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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
Posts 7666

0 posted 2000-04-29 03:59 PM


Everything I touch turns untouchable,
Everything I love turns a lie.
Everything I dream ‘comes unthinkable
As the tears wiped from this dry eye.

And so I pass my life afraid to live,
In shame of this curse from above.
Calamity being my gift to give,
Coming to everything I love.

Alone, passion dwindles where once it raged,
Ambition gives way to sorrow.
Hiding away all emotion, self caged,
That whom I love sees tomorrow.

I watch the world from my far away cave,
Soul flat as a funeral rose.
Forever falling, indignity's slave,
I wish on wings from the shadows.

I swim the darkness, yes, I bleed the night.
Denying hope may yet linger...
Knowing to touch you would make it all right,
Yet daring not lay a finger.

Michael Anderson
< !signature-->

 For all behind was dark and drear,
And all before was night and fear.
How many hours of night or day
In those suspended pangs I lay,
I could not tell; I scarcely knew
If this were human breath I drew.

Lord Byron

[This message has been edited by Michael (edited 04-29-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Michael Anderson - All Rights Reserved
Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263

1 posted 2000-04-29 04:26 PM

When you can't touch, touch with your you just did. They are so beautiful. They can be a prelude to something wonderful.

[email protected]

Jeffrey Carter
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since 2000-04-08
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State of constant confusion!
2 posted 2000-04-29 04:29 PM

So profoundly perfect. I am speechless.

All my love,

 I lie awake in a world filled with dreams,
but dreams can be so real when you don't know you're asleep

pen of passion
since 1999-08-11
Posts 234

3 posted 2000-04-29 04:30 PM

A beautiful poem, a terrible curse.
Member Elite
since 1999-08-19
Posts 3079
Southern Florida
4 posted 2000-04-29 04:57 PM

The emotions are stongly conveyed in this piece, Michael .. The hopelessness,the feeling of a tormented soul who's greatest need is,... to love and be loved .....
Written with excellence ...

Member Elite
since 2000-01-25
Posts 2556
Floating gently on a cloud....
5 posted 2000-04-29 04:57 PM

This is one strong poem....contrasting emotions make it so. I feel that you are desperate to touch and yet terrified to do so. Or, if this isn't personal, the person on whose behalf you write feels that way. I think this poem is WOW!!

Love and hugs,

 "Poetry is the true expression of my soul, it is my ultimate means of communication. It is my rainbow of delight."

Member Elite
since 2000-02-19
Posts 4297
Charlotte, NC
6 posted 2000-04-29 05:11 PM


I could feel the depth of this with every word you wrote. i could feel the hopelessness and the write with such a high level of intensity, how could i not. i don't know about the rest of the gang here at Passions, but you not only blow me away with your impressive poetic style...but you inspire me to write even better. thank you and take care!


 ~Live today as though it were your last but prepare for tomorrow as though it were here~

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

7 posted 2000-04-29 05:31 PM

Everything I touch turns untouchable,
Everything I love turns a lie.
Everything I dream ‘comes unthinkable
As the tears wiped from this dry eye.

And so I pass my life afraid to live,
In shame of this curse from above.
Calamity being my gift to give,
Coming to everything I love.

Alone, passion dwindles where once it raged,
Ambition gives way to sorrow.
Hiding away all emotion, self caged,
That whom I love sees tomorrow.
Denying hope may yet linger...
Knowing to touch you would make it all right,

~Always Touched By You~

Too much pain and too much sorrow,
will indeed try to steal a soul's tomorrow.
We feel safer hiding our emotions deep within ...
its easier to stay numb when pain lives beneath our skin.

Still this curse belongs to others, as does the blame and shame ...
never let them deny your dreams ... or take from you, Hope's sweet name.
Is it not better to have loved and lost...than to have never loved at all...
You must still believe ... and in time the touch of an angel--
will offer a soft place to fall.
while this poem breaks my heart...
it is easily one of your most beautifully written.
always touched by you M,...we all are.

