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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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0 posted 2005-06-08 03:06 PM

Communion in a country Baptist church
Gave months with five Sundays an appeal
Saved for the faithful on Fifth Sunday nights
In remembrance of the Savior's last meal.

I loved the smell that would suffuse our home
As Mother prepared the unleavened bread,
Enjoyed the reverence of the service
When Pastor spoke the words that Jesus said.

The rules were strict, fermented wine forbidden,
So bottled grape juice was the substitute.
My mouth would water as they poured the glasses --
We rarely had such luxuries as fruit.

But participation was limited;
Communion saved for those who'd been baptized,
The kids supposed to sit there piously
For that commitment we'd not realized.

But finally, when the last prayer was done
The unblessed leavings safe to be divided
Between the wide-eyed kids, a bite and swallow
Not one of us would have to be invited!

Sometimes the shares were meagerly small
And left excited tastebuds craving more
A wish less would be taken by the service
Rose fervently toward heaven from my core.

I visit now, this church that lingers, dying;
There are no children, no young families
Only the old, still faithful til they lie
Close by the church beneath the pecan trees

A guest here now, I am choked by the thought:
Could dwindling church rolls and the empty pews
Somehow be answer to a selfish prayer
And one small child's thirst for a sip of juice?

© Copyright 2005 suthern - All Rights Reserved
Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
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1 posted 2005-06-08 03:14 PM

intreging and sad write...very well done, loved the way this flowed

  thank you for sharing....

Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
2 posted 2005-06-08 03:29 PM

A beautiful nostalgic look back..
and then the final question.

"A guest here now, I am choked by the thought:
Could dwindling church rolls and the empty pews
Somehow be answer to a selfish prayer
And one small child's thirst for a sip of juice?"

Yes.  Very much enjoyed this..a keeper for sure!
Hugs lovely lady~

~Somewhere in my heart I'm always
dancing with you in the summer rain~

Member Empyrean
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3 posted 2005-06-08 03:34 PM


I say you are grown now, past the guilt the child felt.  Enjoyed this look back...very descriptive!  

Cpat Hair
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Member Patricius
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4 posted 2005-06-08 05:31 PM

familiar scenes you conjour up here....

and conjour you did..a lot of well as a lot of memories...

nicely doen m'friend.. nicely done

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Member Laureate
since 2001-10-10
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South Carolina, USA
5 posted 2005-06-08 07:12 PM

You paint a portrait that many of us have
dapped a drop or two upon.  I still remember
the grape juice....the bread...and the eyes
of the other children...hoping!

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
6 posted 2005-06-08 07:49 PM

The flow was rich and mellow ~ and mood-setting. Nostalgia vividly portrayed.

I grew up on the hard stuff! ~ Wine at our services!

A beautifully written poem, Belle.


Janet Marie
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7 posted 2005-06-08 11:35 PM

Oh... a new trick huh? trying to lure me in with your title?
ya know I thought this was about raspberries.   LOL

Seriously tho...this rhyme speak reflective write struck me on several levels...a bittersweet offering of expression and your imagery and scene setting is wonderful...
placing the reader there in the flashback of time...

life is a constance of things coming full thinks the "child, the guest" and the poet all know that.

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Never close enough
8 posted 2005-06-09 12:34 PM

WOW this was awesome Suthern

I remember eating the little crackers and

drinking the juice at church when I was a

kid... ofcourse then, it was like a snack

in church cause I was too little to

understand what it all meant.

Great write you have penned here.

Thanks for sharing

passing shadows
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9 posted 2005-06-09 04:18 AM

thanks for the memory here

we had wine at our services, and boy did I ever love that!

Besides being able to smack my dad to get him to stop snoring through the sermon, the bread and wine was the best part...

((((hugs you))))

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10 posted 2005-06-09 04:56 PM

Wow...wonderful, moving write.


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
11 posted 2005-06-09 09:28 PM


Conjured up many a memory with this one~
And ... believe it or not ... I once had the same feelings of 'guilt' when, as an adult, I visited the small country church I spiritually grew up in~

I soooo understand this ... but couldn't have written it~


~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
12 posted 2005-06-09 10:03 PM

What JM said. Excelent write.

