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Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light

0 posted 2006-07-22 11:03 AM

Artist: Angus McPherson

Sea of Sorrows
~ Linda L. Dowd ~

Prevailing winds doth cast prickly seeds
of unrest upon this dreary road I trudge.
I yearn for but a single mome of respite,
~Lest I perish in this hell that
be not of mine own choosing.
This journey of darkest night
be lacking the light of moon and stars
and I be blinded by mine misfortunes,
for I cannot see the way to light of day.

I beseech Thee, God of Infinite Love,
to cast mine demons into the roiling
Sea of Sorrows that I might smile
the sweet smile of babe baptized.
I shall soak up Thy benevolence
and brim once more with Holy Waters.
I pray for the return of peaceful order
to mine torchered existence.

Forgive me Father,
for mine lamenting, woeful ways.
May joyful rays of sun soak up
these briny tears I cry,
so that I might return
to harmonious living
in Thy blessed land
of milk and honey.

Love is the unifying force which integrates
one’s soul with that of another.
~ Linda L. Dowd

[This message has been edited by Earth Angel (07-22-2006 12:09 PM).]

© Copyright 2006 Linda L. Dowd - All Rights Reserved
Tom Zart
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1 posted 2006-07-22 11:39 AM

Great poem I wish that I myself had composed it really a good job of writing.
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2 posted 2006-07-22 01:00 PM

I am here if you ever need someone..

If at first you don't succeed destroy all the evidence that you tried.

Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
3 posted 2006-07-22 01:19 PM

We're all here holding you close though this trying time Linda.
Sending love and light your way, Nancy

Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
4 posted 2006-07-22 01:54 PM

Tom ~

Why, thank you, kind Sir! I appreciate your comments and find them very flattering ~ and gratifying!

Love & Light,

Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
5 posted 2006-07-22 01:58 PM

Ceinwyn ~

I know you are, darlin'! I am working through my sorrows and losses. I woke this morning with these words pouring out of me and begging to be put to paper, so to speak.

Fear not, my friend. I brim with Holy Waters rather than sink in a Sea of Sorrows! I am flowing with the tides of life ~ though they be somewhat low with the recent passing of my Mom.

Love to you!

Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
6 posted 2006-07-22 02:01 PM

Enchanting One ~

You are so sweet, kind, caring and loving. I appreciate your warm and compassionate ways.
I am getting past these troubled times and the waters before me appear much smoother.

God bless you!
Loving hug,

passing shadows
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7 posted 2006-07-22 05:20 PM

still praying for you Linda
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Lumpy Oatmeal makes me Crazy!
8 posted 2006-07-22 06:59 PM

Lovely writing and I am thinking of you.


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2006-07-22 07:07 PM

This is such an earnest pleading~
So beautifully done~

Holding you and yours in prayer vigil until the roil of the sea diminishes~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
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Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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10 posted 2006-07-22 07:44 PM

Linda, sending many rays of light your way.  KBHBLY.....lily jo
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11 posted 2006-07-22 10:28 PM

I agree with those before me on this read.
Please know if you need a listening ear you know where I am.
Hugs and love to you and yours.
Keeping the prayers going strong for you.


Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things,
man will not himself find peace."

Albert Schweitzer,
Nobel Peace Prize Wi

The Lady
Member Rara Avis
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The Southwest
12 posted 2006-07-23 02:09 AM

A beauty, Linda! I am holding you in my

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13 posted 2006-07-23 10:53 AM


   I thought I'd read just one a day, and it is yours chose; to find this, I was shocked.  I am so sorry to hear of your mother's Earthly passing.  To have raised a daughter as wonderful as you, I know that her passing will be a great loss to her friends and community, as well.  My thoughts will be with you.

   An intensely beautiful poem, Linda.  Lots of love sent your way...


Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
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14 posted 2006-07-23 02:15 PM

Even when you write of sorrow, your light shines bright, my dear Linda. The soul knows of beauty and will carry you through...

Love and hugs and peace.