 ~as always, Take Care,JM~
I know it's been a long road
To get these towns behind me and I
Will gladly reap what we may sow--
I am there for you ...
and you're there for me ...
Are you waiting for
Heart in hand
Woman and man
See me where I stand I am
Heart in hand
~vertical horizon~

Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
Posts 5167
state of confusion
8 posted 2000-04-29 06:25 PM

another dark delving, delicous in it's delirium delt, dwelling in the dank where deception dies.


Member Elite
since 2000-01-18
Posts 4713
9 posted 2000-04-29 06:35 PM

Not everything you touch turns untouchable because you have touched all of us here at passions and we are still able to be reached   So I say "Hey go for it ((TOUCH)) all you like"  
< !signature-->

 Love is the life of the soul...
It is the harmony of the universe

[This message has been edited by tracie66 (edited 04-29-2000).]

Senior Member
since 2000-03-28
Posts 1369
10 posted 2000-04-29 10:33 PM

Michael, You do touch. Every time, I see
your name up with a poem, I wait breathlessly
in anticipation -- Never to be disappointed.

You write with such emotion - and so
well -  then, since I do not know what
your pain is -- only that many of your
poems are so real they touch me -- and
I just want to take you in my arms, and
hug out all your hurts - as best as a
strong hug can give ---

We tend to fear - giving of ourselves in
fear of our own hurt or to hurt another.
But, life is like that ----We give,
we take ----we share, we love, we lose
those we love -----we get more loves
in our lives ----and life goes on.

--Superstitions are
just that - and nothing more. Life
cannot stay lived in a cage - not a heart
such as yours ---)
I hope I have not imposed.


Senior Member
since 1999-08-15
Posts 1906
Sitting in Michael's Lap
11 posted 2000-04-29 11:53 PM

I thought, perhaps, to offer a bit of critique on form, here -- as well as compliment, of course.  Nothing that you write is ALL bad!  (LOL)  However, after reading the replies before mine, I fear that such hubris would be met with torches and calls for my head ...  

So, instead, I shall comment only on content -- with which I find no fault, and thus am safe. (whew!)  You certainly have a way for tearing at hearts, Michael -- boon or curse ...?


 Full fathom five thy father lies,
Of his bones are coral made,
Those are pearls that were his eyes;
Nothing of him that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange...

--William Shakespeare, from The Tempest

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-13
Posts 7666
12 posted 2000-04-30 11:45 AM

Irish Rose, Indeed by words I may reach where I may otherwise never have tried.
pen of passion, would seem so at times...

pepper, I think you hit the nail on the head there.

ESP, 'tis my own personal experience here - and you are exactly right in the perception.

Amy, you humble me with your words... it makes me happy to know I inspire you in such a manner.

Janet, I have been falling so long - I'd just assume land in a hard place right about now...  Thank you for the beautiful poem though.

Corinne - love the alliteration there...    Dark and delirious, indeed...

Tracie, uh when you put it like that, how could I refuse?  

netswan, you certainly have not imposed...  You speak some golden truths here.  my sincerest thanks.

Kess,  uh form - I knew I forgot something on this one...LOL  'tis o.k. - just a little purging here.  I would honored to accept any critique from you in any case, though, nonetheless.  And boon or curse?  Most definately both!

Thank you all for the gracious replies.


Senior Member
since 2000-02-02
Posts 664
13 posted 2000-05-01 08:56 AM

loevly poem as always MIchael..
there is this creative box of pain in you that never stops with these beautiful words

 If all was light...then I would have never learnt the dark...from which such truth evolves
from which evolves the light...
Avanti Rao

since 2000-03-29
Posts 358
14 posted 2000-05-02 12:00 PM've written another enigma of sorts.......i've read your poetry before in the corner pub,but never here,and i REALLY love it so far,you may become a favoite =]
beautiful poem =]


 And there she weaves by night and day,
a magic web of colours gay.~Tennyson

since 2000-04-28
Posts 209
London, UK
15 posted 2000-05-03 05:27 AM


You have such a talent - especially for this kind of writing.  I loved this poem, so deep, hurtful, dark almost.  You are an inspiration, and I believe your patience and sensitivity will pay off.

Hang in there my friend.

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