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Looks like Vero Beach, FL until the end!

0 posted 2005-06-09 09:26 AM


Some might say I shouldn’t care
That, my life is nearly done
But I feel I must speak out
Although my voice is only, one.

We have a Government that lies
And is generally self-serving
From the top all the way down
Our “servants” aren’t deserving.

They are selling out our Country
To the one who pays the most
And out sourcing all our jobs
Shipping them out, coast to coast.

Other countries won't have to fight
To defeat us in the end
They will just buy us outright
If we continue this trend.

We can’t take care of our own
But can spend billions overseas
We have our hungry and homeless
While supporting other countries.

The corporations own our leaders
And oil companies pay their way
The lobbyists can buy new laws
While the people have to pay.

Separation of the Church and State
Is how it was supposed to be
But those in power try to force
Their faiths onto everybody.

With politicians in our bedrooms
And in our deathbeds, too
Lifestyles they don’t agree with
To force us to think the way they do.

They don’t care if people die
For the lack of their medicine
Just so they buy in the U.S.
So the drug companies will win.

We have those who block research
That might cure the worst of ills
With reasons that make no sense
But misguided morals it fulfills.

The so-called “Patriot Act”
That would take away some “Rights”
While our borders stay wide open
For all the illegal’s flights.

We were conned into a War
Which we never should have fought
While people still believe the lies
Even when the liars were caught.

The Military Leadership
Of the civilian Pentagon
Are inept and deceitful
And I could go on and on.

Our Troops are a guiding light
To show all of us the best
Of what America stands for
And they stand up to the test.

We seem to turn a blind eye
And never want to believe
When the ones we should trust
Are the first ones to deceive.

We think the World should be like us
And believe in all we do and say
But we can’t force all other peoples
To live the American Way.

We have a two party system
(Or some may say there’s three)
But the New World Order of business
Is what governs our Country.

As long as we let corruption
And the almighty dollar rule
All those we put our trust in
Will play us all for the fool.

And some day when we fall
From the place we used to be
We’ll remember what we saw
And what we refused to see.

But if we take off the blinders
And work together for a change
This great Country will get greater
As our priorities rearrange.


Del "Abe" Jones
Mankind's greatest accomplishment is not the revolution of technology, it is the evolution of creativity.

[This message has been edited by Abe (06-10-2005 12:59 PM).]

© Copyright 2005 Del - All Rights Reserved
passing shadows
Member Empyrean
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1 posted 2005-06-09 10:38 AM

good points here

The US surely has its problems, but there's no other country I'd want to live in. Yes, for sure, things need changing here.

Member Elite
since 2003-05-17
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2 posted 2005-06-10 05:09 AM

Raw truths are always controversial, this poem contains many, and will be looked at by some as unpatriotic, even traitorous.

But the issues must be written about, and every one of your stanzas have valid points, in my opinion.

To me, it is not a poem of dark negativity, but a purge of frustration.


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2005-06-10 01:05 PM

And, isn't it a wonderfully true sign of FREEDOM
when you can live in a country, trash your own government's policies ...
and not be beheaded for it ?


~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

Member Ascendant
since 2002-10-02
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4 posted 2005-06-10 01:50 PM

Abe a very timely write.  You have to wonder about the judgement of a country that ships a large chunk of it's manufacturing base to a country which is a political hostile.  I think we know that China's long term politica agenda will run over America's short term profit-seeking ventures.

believe in what your heart feels...

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since 2003-03-21
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5 posted 2005-06-12 01:28 PM

Abe,I just read A Curse For A Nation by E.B Browning. You made a statement. best martyjo
Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
6 posted 2005-06-14 03:15 PM

Wow, this is excellent, dearest friend, I applaud you for having the courage to speak your mind despite all the assaults on freedom of speech and civil liberties in our nation! (sigh) In my heart our current administration has an agenda that can be summarized into two words: privatize and centralize. In doing so, they fail to even see the interests of the mainstream American and the basic qualities of life that must never be taken for granted; health care, the environment, children's education, decent wages, and job training! (sad sigh) I feel our administration has gone backwards on all those issues and allowing more than ever federal law to overwhelm state law, corporations to govern people rather than governments, and peace attempted to be re-defined as war and hatred! (sad sigh) Despite all these problems with the Bush Administration in governing our great nation, there is no other place I'd rather be, because I know the fullest of what our Constitution and what the Bill of Rights offers us all, and while our government takes it for granted, I believe in those documents wholeheartedly and the God-given freedoms the Beautiful has to offer! (sigh) It is governments like these that can attempt to generate a downfall of a great nation, but being the optimist I am, I believe it is the little guys and little gals that truly fulfill America's golden promise and will who once again revive this great nation to its fullest glory, in doing things like getting rid of the Patriot Act, seeking non-violent diplomatic peace strategies, seeking for a living wage for all Americans and providing all Americans health care, yay, God Bless You, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Abe, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other"

Mother Teresa

Professor Gloom
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of Depression
7 posted 2005-06-14 03:32 PM

I won't knock the poetry,
but I caution you toward the tint of belief.
If you think the constition was for the seperation of church and state,
you are wrong.
It was for the prevention of establishment of a State Religion,
not the elimination of religion.
The lack of principles,
which religion taught,
is most responsible for many of the ills you bring forth.
While corperate raiders plunger
and then reep large rewards after the ruin,
while people walk by each other
fearful of even a glance
and while gangs of thugs can not be controlled by the rule of law to the demise of the average citizen
then you will get those things you rage against.
if you wish to go elsewhere
you are free to,
just as you are free to state your dismay.
Do not give up
work within the confines of the system,
such that it is;
or wallow in complants.

your choice


Senior Member
since 2001-01-07
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8 posted 2005-06-15 12:38 PM

excellent...i'm bbent and i approve of this message.

Live like it's your last day...
Dance like nobody's watching...
Love like you've never been hurt...

A Romantic Heart
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Forever In Your Heart
9 posted 2005-06-15 06:31 AM

I agree with (Some) of your statements...but..

What this nation needs is what it was founded on in the beginning...GOD...

EVERY INDIVIDUAL HEART needs to have JESUS in their hearts..not money, not fame, nothing of the world will fill that void in your heart that you try to fill.... the love of JESUS can set you free....

Everyone has a divine appointment(death) meet JESUS....revival is at hand..has already started in my heart...where will you spend eternity? that is more important than all the problems, riches of the earth...

People get ready.....turn your hearts back to the one who loves you....JESUS is coming!

be prepared.....the time is at hand...FREEDOM! FREEDOM! FREEDOM! JESUS wants to set you free!

I Love America!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BE WITH US!!!! FOR IF GOD IS WITH US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US......I choose Life...I choose JESUS!

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take - but by the moments that take our breath away."

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
10 posted 2005-06-15 12:49 PM

Hi Erica! (angel friendship hugs) I myself believe in Jesus and am very blessed to have found my way to Him! I also believe in the diversity of religion, and don't believe it is right to impose a religion or belief on everyone like this administration has done, and while we must continue to enculturate our young with these values we hold dear, I believe we must also make more of an effort to acculturate and respect other cultures such as those of Islam who I truly believe are not much different from our own and the main difference is the name we address that Holy Spirit as! (sigh) And if we can't create dialogue between cultures, then we will only continue to be incarcerated! (sigh) God Bless You, sweet friend, thank you for your wonderful comments!

Noah Eaton

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other"

Mother Teresa

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