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Member Empyrean
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0 posted 2006-08-25 10:20 AM

June Bug

A June bug circles around me
and lingers long within my space.
What does it see in me?
Could I be a root, smell of dirt,
or the long dangling green of grape?  

It suddenly stops on top my head
within the tangles it becomes so quiet
I think it must be nibbling
on the fabric there.

I swing my head and disrupt the lodging
then it moves just inches from my eyes
and I feel the flutter of its noise.
Just a beetle, yes....but something more
is in that iridescent green,
for its beauty cannot be denied
and touches something deep inside.

Within the fast dart of its breeze
I look at it and it at me.
If there's a soul connection there,
could be the fragrance of my hair
or something more?

© Copyright 2006 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-06
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Deep in the heart
1 posted 2006-08-25 10:34 AM

I don't much like those bugs...
I can understand, however, why you might attract them

Fool, said my Muse to me, look in thy heart and write.

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
2 posted 2006-08-25 10:49 AM

"If there's a soul connection there,
could be the fragrance of my hair
or something more?"

~ Methinks it be "something more".

Lovely penning, Marti Flowers!


Member Elite
since 1999-09-21
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Sycamore, IL, USA
3 posted 2006-08-25 11:10 AM

Simplicity in depth is this cute bug pondering write.


The Lady
Member Rara Avis
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The Southwest
4 posted 2006-08-25 11:39 AM

it's definitely something more

delightful work!

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
5 posted 2006-08-25 11:43 AM

I agree with all the rest, it must be something more.

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
6 posted 2006-08-25 11:51 AM

That is where we differ dear lady, for to me it just found a soft, and lovely place to land.  You have to get inside its head and figure out its universe, thank goodness.     Lovely write Martie.
Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
7 posted 2006-08-25 01:40 PM

Like you, when they look back,
I interpret that as curiosity
and camaradarie.  Giving one
another space and comfort, and
allowing that inquisitive glance.

You've also left me wondering,
"what's next!?"  

Bonnie j
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8 posted 2006-08-25 05:44 PM

In June and July we have swarms of those little bugs in flight. They seem to be in a daze when they land, for they do not move, then by accident they die when set upon.
Last winter a little mouse was cornered in the bathroom by my cat and dog. I looked at the tiny might and thought Oh! How little and cute you be little mouse. With eyes bright and little pink ears. I said to mouse "I'm sorry mouse but I think you are going to die. If I let you go you will only come in once again and be caught by the furry kids." I felt so sorry for mouse. I let mouse go, butlater kitty caught a mouse.
But! Back to the June Bug. Sometimes we have them so heavy they have to lime the streets.
I have to say I think they are YUCKY>
Good poem

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
9 posted 2006-08-25 06:17 PM

(giggles in delight) It may just be being a Triple Water Sign personality that I feel this way, but I've always had such a close, non-verbal kind of rapport with all kinds of living things, and often feel like I can relate to them more than most people! (smiles) For instance I've always loved ladybugs and boxelders and fireflies, and always love talking to them when I'm alone and they can really bring comfort to the day, yay! (sigh) This is beautiful, sweet friend, yay, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Martie, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other"

Mother Teresa

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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10 posted 2006-08-26 02:46 AM

I do so enjoy the way you see things, Martie!  *hugs*
Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-29
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South Africa
11 posted 2006-08-26 05:16 PM

Martie - I so enjoyed the read but can't say I'm too partial to bugs and, if the truth be known, I probably have my full share of "soul connections".  That aside, I too like the way you look at things because it's a very special way.  Keep looking.

Member Elite
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The Hague, The Netherlands
12 posted 2006-08-26 06:38 PM

What I love most in this poem is how it shows you are able to see the beauty of all life, be it great or small. May you never lose that talent.
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Member Laureate
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South Carolina, USA
13 posted 2006-08-26 10:30 PM

Perhaps a long lost relative now back as
a June Bug?  

Either way,  your picturesque panorama
is always a treat to see and read.

since 2006-02-07
Posts 477

14 posted 2006-08-30 08:20 AM

"A June bug circles around me
and lingers long within my space.
What does it see in me?
Could I be a root, smell of dirt,
or the long dangling green of grape? "

I was just bugged this afternoon.
My precise thoughts and questions

A Humourous piece.

Greatly enjoyed.

Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296

15 posted 2006-08-30 09:12 AM

I don't like Bugs very much dear lady, but your poetry, now that's something I love...and to comtemplate a bug, to me, shows the wide eyed heart of yours....

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
16 posted 2006-08-30 09:13 AM

Well ... my little 'JuneBugOfAReply' seems to have flown away from where I 'thought' I had placed it here ... did you catch it ?
Here it comes again~


Love you sweet lady~

~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
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Member Rara Avis
since 2003-01-23
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Visiting Earth on a Guest Pass
17 posted 2006-08-30 09:37 AM

Yes, it could.....

You bring such simple things to life! I was wishing for something bright and happy this morning, and Voila! A Martie poem appears....

You're a good way to start any day, but on this one in particular, I truly needed a lift. You bless this place.

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

Member Ascendant
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18 posted 2006-08-31 04:43 AM

Marti, I have always loved the worms, lady bugs and praying Mantis. Snakes do not make me cringe.  Tiny frogs, the "peepers" dot the lawns on rainy days and send out little duck sounds. The first I saw this happen I worried so about how the little things would go back to where they came. I forsaw millions of tiny dead frogs left covering the lawn. It seemed they came down with the rain! Gofer Turtles drop their eggs upon the ground, then flick some sand behind them to cover and without a backward glance go off and leave the nest to me. A substitute mom to turtle eggs! So you can see  that your story poem meant a lot to me.  Thank you for sharring your caring soul. martyjo

[This message has been edited by latearrival (08-31-2006 07:06 AM).]

Member Elite
since 2002-06-15
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Ohio, USA
19 posted 2006-09-01 04:45 PM

so was this an August June bug?  Wonderful Martie
since 2003-09-08
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on the way to next world
20 posted 2006-09-01 05:28 PM

June bugs in any season, there is always a world of topics including the insect world and fragrances...

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