Open Poetry #38 |
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Abe Senior Member
since 2003-05-28
Posts 694Looks like Vero Beach, FL until the end! ![]() |
HEROES, EVERY ONE! More than we should care to count With more added every day The death toll from this hapless War Is far too high, a price to pay. We were convinced by false words From those in whom we put our trust Were told for the safety of our Country That invading Iraq was a must. But our Nation seems no safer And many feel that things are worse As we lose more friends around the World And become a Land to hate and curse. Our Troops are the bright shining light Who will go there and risk their all Each of them, a true life Hero Men and Women, standing proud and tall. Most all of them are only kids The way Wars always seem to be The young are sent to fight and die For the sake of Democracy. But, as the body count keeps growing And the real truth becomes more clear People and Troops are finally asking “What are we really doing here?” The Taliban are coming back And Osama still has his plan We should have finished what we started When we went to Afghanistan. But we diverted our attention And caused another breeding place For all kinds of terrorists and nuts The scourges of the Human Race. Maybe sanity will soon prevail And let us hope it’s not too late To end this and bring Troops Home Before they know that deadly fate. For, no matter how each of us feel About the politics of this War We’ve sacrificed enough Americans For the answer to, “What for?” Let’s bring them back and Honor them And not forget when War is done Treat all our Veterans as we should As our Heroes, each and every one. And there’s not enough praise To give all those who gave their life And all those wounded and maimed Left with the pain of Wartime’s strife. 5-24-2006 A National Moment of Remembrance On Memorial Day That poem about where “poppies blow” And, “the crosses, row on row” Still rings true, these ninety years After written, still brings tears. We still have Dead, “amid the guns” And lose our young and our loved ones Those who lived, “short days ago” Who, “felt dawn, saw sunset glow”. In Flanders Fields, “the poppy red” Still grow near where the blood was bled They, “Take up our quarrel with the foe” And still die for Freedoms that we know. They pass, “The torch” to, “hold it high” And not, “break the faith with us who die” For they, “shall not sleep, though poppies grow” Beneath all those, “crosses, row on row” In Flanders Fields. 4-25-2005 Many places and people lay claim to being first to celebrate our Memorial Day but it is a time for all Americans to come together to Honor our War Heroes from all Wars.A three day weekend when we should all pause a momentand remember them as decreed by President Clinton in the year 2000. I have “stolen” some partial lines from the famous poem “In Flanders Fields” written by Canadian John McCrae in 1915. Info about McCrae and poem at and/or Visit for Flanders Fields Museum MEMORIAL DAY A time for picnics, time off work Vacations and the "Indy" A holiday, too often times We forget what, it should be. A time to pay respect to those Who rallied to the battle cry Who gave their lives for liberty Those freedoms for you and I. Such a waste of brave young souls Some still struggling through their youth Who faced and fell willingly Before wartimes' awful truth. So as we share this holiday With our friends or family Take a moment to give thanks to Those who died so we'd stay free. Let us strive for world peace For the end of greed and hate For next time, after "the war" It just may be too damned late. FREEDOMS' MEMORIAL This day is set aside to honor those who took the chance to die. But they have died in vain if we ever forget the reason why. Freedom can be like time slipping away before we even know. But we all have the choice more, a duty to battle freedoms' foe. Let us give thanks this day to all those brave who paid the highest cost. Not take it for granted and realize it easily could be lost. Memorial Day We've Troops around the World Who put, their Life on the line And sometimes give their All For, Freedoms of yours and mine. But now, it seems much different We ask them, in another’s name To Protect their Freedoms, too And Sacrifice, like it’s the same. But, you can’t give Freedom away It’s something, you must embrace And it may not always work In, each and every time and place. We can’t change centuries of life And ask our Troops to lead the way To place their lives in jeopardy Just because, the Politicians say. But now, that we are in this mess It must be seen through to the end And a Prayer said, for those who die Amongst those brave souls, we send. It’s so sad at this year’s Tribute We must add, all those Names we do With the hope, that someday All these Wars will be through. A DIFFERENT CALLING (post 9-11) This year the "Memorial" has changed It's different than those past A different kind of war From a different, "stone cast". The battle is at Freedom's doorstep With heroes of a different kind Now, all of us are "Soldiers" Against, the terrorists "sick" mind. Civilians have always been A part of every war But, in this day and age We must do, so much more. If we expect to win this Battle We must all join hands In a strong, determined circle With, Freedom lovers from all lands. This world has changed forever "The American Way" There's so much more at stake Than, the way we live and play. Since 9-11 we're learning The horrors of this world Can even come to where Freedoms Flag is, unfurled. This day was meant to Honor All, Military Heroes have endured Now, we all could join their Ranks If our resolve, is not assured. So, let us all take a moment To respect all those, "Fallen" And vow, we're all up to the task Of this, different "Calling". Del "Abe" Jones Del "Abe" Jones |
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since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
It is so important to remember all who have sacrificed their lives. I'll not go into whether or not they fought 'freedom's' battle or some other kind of war. But Abe, I thank you for reminding each of us that this upcoming holiday is not about BBQ's and kegs of beer. |
latearrival Member Ascendant
since 2003-03-21
Posts 5499Florida |
Thank you Abe. martyjo |
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