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Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores

0 posted 2004-09-09 10:06 AM

Sighs Of September Still Cry
~*Marge Tindal*~

In the muted aftermath
tears in flow of storm-in-wrath
The lives of many, forever changed,
in nature’s act of rearrange~

(A neighbor's home)

("It's only a tree, they said." And still I cried~)

(All over town ... you can't get there from here)

(This is the signature of Frances)

(No leaf unturned)

~More photos of the destruction of Hurricane Frances~
It doesn't end ... and the trauma is with soooooo many~

Pray God ... keep those in the path of Ivan safe !!!

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

© Copyright 2004 Marge Tindal - All Rights Reserved
Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
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1 posted 2004-09-09 10:09 AM

oh my, and Ivan now on it's way...Margie
all I can say is one word...courage!

You my dear have a gentle caring heart
thank you for the views...
it must be devestating....God bless and hugs

Luv ya
Lee J.

Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
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2 posted 2004-09-09 10:10 AM

Dear Marge, your report in words and pictures touch me deeply.

My heart goes out to all those who have been "invested" by this destructive power.

Love and hugs.

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-01-04
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A Mountain Paradise
3 posted 2004-09-09 10:28 AM

Oh, Marge, these photo's are just heartbreaking. The rage of Mother Nature is certainly evident in these pixs.
I have yet to reach my cousin and her family and I can only pray they are safe.

Prayers that Ivan dies quickly and causes no damage.

Hugs, Marti

since 2004-04-05
Posts 451
4 posted 2004-09-09 10:31 AM

Dear Marge,

To see all the damage done by nature's fury, is so unbelievable to me. Your strength and courage in spite of it all is quite amazing. I pray along with you and others that Ivan will veer away and not cause further damage to lives and property. I weep with you dear friend.


'When you find a dream within your heart, don't ever let it go.
For dreams are the tiny seeds from which tomorrow grows.'

passing shadows
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5 posted 2004-09-09 10:33 AM

thank you for sharing Marge

you have a big heart

since 2001-07-10
Posts 288
6 posted 2004-09-09 10:42 AM

These photos gave me goose bumps. I have a good friend in Fl. who can't seem to get her meds because the Pharmacy is not opened ... Many are suffering from this disaster. I too would cry, even if it is just a tree. God the creator has made that tree... We humans have taken God's creation for granted and now Mother Nature is rebelling. Amazing to me is that when some disaster happens, like  Sept. 11, everyone prayed .... everyone got on their knees humbling themselves to God. Why is it that we need to be reminded that God is always there in sorrow or happiness? I think as humans we need to be reminded to give thanks for what we do have.
I will pray that Ivan goes out to sea.... I have been praying for all those in Fl. going through these horrific disasters.
Marge, not to worry God is a loving God and love heals.
Love and peace, Maggie ((~.~))

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Canada eh.
7 posted 2004-09-09 10:45 AM

Terrible terrible pics of destruction Marge.
Prayers go out to those who are suffering the aftermath..
and also that Ivan staus away!
Heart hugs~

~ Summer can't be over...
I still have the sand in my shoes. ~

Earth Angel
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8 posted 2004-09-09 11:03 AM

Marge, you're a real trooper. In spite of how much turmoil you are in with your world having gone topsy turvy, you are able to keep your friends abreast of the frightful situation and with pictures of the  devastation.

Keeping you and your loved ones in my prayers. ~ and may Ivan lose his thunder!!!

Sending some of my angels to join forces with yours in protecting you all!

Love & God's Light,

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Member Rara Avis
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Maidstone Kent England
9 posted 2004-09-09 11:25 AM

Margie girl, darling sister of my soul, take care of you, for you are and always will be special. I’m praying that Ivan veers away and you won’t be in his path of destruction.

Take care, you and yours are in my prayers, and yes it might only be a tree, but it was on your land, and you knew it leaf and branch, I know it I.

