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Member Empyrean
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0 posted 2006-02-17 01:22 PM


Swallowing the cross
From the mud and muck of loss
I scratch the surface of victory
And regain my warmth by tenacity

Yet the daze is haze of fresh start
That I control by just being smart
And not sweating the little stuff
Not feeling the coat’s rough

I can’t sing this durge again
With the peach tree blooming finally
Wanting her to be proud of me
Lost in the capture of a shadow that’s been
Keeping me finding the sun or any ally
Again and again I’m hit by the fever
Of trying to place my spirit into eager

The way I remember it was just open
And out it comes with the first minute
Not laying claim to anything broken
But I can’t find it now spoken even
And somehow laying down in the sun
Is easier then standing up in the rain

Needing to be washed to clean again
I try to stain my skin with a blossom
And find instead the molding petals
Rotten swimming in the mulch of days
Hidden wrinkled within the keep
Of how many ways are there to remember
It only blooms in February

Loose now this bewilderment
I say this to myself today now
It is time to clean vision of cloud
And be aware of lifting the shroud
With the joy of peach blossom tears
Made of pink love and eight years


In memory of Michelle with thanks to Karilea for the help with the photos

[This message has been edited by Martie (02-17-2006 02:40 PM).]

© Copyright 2006 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
Member Patricius
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By the Seaside
1 posted 2006-02-17 01:38 PM

My throat contricts and my heart tightens up when you write of Michelle with that special kind of love that only a Mother can feel.  It's almost like turning the pages of a scrap book, where she and you both mark the time of your lives.  You keep her memory alive in the most beautiful way, and your words are deeply felt.

Love and warm hugs to you, Martie~

Gentle Spirit
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2 posted 2006-02-17 01:46 PM

Martie, I echo what bluesy said, and she said it so well...
through your words we all share in your love and pain.  Hugs sweetie.  

Member Rara Avis
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Durban, South Africa
3 posted 2006-02-17 02:13 PM

You see, Martie, even the peach tree loves you and understands about Michelle and wants to comfort you the way we all want to.

- Owl

Member Empyrean
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4 posted 2006-02-17 02:34 PM

Thank you Lori, Donna and Diana, I appreciate your words so very much.  Sorry that the photos were messed up earlier when you read...Sunshine has fixed my mess for me now...thanks sissie!!

The peachtree was given to me by the 2nd grade class that Michelle was in when she died.  It bloomed every if it was her, waving at me each year.  I made it into a memorial of sorts, until it died, about four years ago.  When that happened, it was almost as if Michelle died again.  The tree in the photo came up from a seed that the original peach tree dropped.  Which only goes to prove the spirit with which I love, which is forever.  Love never dies!

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Out Making Anticlines
5 posted 2006-02-17 02:53 PM

This brought me a tear~~the happy kind, since that tree and its history was the reason for this poem.


Dark Angel
Member Patricius
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6 posted 2006-02-17 05:20 PM

smiling at you Martie, at Michelle and the peach tree.

you know i love this

m xx

how i would love you, love you as no one ever did! Die and still, love you more. And still love you more..and more

Paul Wilson
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7 posted 2006-02-17 05:46 PM

Martie...Tenderly written as only you can do.
While reading it I thought Michelle had helped you plant it, but then I read your explaination.

I'm sure you will nurture and care for the tree that came from the seed, just like you will always nurture and keep alive the memory of Michelle...Paul

~~To share my poems with you is to share my heart with you~~

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Member Patricius
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8 posted 2006-02-17 06:48 PM

good read
Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
9 posted 2006-02-17 06:53 PM

Keeping me finding the sun or any ally
Again and again I’m hit by the fever
Of trying to place my spirit into eager


Miracles are wonderful happenings,
aren't they.  A very, very good friend
just the other day said...

watch for the miracles

and spriiinnng! up pops
another one!

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L. A. (Lower Alabama)
10 posted 2006-02-17 07:03 PM

"And somehow laying down in the sun is easier than standing up in the rain."

I can sure relate to that. Well done Martie!

Member Laureate
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Between the Lines
11 posted 2006-02-17 07:53 PM

"With the joy of peach blossom tears
Made of pink love and eight years " never dies


Member Elite
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in the shadows
12 posted 2006-02-18 12:59 PM

"With the peach tree blooming finally
Wanting her to be proud of me"

You should believe that she is.


Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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13 posted 2006-02-18 01:44 AM

....Oh, my.....    
Member Elite
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Ohio, USA
14 posted 2006-02-18 10:21 AM

Martie - we see and hear Michelle though your wonderful words - you write so wonderfully and she touches all our hearts - Paul
Larry C
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15 posted 2006-02-18 11:41 AM

I felt this deep in my soul, very deep.

And be aware of lifting the shroud
With the joy of peach blossom tears
Made of pink love and eight years

And in so doing you celebrate her life. I am here thinking of you there wanting so much for you to know how much I care about you and feel your pain.

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Member Laureate
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Florida, USA
16 posted 2006-02-18 11:51 AM

Oh my sweet Martie!! I got as far as your reply reading and then my eyese teared up. I was on the verge before I got to your response, but that did it, Lady.

I agree with what the first replies keep your Michelle's Spirit alive with your love. This proves it even more........

"The peachtree was given to me by the 2nd grade class that Michelle was in when she died.  It bloomed every if it was her, waving at me each year.  I made it into a memorial of sorts, until it died, about four years ago.  When that happened, it was almost as if Michelle died again.  The tree in the photo came up from a seed that the original peach tree dropped.  Which only goes to prove the spirit with which I love, which is forever.  Love never dies!"  

With love and hugs to both you and Michelle,

The Lady
Member Rara Avis
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The Southwest
17 posted 2006-02-18 04:59 PM

"And somehow laying down in the sun
Is easier then standing up in the rain"

A truly beautiful memorial Martie.

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South Carolina, USA
18 posted 2006-02-18 08:46 PM

Martie, one thing she has done is given you
such powerful feelings that you share with
us...I know you will always miss her and I
also know that the pain of loss never ever
completely leaves us...

Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
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19 posted 2006-02-20 06:54 AM

oh Martie, this was extremely exquisit, what wonders nature gifts us...and you...this...
how utterly humble and most understanding in the consciousness of your muse....

Loved this emensly

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
20 posted 2006-02-20 09:26 AM

The beauty of the remembering blooms anew~

Michelle was the blossom in full heart-bloom of you~

This is soooooooo lovely a memorial in this month of February ... I love you~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
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Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
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Durban, South Africa
21 posted 2006-02-20 01:19 PM

Your response to ours is as beautiful as the poem and the photo - a perfect trilogy!  I echo everybody, especially garysgrl.  I have to keep blinking the tears out of my eyes to see what I am typing.  You are a beautiful person inside and out and you influence all you see and touch.

- Owl

Member Rara Avis
since 2005-11-07
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Durban, South Africa
22 posted 2006-02-20 01:21 PM

Oh, now I see the first picture (it took a while to show on my computer), so for the trilogy, the two photo's would have to be seen as one.

- Owl

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
23 posted 2006-02-20 02:08 PM

My heart is overflowing with the joy I felt reading this Martie.  Strange how your symbol of Michelle is a peach tree, and mine is a willow tree   A living, changing, giving symbol of nature continues to keep the love alive and it only matures with time.

I find it amazing that springtime takes me from blue to new, and I can see that also is the same for you?

Lost in the capture of a shadow that’s been
Keeping me finding the sun or any ally
Again and again I’m hit by the fever
Of trying to place my spirit into eager

It's as if they send a message to rejoice isn't it?

Beautiful tribute to Michelle, she inspires your very finest writing, and this is no exception.

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
24 posted 2006-03-07 09:23 PM

(big angel friendship hugs) Oh Martie, this made me cry because through much of the beautiful poetry I've read of yours, I've felt reflecting the deepest love for dearest Michelle, and I truly believe it's that same love you put into writing these gorgeous poems that also made these buds blossom in your garden with constant, frequent loving care! (wipes tear) I truly believe somehow the beautifu truth these flowers have blossomed are Michelle's way of singing to you, blessed by your unconditional loving heart, yay, God Bless You and this blossoming poem, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Martie, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other"

Mother Teresa

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my own state
25 posted 2006-03-07 09:41 PM

a touching read, beautiful tribute to Michelle, may the memory of your loved one live on

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