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
13 posted 2005-06-09 10:42 PM

The sound of a memory of want,
a later tale of what we wanted
may have been the wrong thing,
and now we are...denied... guilt here, little one...
truth is, even churches have a life,
and a span...

and believe it or not, there are new churches

all the time.

May yours rest in peace, or be reborn
with a new testament.

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Member Rara Avis
since 2003-01-23
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Visiting Earth on a Guest Pass
14 posted 2005-06-10 10:34 AM

I am so glad you posted this.... I know you've felt reticent lately, but truly, this poem deserves a wide audience. There's so much of Laura in it, and within it.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity you gave me with's an honor to be trusted with a newborn poem.

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

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15 posted 2005-06-10 02:49 PM

wow, what memories...I know when I was little, the Lord's supper was only for the invited...
I thank God the one I attend now is not like that, all are welcome yound and old alike, for how are the young to desire to partake if they are not welcomed?
great write!

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
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16 posted 2005-06-10 02:54 PM

I do not think a childs wish could be so powerful to empty a church's future...

This was indeed wonderful...even to this 'ole agnostic..

"too bad ignorance isn't painful"

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
17 posted 2005-06-13 10:41 AM

LeeJ: Thank you very much, kind lady. *S* To intrigue you is an honor. *S*

Enchantress: I am so glad you enjoyed… thank you very much! *S*

Martie: Thank you… I’m glad you enjoyed! *S*

Cpat: Such small repayment for the many times you’ve opened the gate to Memory Lane for me. *S* Thank  you! *S*

Magnus: Thank you so much. *S* A rest stop on a long trip, a choice of juice to quench my thirst and wake me up… and I was seeing those eyes again… including my own. *S*

Earth Angel: LOL My Dad is so Baptist he won’t even participate in communion at my sister’s church because they use wine… obviously that chapter in the Bible where Jesus turns water into wine isn’t big at his church. LOL Thank you so much! *S*

JM: ROFL @ you and your raspberries… they didn’t even cross my mind??? LOL But hey… I’ll take readers however I can get them! LOL  Thank you so very much! *S*

timothysangel: Thank you so very much… I’ll be smiling all day at your “awesome” *S*

PS: LOL… I’ve aimed many a kick at the back of my uncle’s pew to stop just such noises… thank you so much!!! *G*

Ericc: You humble me, kind sir… and I’m grateful… thank you! *S*

Marge: Silver Creek’s seams nearly pop at Easter… for all of those “kids” who once waited and hoped with me return with their children and grandchildren… but the usual attendance is 20 or less. However… better people aren’t to be found… whatever sadness I feel as I sit there is more than balanced with knowing how lucky I was to grow up there. *S*

Seymour: Thank you so much, my friend. *S*

Sunshine: I think it will end up resting in peace… there aren’t any jobs out there and the thought of commuting more than 100 miles a day is more than enough to make moving the option for most… But peace is something I know they’ll have… they’ve more than earned it. *S* Thank you! *S*

Ratleader: Thank you so much for your wonderful response, my friend… thank you even more for making this posting possible. *S* Your generosity amazes me as much as your unmatched poetic talent… Your willingness to teach and make other’s words better is a gift to us all… I thank you most sincerely for your edits that took this from pondering to poem. *S*

jellybeans: Thank you so very much, my friend… I’m glad you liked my memories! *S*

Susan: I wish my prayers had that much power now! *S* I’d be giving God an earache with my list! LOL Thank you so very much! *S*

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
18 posted 2005-06-29 07:34 PM

Phenominal write, suthern.  I remember the same....and the tray would come around with the precious little goblets of grape juice on it...and of course, I was not a member... and I was thirsty and hungry, too.  And, the way I saw it, even little children had the right to communinion with Jesus.  Once I told the preacher's wife, that a bear ate our bread while we were on vacation, hoping she would let me have some of the left over bread (simply because I let her know I was hungry)....the bear part really was true but I imagine my mom did have bread at home at the time... she told me I was going to go to hedoublehockeysticks if I didn't quit telling lies.  I was 7, and a little underfed... what can I say?  That church no longer exists... it was destroyed by a flood the following year.  The preacher and his wife left, of course, for a bigger and better church, and the folks left built a new church which is there when I go home but only full of the dwindling old faithful.  Wow, see how I ramble!  The effects of thinking about the forbidden fruit....I guess.
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