Mistletoe Angel
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15 posted 2006-07-30 02:33 PM

(angel friendship and sympathy hugs) Oh Linda, I believe He will absolutely forgive you for your commiserations, as He himself is a Father, and loves you and all of His Earth children very much, and I believe if anything, He absolutely understands what it's like to lose someone so special, as Jesus suffered ever too much, experienced too much grief and pain, and I can imagine it was ever too heartbreaking for Him to see all that His son went through, yet His gift to the world is cherished and honored to this day, which makes me believe love is a memory that can never be taken away and is forever etched both in the stars and in our hearts! (wipes tear) I believe God is relating ever so well to your loss right now, and that's why the stars keep shining and the sun keeps rising, to let you know and rest assured their loving light will forever guide you and shall never dim! (heart hugs) God Bless You, dearest friend, I can absolutely understand how difficult it is to enjoy a birthday as much as you want to in times like this, but here's still hoping you have as happiest a birthday as possible, we're always all here for you, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Linda, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other"

Mother Teresa

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
16 posted 2006-07-31 12:10 PM

My friends ~

Your warmth and generosity of spirit is adding some life to my own.

I do not give a cursory glance to replies that I receive. I absorb them and incorporate them into my being. They are food for my soul and I am always grateful for the sustenance.

As is part of the human equation, I have been  presented with many lessons and opportunities for growth in this lifetime ~ and in several others!   The repository of knowledge ~ and hopefully wisdom ~ is the well from which I draw my poetic ink.

Loving you all!

Member Empyrean
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
17 posted 2006-07-31 06:30 PM

Hugs...may God take you in his arms and comfort you...James
divine chaos
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dancing 'neath the moon
18 posted 2006-07-31 06:40 PM

I don't know why on earth I didn't comment on this the first time I saw it, but I've been a bit more scattered than usual lately.
Linda, this is absolutely lovely.  My heart goes out to you for your loss - may God carry you on wings of angels and strengthen you with His love.  


By words the mind is winged

Klassy Lassy
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19 posted 2006-08-01 01:07 AM

Dear Linda,  

I am sorry you have lost your mom, and I understand your dad passed not long ago, too. You've written a beautiful prayer. God's tender loving presence holding you through the tears. He holds your loved ones, too!  The promise is that he keeps you in all your ways, and you are never alone.

Something that helped me when my mom passed is a truism:  "I am not what you see."  This saying is true of us now, here on earth, but it reminds me that because we can't see our loved ones with our eyes doesn't mean that they no longer have essence.  What makes them ours remains always, right along with the love.  

Much love to you and prayers for peace and healing!  You have a wondrous heart, Earth Angel.  

~ Karen   

Member Rara Avis
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South Africa
20 posted 2006-08-01 02:01 AM

Dear Linda - No sea of sorrows can withstand the awesome rays of the sun of love and it will dry up one drop at a time.  My thoughts and prayers are with you still.


Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
21 posted 2006-08-01 08:15 AM

Thank you, sweet souls. With friends like you, I am rallying and gathering Spirit Light to journey on.

I wrote this poem after my Mom passed and on the eve of my father joining her in Heaven. It was a very low point for me emotionally.

Life continues and I must make the best of each blessed day that I am given. My parents would have wanted me to "get my wings back", so to speak. So, I am up and at 'em and getting myself emotionally back on track!

Klassy Karen, that you for sharing the story about your mother. That was very, very special! ~ as are she and her daughter!

Love to you all,
Thank you!


Senior Member
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Ohio, USA
22 posted 2006-08-02 07:52 AM

Praying for you, Linda...


“We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best that we can find in our travels is an honest friend.” –Robert Louis Stevenson

Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
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23 posted 2006-08-02 10:14 AM

Percolating indelible portraits of jaw dropping
Events…really causes us to need a tow boat at times
As storms gush and try to turn over our ship of life
Yet, we’re long distance, Linda, are we not?

Powerfully written…
and know you ya

Larry C
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24 posted 2006-08-02 03:48 PM

How I feel your pain and sorrow. I have always found consolation in the "grief without growth is pain without purpose" lesson that I have learned. But mostly I just found comfort and release in the writing. Peace.

P.S. I think you meant for "torchered" to read "tortured".

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
25 posted 2006-08-02 04:08 PM

Ben Lee & Larry ~

As I sit in my basement with a Tornado Watch in effect, I write this reply to the three of you with appreciation.

Thank you! ~ and love & hugs to all.

(Oh the winds are mighty and the skies are black!!!)


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