Open Poetry #37 |
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If God Built Robots |
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WindWalker Senior Member
since 2001-10-12
Posts 1218 |
‘Tis said God made man in his image, which included the gift of free will -- Is it so wonderful to have free will? Why would a creator god grant such a gift? Seems to me since “god” isn’t talking I have to look at time and history to get my answer to such a weird question: Why did God give free will to man, especially knowing what the future would bring? Ah well, it's quite simple you see: God is probably the smartest inventor of all -- and he knew if he made robots and they malfunctioned - he'd have to act on that; he'd have to take responsibility for his machines - either fix them, re-design them or destroy them. But if he gave man "free will" it was the perfect cop-out: whatever man does now is not God's fault -- man has free will and he can do whatever he wishes -- or so we are supposed to think... until we stub our toes on the Ten Commandments! Say what? Thou shalt not do this or that? But, I thought I had free will -- that I could do this or that and not have to worry about the creator's feelings -- so what is it I'm not getting? Do I have free will, or don't I? If I do, there are no laws, and there's no sin! But if there are divine decrees, laws, taboos and there is punishment for breaking these in some way, then obviously, I don't have free will. Not a bad scam, God. And you got away with it for many thousand years -- until now. "Fess up: the game's up. You've been found out. You've lied to, and royally cheated, earth humanity so you could set up a bureaucracy of religions to milk the saps for all they were worth. Thanks for nothing, God. See you in hell: another place created in your image? |
© Copyright 2006 Sharran WindWalker - All Rights Reserved | |||
Edward Grim Senior Member
since 2005-12-18
Posts 1154Greenville, South Carolina |
Wow, you're attacking everybody: government, God. Who else will it be? Let's see, anarchy (check), paganism (check); oh I know, how about racism! That's the one you're missing. I feel that you are very cynical and much too cantankerous to even listen to, no offense. |
XOx Uriah xOX Senior Member
since 2006-02-11
Posts 1403Virginia |
I like the way you dare to pull back the rug and study the filth that lies hidden beneath. I prefer to see it as peeking through the rent in the veil of the Temple. Yeah, those COMMANDMENTS cause many to ponder. Good thing about it though...They are not "suggestions" or request that we should attempt to execute. They are what they are...COMMANDMENTS. Things that have been COMMANDED and therefore SHALL come into being. They were placed in the Ark of the Covenant. Also known as...The Ark of PROMISE. ::smiles:: And since they were COMMANDED... I see them as the TEN PROMISES. imo ::bows:: |
StevenS Senior Member
since 2005-09-21
Posts 945L. A. (Lower Alabama) |
WindWalker, the truth lies under a mountian of lies and misconceptions. I believe God gave us free will because he loves us and for the same reason he gave the Jews of old the Ten Commandments. He looked upon them as his children and commanded them not to do things that would hurt them. Much like I tell my own children Thou shalt not play in the road or Thou shalt not hit thy siblings. Jesus came along later and explained it's all about love but there again the truth is still buried beneath a mountian of lies and misconceptions. Your right to question! Your on a quest for truth, I think God likes that!...A lot! :-) |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
LOL, I enjoy your sassiness, and have had similar rants. Indeed, the free will card IS the perfect cop out. ![]() |
Honeybunch Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-29
Posts 7115South Africa |
Yes, I have to agree with Steven - it is all about love because when you love, the whole basis of your life changes for the better and the ten commandments automatically become your own. The style of life today makes love much harder to come by but without free-will we could never choose it and so aspire to own it as well. We will never know the absolute truth but God (in whatever form we choose to regard him) certainly helps us along the way to finding our own truth and, yes, it is a rocky road that he takes us on. He mostly works with what we can understand like heartache and illness, violence, etc. We are in his image - spiritual image - but so far down the evolution ladder from him here in this transitory phase of life which I'm sure is largely meant to be enjoyed. It's always good to think and rant as well. Enjoyed your write ... and your frustration! |
JamesMichael Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336Kapolei, Hawaii, USA |
We have free will to make choices... we live with the consequences of our choices...good or bad...James |
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