reassurance.

Bless you, hon.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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11 posted 2000-05-12 03:21 AM

The poverty and powerlessness that you experience in your everyday life is explained by the statement in the Bible 'you have not because you ask not," James 4:2  There are times when you've failed to 'pray without ceasing' and the result is a feeling of defeat and the inability to handle daily problems and situations.  "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end--a future and a hope.  Then shall ye call upin me,..and pray unto me, and I will hear..,when ye shall search for me with all your heart."  Jeremiah 29:11-13  ALl youhave to do is LET GO of what is driving you up a wall. "Know thyself"  Much anxiety is not clearly defined. It's mystery deepens emotional pain.  When you understand your tension, then relax.  Release your grip on tension.  Set yourself free from worry and care.  God says. "Throw all your anxiety on Me for I really care and think about you and am sensitive to your needs."  1 Peter 5:7  A humble heart is the key.  An objection to faith in God is, "Ive tried to pray and I don't feel I am getting through to God.  My prayers seem to hit the ceiling."  Only two answers apply to this dilemma.  The first is that prayer is missing the mark because it is insincere, superficial and lacking genuine faith.  The other is that God isn't listening and cannot help.  The latter is unacceptable.  God is, can and will!  "But those that come to God must believe that HE is, and the rewarder of those that diligently seel Him,"  the Bible says.  "Those that come to God will not be turned away,"  Jesus said.  The key that unlocks the access to God has always been a humble heart!  God knew when it was time for the raging storm inside to stop, He was merely waiting for you to humbly pray about it.  The outside storm was probably His way of saying prayer is what you need to do right now, not any other things.  Praise the Lord that He has calmed the raging storm inside of you!  You expressed everything so well in the poem!  God bless you and keep you in His arms!

Grandma Amy

 ``Some have learnt many Tricks of sly Evasion, Instead of Truth they use Equivocation, And eke it out with mental Reservation, Which is to good Men an Abomination. ''

- Benjamin Franklin

since 2000-02-29
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12 posted 2000-05-12 03:00 PM

Excellent Rebecca!
What a powerful testament to the living God! Thank-you for sharing this. Your message was described beautifully, and came across just like you hoped it would. Peace that passes all understanding.

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13 posted 2000-05-12 05:20 PM

It's amazing, all the diffrent ways He speaks to us. Thank you for reminding us.

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245
14 posted 2000-05-12 06:01 PM

Walt ya snuck in there, thanks bud   I love it when He does that too!

Marge you're right. I was sliding back long before this, I seem to fight with bouts of depression. It's so hard to explain, it's seeing where you are and thankful for what you have, but not being able to get where you know you should be. It is very frustrating to say the least. Every storm we go through has a reason, and I guess this was just another one I had to go through. He finally calmed that storm and I am ever so thankful for it! I feel like myself again  
Thank you Marge and Hugs to ya!

Kavika I've hit that ceiling many times. LOL It's funny you mentioned that. That is exactly how I had described it too.
I know it is us that walks away and never God. For He promised he would never forsake us nor leave us. I never stopped praying, but I sure did let him slide from 1st place to something other than first. Things are better, and we all have our down falls.

Thank you all for your concern and prayers and for putting up with me while I went through this.  

Lovebug it is truly amazing what he does to get our attention  

God bless you all! I love ya!

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
15 posted 2000-05-13 11:18 PM

Having watched your storm rage, my friend, I'm glad it's expressed it beautifully in your poem...and have given us all a lesson in letting go of the turmoil we have inside us....thank you for sharing this with us, Becky.  
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