Passions in Prose |
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Lady Luck, Gypsy Rover and the Gambler |
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049California ![]() |
Lady Luck, Gypsy Rover and the Gambler Tory calls me "The Lone Ranger" because I wear a black mask to bed. I hear him creeping towards me. He says, "stick em up, stranger," as low and gravelly as he can at age four. There is something cold poking me in the ribs. I put my hands up. He sits on my stomach, then pulls off my mask and bends and kisses me. I can smell Cocoa Puffs on his breath. Tory still holds the spoon that had been poking me. "Now, be my mommy," he commands, pointing it at me. *** Tory was born because of a dream. I was twenty five and a college drop out. Each day was the same. I worked in a cramped office that always smelled like the disinfectant they used in the restroom down the hall. Everything there was dull except my old brown desk with the brown desk blotter. It covered the only interesting things in the office; carved names, etched hearts and the peace sign. It made me sad to think about the lives that desk had known. I would imagine how they looked and what circumstances brought them to tell their hearts desire to the desk top. I knew that Mark loved Julie. "Love is timeless happenstance", he had carved into the desk so deep that pieces of eraser had become trapped in the inscription. Sometimes I would amuse myself by adding more of my own. I wrote "Life’s a *****", and "What’s it all about". A receptionist in the personnel office of J&B’s Janitorial Services was not always busy. Jeff, the guy that I had been going with since I was a senior in high school, had just told me he wasn’t interested in getting married, not to me anyway. He said, "I need someone with more ambition," what he meant was that he needed someone who was willing to be his partner in the climb up the corporate ladder. He had just graduated from college with a masters in business administration—BS is what I called it. I just wanted a simple man who loved me. We would make babies and each night after dinner we would tuck them in and then nestle like two spoons in the drawer of life. I didn’t care about money or prestige. I guess I was a throw back from the 50’s. I wanted to bake apple pies and sit on the living room floor playing monopoly. After I told Jeff all this, poured my heart out to this jerk, and basically proposed, he told me that we wanted different things. I should have seen it already, but you know what they say, love is blind. I started having the dream right after we broke up. I called it "The Gambler Dream". Every night it transported me to Gamble-town, USA, where I was Lady Luck. In the dream I was very popular and very rich, two characteristics I scorned in real life. So, why did I keep having it? I got this idea in my mind that the dreams would go away if I went to Las Vegas. I guess I thought of them as a kind of unconscious message from God saying, change your life and move on, girl, before the brown desk is your only friend. *** In Las Vegas I lived in a very un-pretty apartment in a sleazy part of town. It was all I could afford. I was still having the gambler dream and it was driving me crazy. I was feeling pretty ridiculous about this plan I had for getting rid of them. That was when I decided I needed to do something even crazier, act out the dream. I went to a casino and decided to see what happened when I stood next to different people who were gambling. I started keeping track of the odds; how many wins, how many losses, you know, like that. I never gambled myself and it first I was self-conscious about just standing around but I kept at it. I’m not bad looking. My hair is thick and dark and I’m tall. A woman alone in Las Vegas isn’t unusual, but guys kept trying to pick me. I’d usually tell them I was waiting for my husband. Sometimes I would be standing next to someone who was throwing a lot of money around and they would win. This scared me a little. I began to really believe I had some super-natural power that caused them to win. My obsession of pretending to be Lady Luck worked though. The dreams stopped. In the dream the primary motive of the gamblers was greed. In real life I found that most gamblers just enjoyed the fun of taking chances. I liked the gamblers that were pure of heart the best because I figured that winning wouldn’t change them. I could tell which ones they were because they emitted what I called "sweet heat". I guess you could say that I could see their aura. Now that the dreams had stopped I felt that if I stopped being Lady Luck something bad would happen, something worse then the dreams. The security people at the casinos got suspicious of me because I stood around so much and didn’t gamble. I came up with some disguises so they wouldn’t get suspicious; the harlot, the librarian, the sophisticated lady and my favorite, the sweet young thing. The sweet young thing was soap and water skin-glow and hair in a pony-tail, the perfect ploy. The casino didn’t sleep. It had no mask. Sometimes I thought of it as a living breathing thing. Its organs were the slot machines and gaming tables, its blood, the people who played. Standing beside those accouterments of hope I would watch for the gambler. I got pretty good at knowing about a person just by looking at them. Believe me, there are many different kinds of people in Las Vegas. One was old and dressed in yellow polyester, another young, clean shaven and fragrant with optimism. She was a woman in tight pants with stiletto heels and ample rear or a man pock-marked by youth and disillusioned by love. One night I had been moving around as usual, sniffing out the place for perspective gamblers. I was dressed as the "sweet young thing". I spotted him right away. He was tall and blond. I could tell he was a winner. He had an aura about him that was more then just "sweet heat", it was definite physical attraction. This guy was calling to me. I tried not to look at him, but as I stood there I could feel the hairs on my arms yearning in his direction like some kind of electrical charge, that’s how powerful the pull