Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296
08:05 AM
Was it those serial installments fat-catting her lobby, of decrepit flesh? smiling wryly in recognition of warm friendly front steps?
ohhh, those peel and prepare expressions on that face looking back at hers…like a back door picture, remembers the wars, we never speak about, but know they’re there?
He calls & the nightmares begin again She wishes empathy at best But all she can muster is regret...
Some years later, she smelled the shrugs in his mind…walking with rags bemused that life was fine…while folding up blue lights of his Friday night missions the ones that cracked her windows & shattered trusting mirrors bringing 7 more years of bad feelings, trying to fad way a raised black and blue eyebrow that turned her heart into a melee
She played it by ear, sucking on nerve any crooked crumbs that spelled a musty nicer word…was good wine in his hands drifting him back to a magic moment where ego feels so darn warm and graceful while cradling darkness which was rapidly waning the hum of unfamiliar roads leading to his hideaway…in a place most never go
He calls & the nightmares begin again She wishes empathy at best But all she can muster is regret…
Even now, she smells his faint but hellish grudge, that vomits her, to face the sounds of his voice…she rushes to close today, to sleep…to forget like falling through a manhole & coping with matters of mocking regret…snapping her jaw clean in two…her pleas sounding pathetic and feeble
He called and the nightmares began again she prayed to feel sympathy, empathy, something but the nightmares of cages returned in walls of sadness embarking trains of refrain
Deeply tucked in the recesses of a new & better life drifting back to magic moments of childhood, embracing Christ a new voice gargles her morning routine, having a second chance at days she had forgotten
Holding her head higher now, earning her own money being brought back by some power of infinite longing while she finishes her cigarette, and closing the door behind she feels the once bidding fear, turn into amusement
there is a passage into womanhood, she never knew existed, an attachment growing while drifting into thoughts, of sultry independence that once forgotten glow, shyly returns upon her daily mundane chores that allow and touch her heart, knowing each sunlight hour
closing her eyes, to allow the words to well across paper…from pen knowing no more alarm, just the sage of joy and sadness that knocks on her door waiting to hear her say, “come in”
© Copyright
Lee J.
- All Rights Reserved
Dark Stranger
Member Patricius
since 2001-03-19
Posts 13631
West Coast
08:22 AM
hmmm ms lee j..you do it so nice, how you open your guts so pretty and let the woman show on her stage of mirrors a pleasure to read you
Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215
Realms of Light
09:24 AM
"and closing the door behind she feels the once bidding fear, turn into amusement"
~ and that is when one begins to live life with grace... 
I always appreciate how you "allow the words to well across paper".
With love & hugs, Linda

Member Ascendant
since 2004-04-01
Posts 6128
Texas, USA
10:28 AM
I think its been said: “Into each life a little rain must fall.”
Well It’s what we DO with the rain that makes us what we are. And you my dear are a PEACH. Great write Lee J. Big hug!

XOx Uriah xOX
Senior Member
since 2006-02-11
Posts 1403
04:49 PM
::smiles:: toll free
Member Elite
since 2003-05-30
Posts 3665
05:40 PM
There is acidity here..but the write is all..enjoyed your words Lee..thank you..
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
06:20 PM
"there is a passage into womanhood, she never knew existed, an attachment growing while drifting into thoughts, of sultry independence that once forgotten glow, shyly returns upon her daily mundane chores that allow and touch her heart, knowing each sunlight hour"
The way you experience life so fearlessly really impresses me. 