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Senior Member
since 2003-02-15
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Inside the shadow's shadow

0 posted 2004-03-02 12:26 PM

I caught the edge of your smile
And I grinned.
I caught your falling tear
And put it on my cheek.
I saw your footsteps fall
And I struggled to keep pace.
You walked off a cliff
And I found I could fly.

For some reason, I feel the need to explain this one, rather than let the reader gather their own impression from it. I love doing that, but this time this one means alot to me, and I'd like to get my true message across.

This is about a sexual abuser. About how he used me, when I was very young, by twisting and bending everything about me. I began to live off of him. He feigned attempted suicide many times to get me to think I could help him, that he cared enough about me, to the point that I could "save" him. When he was sad, I was sad. When he was happy, I was happy. Everything I felt, every emotion that I felt, was his.

The cops were constantly coming to the door, towards the end, as they realized young girls (of 12 and 13) were constantly going to this man's house. There were three of us, and although I became the main victim, all of us were affected in some way.

He kept us there by buying us clothes, taking us out to eat at nice places, giving us money for whatever drug was our pick at the time, and almost daily buying us alcohol. It's easy to bend a 13 year old girl from the country into whatever you want, but even easier when your mind is so clouded you've no idea what's even going on.

Eventually, after constantly telling us he'd never do anything to hurt us, he got me to submit to what he wanted. It wasn't my choice, it was his. Everything I believed, everything I felt, was because he'd put it there.

Finally, one night, a friend and I were found, passed out, in a guy's car. The cops all knew us, and we were taken to detectives so they could finally get us to admit to what was going on, as we'd always been careful to make it seem innocent before.

It took the detective two hours to break me down. They were the most intense two hours I'll probably ever experience in my life.

Because I did seem to have some uncanny ability to sense what was going on in this man's head, I knew he was going to kill himself, early that morning. (It was about six AM when we got done with the detectives.) I told them this, and they just nodded.

Sure enough, he shot himself that morning.

That's what this poem is about. He walked off that cliff...and I jumped to follow, but realized I could fly on my own.

I suppose this thread isn't in the correct board anymore, and Mods: feel free to move it wherever is proper (like you need my permission anyway :P ).

The reason I'm saying this, is because I'm okay with it now. I've come to terms with what has happened, and I know it happens to tons of people, also. It's hidden too much. There aren't enough people out there, explaining the seriousness of these things. I don't want pity, or anything at all like that. I just want to maybe reach just one person on this forum. If I could reach just one person...

Anyhow, that is what the poem is about.  

© Copyright 2004 Lauren - All Rights Reserved
passing shadows
Member Empyrean
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1 posted 2004-03-02 12:42 PM

funny how we are connected like that...nice last line there
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since 2003-10-11
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2 posted 2004-03-02 12:46 PM

   I love your wording!  This leaves me with many pictures and thoughts.  Beautifully expressed.   Much enjoyed!

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
3 posted 2004-03-03 05:50 PM

Not going to send sympathy -- applause, instead -- you are one courageous young woman!  And, by the way, I really thought the poem was terrific!
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since 2003-05-03
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in the shadows
4 posted 2004-03-03 05:59 PM

Well said.  Thank you for sharing this.
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-01-04
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A Mountain Paradise
5 posted 2004-03-03 08:10 PM

I have to agree with iliana and send you lots of hugs and congratulations for clearing your head and heart and coming to grips with who you are. Brava!!!!

I'm sorry this happened but so grateful you made it through in one piece.

Hugs, Marti

I take no credit for my poems. Although I write them, I feel
more like I transcribe them. It's just a matter of listening.

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Listening to every heart
6 posted 2004-03-03 08:19 PM

KoKo...usually the moderators agree that "disclaimers" do not apply.  But, you broke NONE of the guidelines that I can see, and while what you could have written earlier when this happened to you could have contained subject matter that could have been pulled, the whole post is and of itself, a very good lesson on how and WHY not to allow people to manipulate you.

I do believe your edit explains it even better...but the poem can stand alone.