was. He turned his blue gaze at me before he threw the dice and when he won I got out of there fast. *** I got a job as a showgirl named Gypsy Rover after Hugo the stage manager won while I was standing next to him. He was so happy and excited that he latched onto me like a friend. He looked at me with adoration and said, "you’re show girl material, darlin’, I know, I’ve seen a lot of them. Can you dance?" He insisted that I go in for an audition that night and I did. I needed a job and to my surprise they thought I was good. "I knew it, you’re a natural," Hugo said. I dressed in gold net with sequins at the nipples and belly-button. Strings of gold fell from my hips and would dance with the air from the fan in the corner. "Gypsy, my pretty one, you are sooo gorgeous!" Hugo always said. He had helped me think up the stage name. "Gypsy Rover" was an old Irish folk song that he loved. He would tilt his head back and look up to see my face and say, "How about you and I do a little Tango together after the show?" The attempts he made at a lecherous wink always made me laugh. Being a show girl seemed glamorous at first, but it was a lot of hard work. We had to practice daily, keep in shape, watch what we ate and put up with the ogling of sweaty men. I made pretty good money and was able to move into a nice condominium built around a lake. It was peaceful there. I had a cat I named Cobb. He had been hanging around since I moved in. One day when I was bringing groceries in he snuck in through the open door. I found him curled up on top of the dryer in a basket of clean underwear. Pretty soon he meowed his way into a bowl of milk and after that he was mine. I made a kitty door for him and he came and went to his own time clock. One day he came in with a fresh warm piece of corn on the cob, buttered and everything. That’s how he got his name. I would sit in the patio that was green with plants and colored with flowers and tune in to the classical station, close my eyes and let Chopin take me to another place in time that was definitely not Las Vegas. I liked it that way, with just me and Cobb, no complications. *** After the incident with the tall blond gambler I realized that I was lonely. I didn’t want to get hurt again but my hormones were obviously raging. Just to get the idea of men from my mind I called Jeff the Jerk. I told him all about being a show girl and owning my own place and how happy I was. You should have heard him after that. "I didn’t know where you went," he said. "I’m sorry, I made an awful mistake. I miss you. Can I come see you?" It was all so pitiful. "Look," I said. "I’m the same person now as I was then. You said you didn’t want me and now I don’t want you." Then I hung up the phone. The very next night I was in the casino dressed as the librarian. I pulled my hair back in a tight bun and I wore makeup that took all the color out of my face, no lipstick or eye stuff and glasses. In my straight up and down dowdy skirt and jacket and sensible shoes—I was p-l-a-i-n. Then I had that feeling again. There was a flutter in stomach and a kind of general aching for something. I spotted the tall, blond gambler standing in the lobby looking around the casino as if he were looking for somebody. I walked right by him and he paid no attention to me. He was looking for a woman I could tell. He had that rigid attention of an animal in heat. I followed him as he walked through the casino, searching faces and questioning the guy at the roulette wheel where he had won the other night. I followed him out into the hot Las Vegas parking lot and to his black Toyota pickup truck. As I watched him drive away I remembered the words I’d engraved in my old friend, the ugly brown desk. "What’s it all about?" I continued to play Lady Luck at least once a week to keep the dream from coming back and five nights a week I was kicking high in the chorus line. When I danced I didn’t pay any attention to the audience, you can’t really see them very well because of all the bright lights. I was dancing as usual when I felt that twitchy feeling again. I looked down at the audience, the first row was really all I could see and there he was. I could tell he was looking at me. My focus on the sway of the music was lost and my legs turned to jelly. Luckily we were almost done and I managed, by keeping my eyes on my friend Lulu. "What’s wrong?" she asked as we walked single file down the hall to the dressing room. "You look like you just saw a ghost and you lost step, you never do that." "I’m OK. I guess I’m just tired," I lied. Walking to my car later from the stage door exit I saw a black Toyota pickup. I looked around and there he was again leaning against the fence watching me. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to get involved with anyone and as he started walking towards me I was saved by Jeff the Jerk who hurled out of nowhere and grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. I did some fast thinking. If I screamed or hit him then the tall blond gambler would probably head over to rescue me. If I let him hold me, the tall blond gambler would figure I had a boyfriend and disappear. As Jeff held me I watched my aching heart throb turn with disappointment on his face and walk towards his truck. He looked back one more time before he got in and drove away. It wasn’t until his truck turned the corner and was out of sight that I pushed Jeff away then took my bag and clobbered him. Several days later I was jogging as usual when I saw the tall blond gambler sprinting towards me. I couldn’t believe it. I thought he would have left town long ago. This was more then just a coincidence. I felt the "sweet heat" coming from him as he passed and I wondered if he could feel the magnetic pull he had on me. It was too late to turn my face, he was already looking at me with those bright blue eyes. He turned around and started jogging with me. "I saw you the other night, remember?" It took all my will power to say, "Listen, I’m really not interested in conversation right now, besides I think you were headed in the other direction." "I just need to tell you, ever since that night I’ve been