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Jaime Fradera
Senior Member
since 2000-11-25
Posts 843
Where no tyranny is tolerable

0 posted 2005-08-31 11:26 AM

The Apollo Moon Landing Hoax and Conspiracy Theories

Okay. First of all,
they showed the Moon landing in the daytime,
instead of waiting
till the Moon came out at night
and they could see it.
You know, look before you leap?
Then they would have known
exactly where it was
before they went there.
But perhaps they might have been afraid
of accidentally knocking over stars
or of upsetting the Big Dipper
without knowing what might be inside it first.
Also, was the Moon full that night?
I just don't remember ...
The Moon would have had to have been full,
and the guy would have had to have been
standing on the other side.
(the top side)
Otherwise he would have fallen off the Moon
and maybe landed in Bermuda.
Also, they didn't find a man in the Moon.
Not only that,
they forgot about the green cheese
the Moon is made of,
but I suppose NASA had a shoestring budget,
what with the Vietnam war and everything,
and that they did the best they could.
They didn't find any evidence
that a cow jumped over the Moon.
Why didn't they even make an effort
to talk to some cows first?
They told us that the Moon was uninhibited.
But can you really believe that?
And what about the pictures that you thought you saw,
the ones they wanted you to think were real?
This was done through shadows,
Clever light manipulation and trick photography----
not to mention special sound effects.
Do you really think Nixon
called a telephone on the Moon?
Everybody knows there are no telephones up there,
since there aren't any people up there to use them.
Also, how could they have got
a television on the Moon?
They would have had to have had
a pretty long extension cord,
or failing that,
maybe a bunch of little ones from Radio Shack
Not only that,
how could you hear somebody talking
all the way from the Moon?
They used props
fashioned with construction paper,
glue, string, scissors, paper and yarn.
These were the arts and crafts projects
made by the children of NASA employees.
They made big noises to sound like rockets, and everything.
Like boom, and whoosh.
The Government can do this
because they know you don't know
what a space rocket sounds like,
and that you will have to go
by whatever the Government says.
The Government doesn't want you to know about this.
The Government wants this to be a secret.
But this has come out
all over the Internet.
It is a well-known secret
that the Government is keeping
an extra-terrestrial alien space ship
at Reek Patterson AFB ohio.
It is housed next to the secret hanger
where they keep a Martian space ship in Area 52.
This is an official secret of the Government.
The Government doesn't want you to know about this
because, they think, if everybody knew
it would cause a panic.
The Government, in collusion
with the big, greedy pharmaceutical companies,
place drugs
and nasty invisible poison chemicals
in the food supply
so they can control the minds of the people.
They also use invisible magnetic fields
and invisibly irradiated water
to make sure children get sick,
so there parents will have to buy more drugs
from the greedy stinking pharmaceuticals,
who also fix their prices
such that poor people can't buy medicine.
The government doesn't want you to know about this.

(c) Copyright 2005 The Southern Cr---Wait! Almost forgot ...

Everybody knows that the chief has no feelings,
that he is killing innocent people
hour by hour and day by day,
that he's a trigger-happy cowboy Texas redneck dunce,
that he has neither morals nor scruples,
that he doesn't care
about floods or suffering or babies,
the he wallows, drinks and stinks in oil,
that he sells blood and cannon fodder at cheap prices,
all to feed his gluttonous, voracious insatiable appetite
for more and more and more
of his vile, insipid, putrid, reeking oil.
The government doesn't want you to know about this.
But you do already know ...
Don't you? ... ...

© Copyright 2005 The Sun - All Rights Reserved
Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
Posts 13296

1 posted 2005-08-31 12:38 PM

Now this I certainly could believe...

here's another

You would think if someone made it to the moon, I mean really made it, they would have gone back again and again, cuz along with man's greed, they are curious creatures, not to mention...they would have wanted to claim 1st dibs on it, right?  

I'm sorry and I apologize to anyone who likes Bush, but I believe strongly, that upon his leave from office, shortly thereafter, he will go down in history as the world's worst President of the US.

Then, all kinds of things will begin to surface....and of course, people will either be in awe, or disbelieve or be just plain embarrassed they voted for him...not to mention, its pretty darn difficult to admit that a party is corrupt when your a member.

I've never in my life, seen a president, take so many gosh darn vacations?  

