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since 2003-05-28
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Looks like Vero Beach, FL until the end!

0 posted 2006-11-09 12:43 PM

Thank you Del.  It's me "Sherry Lea Johnson".  I was trying to think of something to write for the 11/10 birthday to surprise my husband and thats what I came up with.  You have helped me out with your poems for my plaques and continue to send us great works.  You are certainly welcome to send it to anyone.  After all, it was written for everyone past, present and future, who was part of the Corps.

Written by Sherry Lea Johnson


For all of those who fought and died,
And, for those who have survived.
Sometimes what's dealt in life is rotten,
But, their Corps pride they've not forgotten.

To our brotherhood we will always hold,
Doesn't matter if we are young or old.
Gone from this earth or in another land,
We're sure that you will understand.

Although we are not there with you,
Within our hearts our creed holds true.
You have left no one behind,
My brother, you just bought us time.

Though you may not be here for the celebration,
You will look down in admiration.
Of the tradition that we all hold so dear,
We know, dear friends, your soul is here.

So on this day
Whether here or there,
We want you to know brothers,
That we still care.

So here's a toast to one and all:

You can contact Sherry at [email protected]

the rest are by me, Abe

November 10)

Eight years after they were formed
At the end of the Revolutionary War
All the Navy’s ships were sold
Marines and Sailors were no more.

Then, in Seventeen ninety-eight
The Marines once more came to be
And they fought Barbary pirates
Along the “Shores of Tripoli”.

During the War of Eighteen Twelve
They defended Washington
Along with many other Operations
Before that War was done.

They served in the Mexican War
And among Battles that they fought
One to the “Halls of Montezuma”
Alongside General Winfield Scott.

“Bull Run” during the Civil War
And blockades at Cape Hatteras
At New Orleans and Charleston
And Fort Fisher toward the last.

The Spanish-American War
The Boxer Rebellion in China
Fights in Cuba, Mexico, Haiti
In Nicaragua and Panama.

On the Battlefields of France
The “Devil Dogs” earned their name
And many thousands killed or wounded
In World War One’s deadly game.

And most of us know their stories
About the Heroes of WWII
There’s some seem impossible
But we all know they’re true.

During the War in Korea
Twenty-five thousand gave their all
Fighting many gallant battles
Answering our Country’s call.

“The Cold War” found them everywhere
In countries all around the Earth
Trying hard to keep the Peace
And showing all their worth.

In Sixty-Five they landed in Da Nang
With eighty-five thousand “in country”
They served with Pride and Honor
Although our Country would not see.

On their Two Hundred Thirtieth Birthday
We have them serving in Iraq
As well as so many other places
To try to hold the Terrorists back.

Maybe someday there will be Peace
And Good Will on Earth and more
But until then lets all give Thanks
We have the United States Marine Corps.

Del “Abe” Jones

Semper Fidelis

On the tenth day of November
In Seventeen seventy-five
Two Battalions were formed
And the Marine Corps came alive.

The Continental Congress
Had passed a resolution
For a landing force for the fleet
A new Navy Institution.

Since that day so long ago
Through all conflicts of our Nation
They’ve fueled stories and folklore
And stirred the imagination.

They’re usually the first to go
The “spearhead” of the fight
Some who heard they were coming
Have turned tail and took flight.

They’ve offered up, gave their All
And that continues to this day
Standing tall, marching forth
To show others, Freedom’s way.

Del “Abe” Jones

(Iwo Jima)

Said a Vet from Nineteen forty-five,
”Men were dying by the score.”
An eyewitness to a famous Battle
Immortalized forever more.
Quartermaster on a LST
“Eyewitness to a sad, horrible day.”
“A slaughter right there on the Beach”
Is what, this Veteran had to say.
Coast Guardsman Robert Resnick
Was more than just a witness there
He  furnished the Stars and Stripes
In that picture all generations share.
A symbol for the Marine Corps
Cast in bronze for all to see
The Flag raised on that mountain top
Is part of our Nation’s History.
One of the bloodiest Battles of the War
Fought for thirty-six days and nights
More than twenty two thousand Japanese
In one of the Marines fiercest fights.
The first part of Japan we invaded
And as Resnick’s ship sat on the beach
Marine Gagnon asked him for a Flag
And a long pipe to raise it’s reach.
They lost their sight of the Marine
As he headed to that Mountain top
Amidst the gun’s bullets  flying
That never, ever  seemed to stop.
As they began to leave the Beach
A tremendous cheer went all around
And, “Every ship tooted it’s horn.”
As they raised the Flag that he had found.
For years another was credited
Until the year, Two thousand-one
When at a Fifth Marine Convention
The Marines learned he really was the one.
A big, old  Marine bellowed out,
“Do you really mean to tell me,
That you never realized that you
Won that Battle, single-handedly?”
The President of the Fifth Marines
Made him an honorary member
And as they did some tears were shed
As they all began to remember
About that day sixty years ago
Up there on Mount Surabachi
When the Stars and Stripes were raised high
Was still a vivid, cherished,  memory.

Del “Abe” Jones


These four young Men from our State
Have paid the Price, Supreme
They gave their All in the Pursuit
Of Freedom, every Man’s dream.

They did what all Marines would do
And have since the Corps began
They stood Tall and gave their Lives
To Protect their fellow man.

This small Tribute that we give
For those Heroes in our Heart
While we know they would say,
“Just doin’ our job!  Our part!”

Del “Abe” Jones

I wrote the preceding after receiving the following >
My husband and I are hosting a Marine Corps Ball in remembrance of 4 young Marines from our state that were killed in battle and we were wondering if we could use your poem.  We may put it on a plaque for the families of these brave young men. Credit will be given to you.

Thank you
Sherry Johnson


There are so many little towns
That make up this great nation
And the heroes from them
Boggle the imagination.

Those who answer the call
In peace and wartime’s strife
Who give of themselves
So, we can live this life.

Some go and fight those wars
Some die, some hurt, survive
But all that they believe in
Is what keeps freedom alive.

It’s all those little towns
And people who live there
Who stand and fight for freedom
For people,  everywhere.

Somebody’s dad or brother
Husband, daughter or son
Mother, sister, cousins
We all, know someone

Who, when freedom was threatened
Here at home, around the world
Were determined to insure
Freedoms flag remained unfurled.

They believe and fight for
The things this world needs
They might not always win
But they’ll have planted the seeds.

In time of peace or conflict
There’s always a price to pay
And today, we pay them tribute
On this Veterans Day.  

Del “Abe” Jones


Del "Abe" Jones
Mankind's greatest accomplishment is not the revolution of technology, it is the evolution of creativity.

© Copyright 2006 Del - All Rights Reserved
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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-06
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Deep in the heart
1 posted 2006-11-09 01:48 PM

You don't have to write a book, just say Semper Fi, mac, and the Leathernecks from Tun Tavern to Baghdad to Heavens'streets and everywhere in between will get it!

Senior Member
since 2003-05-28
Posts 694
Looks like Vero Beach, FL until the end!
2 posted 2006-11-09 06:45 PM

Sorry you had to go through the pain of reading (although you really didn't have to)!

Del "Abe" Jones
Mankind's greatest accomplishment is not the revolution of technology, it is the evolution of creativity.

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Member Elite
since 2003-02-20
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Saluting with misty eyes
3 posted 2006-11-09 07:14 PM

Thank you.
Semper Fi

You may burn my flag... only after you wrap yourself in it first.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2006-11-10 02:59 PM

You always *gift* us with such stirring pennings~

Ask Sherry Lea Johnson to join us here at PiP~

Thank you for sharing~

~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -         [email protected]     

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