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D.Lester Young
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since 2001-12-08
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Austin, Tx

0 posted 2005-09-06 04:09 PM

God bless New Orleans
Before and hereafter its
Streets haunting America
From the grave of time
Buried away at see level.

Music dancing time waves,
The blues of culture and art,
Conversation of diverse pleasure,
Treasure of Mardi Gras bands,
Voodoo spells of good times.

Going beyond flooded streets,
For New Orleans is a spirit
No government can extinguish
For it is about real people
And the heritage of their city.

It will never be bulldozed over,
Its ghosts defending its territory,
To then party with its residents
From one century to another
History remembering the hurricane

Of New Orleans arising above water!

Note: To those conservative politicians that want to treat New Orleans as a French possession that need to be expunged for their own Christian views, my liberal Catholic views see the black faces of multicultural pride whose main problem was that of poverty from years of governmental neglect, by politicians drowning them for bike paths and pork spending. Maybe the French government would have treated them better, for when a Republican House Leader Senator Hastert wants to bulldoze them from their homes then God is not in politics, at least not in some parts of Illinois. Extreme conservatives, because of their biased religion, will never bulldoze American culture and diversity. For religion is about the people, not about monetary wealth of Wall Street. The wealth is inside these people of New Orleans, who would make all saints proud.

Sent this poet free spirited, who was terminated for free speech, to rebuild New Orleans without wages and keep Halliburton out of New Orleans. Also those companies that will want to use the illegal immigrants, instead of the people who reside in its poverty, they should be practically tarred and feathered. Anyone exploiting the city of New Orleans should be hanged in effigy; it is a time of truth for New Orleans for its WMD does not come from Washington, its truth is about survival. Let the people march to claim a city as its own and let others come in to help in the compassion of being a true American. Let us have jazz parties of public support throughout the nation. Let us see those moderate Republicans offer their hands of faith that hugs and does not destroy.

It is time for conservative to look at home and into the streets of its needs.

Employ the citizens claiming the land and say “Nuts” to those that come in to rape the community. Keep the politicians without tears out of town, especially when they want to pat them selves on the back. Let them take a picture next to dead citizens, for New Orleans respects its dead and its bands will escort their own to there final resting place, not politicians fearing the truth of the numbers of neglect, for they will dance as ghosts into the minds of those wanting to bulldoze them.

Republicans do not want a body bag count for the war at home against poverty for survival. They have two wars to contend with now, one by God’s hand to show them the power lies in the truth of the facts that one must take care of its own first.  

Keep Halliburton out of disaster relief, for they cannot deal with Iraq. Liberals ban it from any New Orleans pride, God save New Orleans, for if it falls what big city is next to be bulldozed over by extreme conservatives!

My words are blunt and abusive but the time for silence is over, everyone must speak from within their hearts. “Remember The Alamo” is a Texas tradition and I am so proud to see Texas pride say “Remember New Orleans” along with other real conservative and liberal people of heart. It is time for accountability and we must demand the truth of government that government is about people not a corporate policy. Moderates must join hands in the culture and the arts of the diversity of a nation holding hands in the reality of need, no matter their religion, creed, race, in words inside you reaching out.

My words hurt so deep the pain wants to give up but when I see the faces of New Orleans reality then in my wealth of my words my monetary poverty was blessed from above it you felt compassion inside your soul. May I bless you as a liberal claiming all of America.

In an American dream, I wish every one could give a dollar to the Red Cross, to the Poet’s or Artist’s wish fund, a liberal fund of liberal America. I wish I could write the greatest poem from my heart and give it to the city of New Orleans that its words would hug it forever. I pray that my soul someday may ride the herst of the New Orleans jazz band, as New Orleans parties with the dead in a pride of heaven and earth. I pray that I have enough to claim a spot of the heart of Lousiana.

I wish we had a politician that would have put his finger in the dike, like a Dutch boy did.

D.Lester  09/04/05 ©
Terminated poet, somewhere on the road to a future, not on company time.
[email protected]  poems for a future dream  

© Copyright 2005 David Lester Young - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
1 posted 2005-09-06 06:00 PM

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
2 posted 2005-09-07 12:01 PM

Well I don't know enough of what your politics are to agree or disagree with you, but I do know I can sure agree with you on this for absolute certain.

Going beyond flooded streets,
For New Orleans is a spirit
No government can extinguish

Nice tribute to a fabulous city and people.

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
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3 posted 2005-09-07 01:04 AM

welp...I'm just amazed

thanks for your view

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Member Empyrean
since 2001-05-18
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4 posted 2005-09-07 01:06 AM

Unfortunately, Halliburton is the one that will get the big cleanup contract for the Gulf.
~sigh~ something is rotten in Denmark

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