thinking about you. I thought I saw you in the line up at the show and I waited for you. Was that you? You looked so gorgeous. I couldn’t take my eyes off you and then I waited in the parking lot and….anyway that night when I won so big, well, after you left, I went on to play black jack. I was feeling so lucky, you know, but I lost every penny." He was talking fast, as if he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to get it all the words out before I disappeared. "So?" I said with my best negative nonchalance. "Well, I wanted to find you again. I’ve been looking everywhere. Don’t you see, there’s a connection somehow, I feel it." He was so cute and so earnest. Could winning have changed him? I didn’t think that was possible. A pure heart was a pure heart and something about him made me believe that he was not just feeding me a line, that he really wanted to get to know me. I couldn’t let that happen. I was afraid he might ruin the safety of the life I had created. I didn’t want a man in it. "Look", he said as if reading my mind. "I don’t believe in Lady Luck, if that what you’re thinking and I know you have a boyfriend, but I could feel this energy coming from you, I don’t know, it’s hard to explain. The magic I feel is more like a spiritual connection." I could feel the magic too, in the melting power of his blue, blue eyes. "Just give me a chance. Lets stop somewhere and get a bottled water or nutrition drink or something. What do you say?" That was just so cute. I’d been asked out for drinks many times, a few times for coffee but usually for alcoholic drinks, never for bottled water. The clincher was what he said next. He said, "I’ve been having this dream about Las Vegas, you see. It takes place in a casino and has to do with love at first sight." How could I resist? I knew all about dreams coming true; besides, Lady Luck shouldn’t be afraid to gamble, Lady Luck always wins, doesn’t she? *** Tory has fallen back to sleep beside me, his cowboy pajama top bunched up and no cover against this cold New England winter morning. His hand is still curled around the spoon and a dream tugs the corners of his mouth up. As I breath in his warmth I feel like Lady Luck again, knowing that Tory inherited the "sweet heat" from his father, who was the tall blond gambler and is my husband. If you don’t believe that dreams come true, I’m proof that they do; and also, you know that old fairy tale line about living happily ever after---It can happen. |
© Copyright 2000 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved | |||
Dark Angel Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095 |
Martie, wow, this is excellent writing dear, you had me captured all the way through. I had no idea what was going to happen. Loved the happy ending ![]() ![]() Enjoyed it immensely! Maree |
Romy Senior Member
since 2000-05-28
Posts 1170Plantation, Florida |
I stayed interested from beginning to end! Great love story and beautiful writing! |
Marge Tindal![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384Florida's Foreverly Shores |
Martie~ Awesome Brilliant Captivating Damned Excitingly Freakin' GOOD ! Heartrending Intoxicating Kute (well, I already used C ) Lovingly Melodramatic Nestling Of Prose Quixotically Rendered Story Telling Uniquely Vivid With Xtra (so I'm not perfect) Yearning Zest In other words - Thank you for sharing this piece. The opening is classic - it lead me where you wanted me to go ... Love n' hugs ~*Marge*~ ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~ [email protected] |
Poertree Senior Member
since 1999-11-05
Posts 1359UK |
that was lovely Martie, it must've been pretty good, i let my coffee go totally cold reading it thanks P |
Wilfred Yeats Member Elite
since 2000-08-04
Posts 2704Wilmington, Delaware |
I cannot remember when a short story held me so totally captivated - this is fabulous! I loved it loved it loved it! |
Janet Marie Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554 |
ahhhhhh ..... so many Martie words to take in ... what a treat. I have never been to LV or a casino ... but now I feel like I have, your gift for detail and drawing the imagery for us is so well defined and mastered at this point, that I think you could write me anywhere and take me there ... Very unique and imaginative view in this as well, a different theme than usual for you, which made it even more of a treat ... I hope this is begining of more prose posts from you. It gives me my daily requirements of Martie words ![]() you dont want me to go un-nourished do you?? ![]() ![]() later-my-queen-of-prose-and-fiction-gator me |
OLIAS Senior Member
since 2000-06-20
Posts 1090Pearl city Iowa |
Thank you for sharing this "Happy ending" with me, I enjoyed every word, you have a natural talent. Regards, Olias |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049California |
Maree--I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. Debbie--Thank you for such a nice reply. Marge--every! Philip--sorry about the do have microwaves in jolly old England, don't you...seriously, thanks for the read, I appreciate it. Bill--I'm so so so glad you loved it...thanks for letting me know. Janet--happy to have taken you on a trip to Las Vegas...this isn't a resent story...I need to start writing more fiction...I seemed to be fixated on poetry. Olias--It's nice to have a happy ending once in a while...I'm glad you liked it. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Great. Simply...great. The editor in me took over...but the reader in me told the editor to take a hike... but if you ever want to publish me, I'll edit the minor details [very minor] because the rest of it SHINES.... hugs, Karilea If I whisper, will you listen?... I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound. KRJ |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
Martie, this is PERFECT! It's about time I read a story with a happy ending!! This really made my day. Thank you for posting it. I hope to see a lot more! ![]() "Where there is great love there are always miracles" -Cather "Love heals everything, and love is all there is"- Zukav |
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