It’s just a tree
They said
And yet, and yet
I knew that tree
Had seen the leaves
Bud, then burst forth
Watched them
Fill the proud branches

It shaded me
On days too hot
Sat beneath its branches
Surrounded with
The laughter of family
And friends

Sheltered from storms
When the air fizzed
And the rain fell
It held a special place
In my memory as
The place where I
Felt love stir again

It was not just a tree
Never just a tree
It was one of my trees
And I connected with it
Felt the spirit
Whispering to me
Whenever I walked
Or sat beneath its
Loving branches

And now it’s gone
I shall mourn its loss


Love you always
and forever

Tomorrow is another day I don't know what it holds
but I can face the future with courage brave and bold

Footprints In My Heart

Joyce Johnson
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10 posted 2004-09-09 11:30 AM

Thank you dear Marge for courageously keeping us informed.  Our prayers go on.  Love, Joyce
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Texas, USA
11 posted 2004-09-09 12:05 PM

I can't imagine being in such a storm, and Ivan's coming too.  This has been a stormy season for y'all.  I'm just glad you came through it okay.

Nan (Pilgrim variety)

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12 posted 2004-09-09 12:07 PM

Hi Marge,

It is sad to see old trees toppled. I am so glad you are safe.
There are still people here in Jacksonville  without power. My husband works for JEA and he has been putting in 16 hour days trying to get people back in lights. It's been hard on everyone. I don't think Florida can take Ivan. We need to pray for God's mercy on us.


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Member Patricius
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13 posted 2004-09-09 12:20 PM

thank you for sharing!!!!!!!!
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14 posted 2004-09-09 01:53 PM

How sad Marge. All of FL is in my prayers. They have just let my husband know to be ready to fly to FL to evacuate a prison there because of Ivan. If he goes it will be tonight.
Be safe everyone.

Member Ascendant
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walking the surreal
15 posted 2004-09-09 02:25 PM

Glad you're safe.  


Happiness isn't something that happens to you, it's created from within you.  Joy is a state of mind.

Bonnie j
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16 posted 2004-09-09 04:10 PM

Let us hope that Ivan takes another path and blows out into the sea. You poor folks of Florida have had enough rage from nature and her swirling winds.
Love coming your way from Ohio.

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Cheboygan,MI USA
17 posted 2004-09-09 04:45 PM

I am praying that Ivan loses steam and veers away. I'm so sorry for all that have gone through this.
love, BArb

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18 posted 2004-09-09 04:48 PM

Here's hoping that Ivan turns his wrath away from landfall, for everyone's sake.
You Floridians sure do need a breather!

since 2002-04-06
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The Netherlands
19 posted 2004-09-09 04:54 PM

Dearest Marge

I have no words enough
to say how terrible it is.
Never I will forget the name Frances.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
With all my love

[This message has been edited by Muys (09-09-2004 05:35 PM).]

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
20 posted 2004-09-09 05:58 PM

Dear Marge:

These pictures make me cry too!  A tree to me, is like a good friend and I would feel the loss of every one. I have been giving thanks that you and your family have been spared, but there are so many others who haven't!  Prayers will continue!

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
21 posted 2004-09-09 08:20 PM

My heartfelt thanks to ALL of you for your replies, prayers and more prayers~

I know that I am blessed with the safety of my loved ones and I do give thanks for that, it is just a really depressing time here right now.

Seeing the damage, meeting with those who lost it all, holding their hands while the tears flow, trying to hold my own in check and feeling the anxiety mounting again with each report of Ivan, is just enough to take all the strength I've got right now.

I would want NO ONE in the path of what we've gone through ... and pray God that Ivan would just go away !!  Far, far away ... out to sea and then out of everyone's lives~

Giving a special thanks here to two dear used-to-be members, Pat/regards2you and Doreen Peri for their never-ending uplifting messages of care also~

And to a dear little BrokenWingedAngel, who thought to offer to send whatever help I feel my brother, Tony, who lost his home and most of his belongings to Wench Frances, would need~  You are so kind and caring little one~  When I know what would help most, I would not hesitate to let you know.
I love you for your thoughtfulness~

No matter what happens ... I know I am doubly blessed with friendship from all over the world and return the love ten-fold~

Muys, darling lady ... you are LOVE~

Pardon me for not finding the time to respond to so many of you dear friends on your poetry right now ... but truthfully ... I am just emotionally drained~

Love and *Huglets* to all~
~*A very tired Marge*~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

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Small Town, Somewhere
22 posted 2004-09-09 10:15 PM

  Guess what I found darling Marge? :p

Just keep hanging in there.  