And when he gets in front of a camera, boy I hate that aloof smurck of his?  And he generally has nothing to say...just plays ring around the rosie with the media...

Anyway, again, I mean no insult to anyone who voted for him, really I don't, but....

thanks for posting this....

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2 posted 2005-08-31 01:33 PM

"But perhaps they might have been afraid
of accidentally knocking over stars
or of upsetting the Big Dipper"

*how funny! your take on this made me laugh*

You already know my take on the current President, and the worldwide damge he has done.
Have a great day, Jaime, hope you are enjoying your CCD classes!

Jaime Fradera
Senior Member
since 2000-11-25
Posts 843
Where no tyranny is tolerable
3 posted 2005-08-31 02:53 PM

How funny! how put that strange Moon ad up there?
Do you think it was really Google?
How do we know it wasn't a secret plan perpetrated by  the liing, war-mongering, corrupt, fascist, anti-human, earth-destroying, oily evil government of the bush?
The one you Lefties still haven't been able to do anything about even after all these years?

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Saluting with misty eyes
4 posted 2005-08-31 08:44 PM

Jaime, this is a really cool write,and a very interesting way to put your thoughts down.

The afterword was a classic piece of sarcastic writing. I loved it.
  (try the after dark section)

Earth Angel
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since 2002-08-27
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Realms of Light
5 posted 2005-08-31 10:22 PM

Jaime, thanks for making everything moonlight clear for me! I wondered why there weren't more trips to the moon! I figured they would be mining the satellite for moon stones! lol

Love & Light,

Jaime Fradera
Senior Member
since 2000-11-25
Posts 843
Where no tyranny is tolerable
6 posted 2005-09-01 07:54 PM

The object of this write
(sanding was a typo. )Well, didn't they find sand on the Moon----or at least they made it look that way))
is to show the simplicity and compelling fascination conspiracy theories hold for millions of people, and illustrating absurdity by taking absurdity to its logical extreme.  Remember that Paul Mc-cartney was once thought to be dead, and that Little Charlie Mansy got secret messages through the lyrics in Beatles records?
And as for the Moon, I haven't even seen it, or touched it, or anything----so how do I know there is any such a thing out there?
It was only thirty years ago that I saw the world as a vast, mysterious, interlocking web of dark forces and unfathomable conspiratorial  intrigues, and that logic and common sense demanded that surely such a vast system couldn't have risen all by itself, and had to be under the control of someone? ... but who? ...
The usual suspects----Mother, the school principal, television, the World Bank, Budd Hopkins,  Jack Ruby,  UFO aliens from other planets, the anti-Christ, the Pope, the Trilateral Commission, Mic Jagger,  cattle mutilations and crop circles, and even Jesus Christ himself----grew to be so numerous and the plots so labyrinthine, that the whole belief system collapsed of its incongruous patchwork complexity.
The process began with Santa Claus, and ended, perhaps, with my loss of faith in God, Which I supposed was only dog spelled backwards.
Now, thirty years later, and shorn of nearly all my original beliefs, just about the only thing I still have left is an unshaken belief in human nature, the transcendent power of human love, and the power of humanity to dream.
Call it imaturity if you want.
For perspective, it should be borne in mind that Bill Clinton, though charged with many things, has never been compared to Adolf Hitler.
This mindset, that there are simple answers and dark forces that explain everything, was what brought Little Adolf to power, gave birth to the Nazi monster, and ended finally in the slaughter of more than eight million human beings and the total ruin of a continent.

Rather than waist time hurling the invective that passes for reasoned social and political discourse,
wouldn't it be better to tell each other of our dreams?
I give you Mine ... .... .... ....
I tell my dream life with you ... ... ...


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Member Empyrean
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7 posted 2005-09-02 02:08 AM

~and may you be a dreamer forever, Jaime~

Member Rara Avis
since 2001-12-29
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South Africa
8 posted 2005-09-02 04:50 AM

A most enjoyable read and the thread most interesting.  Every country has their problems but with Bush around, you guys have more than your fair share.  I hope for you a miracle!
Earth Angel
Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215
Realms of Light
9 posted 2005-09-02 06:50 AM

Jaime, I just read your articulate explanation of where you are coming from with this write. You are an amazing individual! You have a philosophically sharp mind and I am intrigued and captivated by your dream world!

You see more with your eyes closed than most do with their eyes open!

Love & Light & a great big hug,

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