Very well done, my friend.  I'm thankful you didn't fall.  

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7 posted 2004-03-03 08:26 PM

your soulful wings ride upon high winds of truth
thank you

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Member Elite
since 2004-01-15
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Elapsing, Eclipsing, Evolving
8 posted 2004-03-03 09:18 PM

the poem is fantastic

the explanation of the poem breaks my heart, but, i know it is brave of you.
I know you will touch many lives out there with this message...
THANK YOU for your courage.

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
9 posted 2004-03-03 10:29 PM

It took a lot of courage to write this piece.
I applaud you....and send you hugs, Nancy

~I've loved you forever, in lifetimes before~

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since 2003-11-17
Posts 4058

10 posted 2004-03-03 11:31 PM

this write, like you, is powerful enough to stand on its own...your explanation of its inspiration only adds to its strength and causes me to admire yours...well done
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Member Laureate
since 2002-09-29
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Florida, USA
11 posted 2004-03-04 10:30 PM

KoKo, I want to applaud you for being courageous
enough to write about this very painful subject.
I know that it took a lot of courage for you
to write this. I am so glad that you realized
that you could fly, my friend.
hugs to you,

Member Elite
since 2003-04-05
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Alberta, Canada
12 posted 2004-03-04 10:38 PM

STANDING OVATION!!!! I won't give you sympathy for I know you do not want it but I will applaud you for the courage you show in bringing this much hidden information to us...I can empathize with you...and join with you to encourage people to realize how serious this is...BRAVO!!!!Carry on...

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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
13 posted 2004-03-05 12:05 PM

Nice writing...James
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since 2003-04-02
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14 posted 2004-03-10 11:43 AM

Senior Member
since 2002-02-13
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Windsor, Ontario, Canada
15 posted 2004-03-10 11:55 AM

I think you are a particularly brave young lady for detailing out this poem and the circumstances that led you to write it...

Not that it's my choice ... but I wouldn't move your post (nothing questionable or vulgar was said.)  And it is a great example of the abuse that sometimes happens right under our very noses.... seeming so innocent.  You have openned more than a few eyes here I don't doubt.

Fly on your own


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London, ON, Canada
16 posted 2004-03-10 02:52 PM

Courage to help others... God bless you.
Member Elite
since 2003-10-11
Posts 2519

17 posted 2004-03-10 04:47 PM

   I'm so glad I stopped in again to read this.  I can't believe how poor my interpretation was!  Thank you so much for sharing this-it had to be very difficult.  I am ten thousand times more appreciative of your poem knowing of your courage to prevent someone else from falling victim.
I admire your honesty.

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
18 posted 2004-03-11 02:46 PM

My dear sweet Koko Puff! You've been to hell and you managed to fly out of there all on your own! Bravo, l'il darlin'! I want to give you a great big angel hug and kudos for your courage! Yes, your bravery in writing about your experience may very well save some young reader from the same plight!

Your poem was powerful and liberating. You rock!

Love & Light,

Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

19 posted 2004-03-11 03:04 PM

Brava Koko, not just for this poem, but for you to having the courage and grace to share this that it might help just one.  I have said if I have touched the heart of just one reader, then I have accomplished my dream.  
I pray this reaches someone somewhere and that they to can go forth in knowing that they are NOT alone.

It's better than I could have planned..
it's made me who I am...
{Trace Adkins}

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20 posted 2004-03-11 03:21 PM

It must e very tough for you to write about this. Thank you for sharing with us the true meaning. It made the message even more powerful! The last line says it all. I hope you continue to fly high!
Senior Member
since 2003-11-29
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Portland, OR
21 posted 2004-03-11 03:51 PM

I am glad to hear it! It is very good to come to terms. Taht is the hardest thing about those situations. Once you do though, your whole world turns around.
Senior Member
since 2003-02-15
Posts 995
Inside the shadow's shadow
22 posted 2004-03-13 02:40 PM

Thank you all very much for understanding. I was kind of embarressed by all the sweet replies. Thanks, everyone, for reading this, and for your words of comfort. I appreciate it very much!
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