Open Poetry #37 |
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From Stage To Stage |
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since 2006-04-06
Posts 386 |
Your constructive remarks are welcome. From Stage To Stage O stage, thy beauty: painted props' affair With false fronts baked with colored lights aglow And mimicking rhymes of a river's flow Mid mocking twinkling stars and moon that's "square!" O stage, mid thy sets characters of "air," With high priced tags around pride's quid pro quo, Enact a kiss beneath fake mistletoe- And final rites: tiers of cheers, ... encores' flair! O stage, thy crepe and colored papier-mache` Attract crowned critics with craned necks' acclaim, Who wear "cool clothing," there to pen and weigh! O stage, the real's not lived within thy frame And cage, but life's stage and it "ain't no" play; Although in life, some stage ... a phony game! [This message has been edited by BROTHER JOHN (05-12-2006 04:43 PM).] |
© Copyright 2006 BROTHER JOHN - All Rights Reserved | |||
Seymour Tabin Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720Tamarac Fla |
BROTHER JOHN What do they say, judge not least ye be judged. Enjoyed the read. |
XOx Uriah xOX Senior Member
since 2006-02-11
Posts 1403Virginia |
::applauds:: Another great piece of dialogue from another delightful scene within the Divine Play. Wonderful |
since 2006-04-06
Posts 386 |
Dear Seymour, Aye, I see you know scripture. This is from the Sermon On The Mount. The word, judge, that is used there is very special. The Greek verb is krino. Its noun form is krisis. So many of our English words are Greek in origin. If you change the k to a c in the noun form you get crisis. Now in looking up the word crisis in the dictionary and then going to its root, we see that its root means: to decide. In the Hellenistic world, krino and krisis were used in judicial terms as well as many other ways of speech. In biblical studies a word has to be interpreted in light of the context. This is true of many of our words today. The Master also said, "By one's fruits one is known." That is not the exact quote but near it. So I guess I am inspecting fruits. No, I am in no way "condemning the theater!" It is a great form of art and creativity. The picture that I used is only a poetical way of setting the "stage" for the closing lines of the poem. It's just a gray background with no thought of "condemnation." By the way, in graduate school, I had one year of ancient Greek language. At the end of the year, "it was all Greek to me." lol "If you do not use it, you lose it." Only a shadow of this remains. Life is filled with decisions as you know and every thing I read on PIP, I make a decision and everyone who reads my lines makes a decision. Only a corpse makes no decision. But I read no one's work to condemn the person who wrote the words. But I do inspect their "fruits" and, of course, they do mine. I look at most of my writings and say, O my, did I write that junk~! lol It is filed in "File 13!" lol More to be filed!!! Thanks for your reading and comments. BJ [This message has been edited by BROTHER JOHN (05-13-2006 01:43 AM).] |
since 2006-04-06
Posts 386 |
Dear Uriah, Thanks for reading this. When I read your writings, I see so much of my thoughts reflected. I like that sacred way you put things in their simplicity. The Divine Drama is beautiful and far from complicated. Blessings on you anew! BJ |
Enchantress Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113Canada eh. |
A most excellent read. Very well done! Hugs~Nancy ~ Trace my body with your words, |
themute Member
since 2006-05-08
Posts 469Maryland |
the people whos acting is not on the theatre are the worst people of all, liers. a read worth reading, thank you |
since 2006-04-06
Posts 386 |
Dear Enchantress, Thanks for your kindness. As you know, the fulfillment, in writing a poem, is the writing of it. There is just joy watching it being born. Once it comes forth, a lot of work still remains and my readers help me to attend "my baby." I still think of the poem you wrote with the man watching the sea. That one is me and I am very near that sea of eternity, age wise. |
since 2006-04-06
Posts 386 |
Dear TheMute, You have honored me by taking time to read these words. At times, it seems as if "someone" is writing through me. You know what I mean. A lot of work comes after the main idea does and I find my poems are always under construction. This I do not mind since something new in some form comes forth, an idea for another poem, etc. Blessings on you! |
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