Be safe and let me know.


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Member Rara Avis
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Visiting Earth on a Guest Pass
23 posted 2004-09-09 10:34 PM

It will come back in time...but not in our lifetime.

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

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Qld, Australia
24 posted 2004-09-10 07:02 AM

Dear Marge

I know you are a very strong person and that is why you have 'held' it together.  Please know that my prayers are ongoing.

Love Isobel ox

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
25 posted 2004-09-10 07:22 AM

Thank you for giving all of us inland a view from where you stand. You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. We got a small taste of Francis' wrath in the way of terrible rain the past 2 days and flooding...can't imagine what it was like for you guys though.
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Member Seraphic
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26 posted 2004-09-10 09:49 AM

You know you do know cry alone, my friend... Heart hugs!!!
since 1999-06-06
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Oakland, Or, USA
27 posted 2004-09-10 07:48 PM

Oh my dear Sisterfriend...My prayers are with you and your and all your firned and neighbors in these tragic events.

And Still We Do Not Listen
We live upon this world
By evolution we evolved from it’s depths
by creation we were made from the dust upon it’s surface
Whichever you hold to your heart
Makes this Earth our Mother
And as any good mother she feeds and shelters her children
Watches them grow and play
Sees their progress and their failures
And like any good mother
When her children need discipline she gives it
Though our Mother Earth’s discipline teaches a hard lesson
For as  gentle as is her love
So to is the vehemence of her anger
She has demonstrated to us again and again
What it means to incur her wrath
She has shook the ground we walk on
And she has washed it from beneath our feet
She has spit out molten rock
And turned our fields to shallow lakes
And still we do not learn

I don't mean this in a duragatory manner and pray that it is not taken in that way!!!!!!!

molto benedizione
prayes for all


Member Empyrean
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28 posted 2004-09-14 08:24 PM


Please take thoughts are with you.  

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
29 posted 2004-09-14 09:07 PM

Still we try to help others recover from their tragic losses~
It's been such a long ordeal for so many and will continue for many, many months~

I wanted to take the time to give appreciation for the electrical workers from all over the nation who joined with our Florida utility workers to assist in getting the power back on~
It was a monumental job that is still ongoing~

A crew from Blue Bell, Pennsylvania, personally worked our grid and were so overworked and away from their own family members for such a long time ... the NICEST men you could hope to have around ... yes, that they were~
Thank you Blue Bell ... you sent us some of your finest.

Also appreciation to the RED CROSS members and volunteers who worked so diligently getting food and medical aid to those in dire need.

A special 'first hand' thanks to FEMA for what I would call pretty fast work in getting assistance to my brother and other members of his home community who lost their homes as Tony did~

With all my brother has gone through ... this man of the BIGGEST HEART in town, personally took care of three elderly women, two disabled and in wheelchairs, aided them in removing necessities from their homes, stayed with them and cooked for them at temporary housing, brought me the laundry to do for them ... and gave of his personal time and care to see they had what they needed to survive.

Tony, you are #1 in my book, big brother !

Ivan is a major concern for so many now ... and I pray those in the path are spared the devastation that Charley and Frances reeked on Florida~

Keep them all in your prayers dear people~
They are surely in mine~

Love to all~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

Mon Cherie
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Land of Never-ending Summers
30 posted 2004-09-15 09:54 AM

Dear Marge,
I saw the news reports about Frances in Singapore. The winds were so strong and scary, I could hardly imagine what it's like to be there to experience such nature's disaster. It must be awful! It is during these times when I am guilty of thinking how lucky I am to be in a place like Singapore where we have the same season all year round.

I pray for you and hope that you and your people will stay safe and strong...


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
31 posted 2004-12-16 02:06 PM

There are some mighty FINE and caring folks here on these pages blue~
To each of you ... I would ask only that you keep those who are still struggling to rebuild their homes in your thoughts and prayers~

Merry CHRISTmas to you all~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

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