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Member Elite
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0 posted 2005-02-01 02:15 PM

my baby and me

A baby boy was given me, with
but one precarious chance to grow up
in a world that swallows all that go astray.
What I would do differently
if I could redo

I taught my baby to survive, just like me,
to anger, to hate, to escape
when times got tough, yes I taught him
everything he needed
to fail.

And he taught me how to love,
together we grew up; amidst this storm called life
our love held tight.

Too soon wearing the face
of a hard working man;
he was shield enough for us both.  
He stood, I leaned;
inside we cried.

Given hope in the love of a Savior
we both found reason to keep on.
Surrender promised mercy but
quicksanded by a past that wouldn’t let loose,
our years numbered painfully.

My baby is gone now, and this year without him
has wretched me into a hard reality-
backward wishing alters nothing
except to add regret to today.

What he needed, Lord, You understood
so much more so than I, for as much as I loved him
I know that my weakness would have
kept him here…

and so despite how my tears do flow
I have need to say thank you Lord
for loving him enough to take him home
thank You Lord
for loving him more
than me.

© Copyright 2005 jellybeans - All Rights Reserved
The One & Only
since 2005-01-26
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Kansas USA
1 posted 2005-02-01 02:25 PM

WOW That's something! This really made me stop and think, Thanks!
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
2 posted 2005-02-01 02:34 PM

JB, dear...I knew that Martie's poem would find its way to you...

just as I know this will find its way to Martie.

[This message has been edited by Sunshine (02-01-2005 04:16 PM).]

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
3 posted 2005-02-01 02:38 PM

"and so despite how my tears do flow
I have need to say thank you Lord
for loving him enough to take him home
thank You Lord
for loving him more
than me."

~ It is difficult for me to find the words that express the feelings that your loving and selfless words evoked in me ...

I am so very sorry for your loss.

Love & Eternal Light,

Member Elite
since 2000-10-13
Posts 2298

4 posted 2005-02-01 02:45 PM

The O&O thank you

sunshine, thank you, it takes a step of faith to post grief, and when taking that step it helps to have hold of the hand of a friend

EA, it has been a long road to get here...I have only God to thank that the outlook is far less grim than where I have been

passing shadows
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5 posted 2005-02-01 02:54 PM

I can only imagine
Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
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6 posted 2005-02-01 04:06 PM

JB, I knew you would be strong enough when you felt the time was right, and through your sharing, you touch others...
never forget that, ever.  HUGS

Senior Member
since 2003-09-03
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Out Making Anticlines
7 posted 2005-02-01 05:29 PM

This poem's beauty is only surpassed by....its beauty. Yes, both kinds.


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
8 posted 2005-02-01 06:01 PM

This is a word-offering that touches my heart~

From yours to mine ... and back again~
You are beautiful dear lady ..~
What abiding faith sustains you ...~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><


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9 posted 2005-02-01 07:23 PM

It touched my emotions, knowledge and understanding.

Sad for you but good for me to learn.


Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
10 posted 2005-02-01 07:44 PM

JB...I feel for your loss and commend you for your ongoing strength.
I've written many poems on infant loss and many women have told me that they have helped them deal with their loss. I'd be happy to share some of those with you if you'd like. Please feel free to e-mail me.

Member Empyrean
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11 posted 2005-02-01 08:53 PM

Dear Jellybeans

Holding out my hand to you in friendship and in understanding.  To write about it is a healing thing for me...I think it will be for you too.  Email me if you would like to talk.  

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Lost in thought
12 posted 2005-02-02 01:55 AM

...wishing there were words that could help.

Always, Alyssa

He was a man of sorrows
...I am a girl of tears.

Senior Member
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13 posted 2005-02-02 02:56 AM

there are no words that can say what this made me feel...hugs!
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Member Seraphic
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14 posted 2005-02-02 11:43 AM

Oh, lady... so beautiful... this touches me deeply. *S*
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Member Rara Avis
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In Your Poetic Mind
15 posted 2005-02-02 12:33 PM

very moving....heart hugs

My Shadow is the only one
that walks beside me

Member Elite
since 2000-10-13
Posts 2298

16 posted 2005-02-02 02:52 PM

ps, no don’t, it is not a road to travel unless one has to….thank you lady

GS sigh, thank you, I don’t guess I will understand how my written pain helps others, but that it does, helps me

James, thank you, very much

Marge, thank you, shared grief is a grief that is easier to bear

Dave, thank you I would not have thought of this poem as one to learn from, but that you were able speaks of your depth of comprehension

hoot, thank you and yes I will email

Martie, oh I do know, we will always share the bond of loss, and yes writing heals for me as well, if it were only words of pain, they would be best forgotten, but the words once formed somehow help heal….a gift from God is what I call them

GG, thank you and yes I know, your compassion is appreciated

EV thank you, words are not necessary, but hugs are welcome

suthern, ah lady, you help me so much, how would I have gotten **here** without you?

greeneyes thank you

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