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Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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0 posted 2004-02-16 04:21 PM

Song of Change

The sun is on my back
like needles
liking off the hold
of a callus made of sand

Rub it out   a jewel has been washed
again and again   no longer rock
but the smooth touch of a friend
bleached and unknotted it has gone
passed the place of high tide

I can hear the song of change
I can feel the window opening
know winter has been everywhere
taking cold bites of sidewalks
slipping precariously under feet

Oh  I can see the slide   the fall
the crunch of it hurts the burn
where the sun is opening awareness
until it sings across the distance
into the oceans constant fall
and I am buried in the call
of sand and shimmering drenched
find the summer of my years
bare and brown and good
where the child in jump splash
shouts and is heard

The sun takes me around about to you
sifting snow and painting breath on window
pinched and torn of hand the shovel deep
laying across the driveways steep

The sand leaves pieces of gold upon my skin
and I'm looking for a way to mend
with the heat I dig from truth
a treasure not of what I have
but of what I know and cherish enough to send

I can hear the song of change
where all the doors are slanted stuck
and wood has shrunk in upon itself
I open it with a simple pen
and turn it toward the light of sun again

© Copyright 2004 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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1 posted 2004-02-16 04:26 PM

I can hear the song of change
where all the doors are slanted stuck
and wood has shrunk in upon itself
I open it with a simple pen
and turn it toward the light of sun again

How very beautiful. *S* Hearing that song takes time... really listening takes courage... This is as filled with strength as it is incredible imagery.

Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113
Canada eh.
2 posted 2004-02-16 04:29 PM

Suthern chose my favourite lines as well Martie..
This is so special..penned as only you know how.
Beautiful pretty lady~

  ~ Whatever our souls are made of,
      his and mine are the same. ~      

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
3 posted 2004-02-16 04:46 PM

"The sand leaves pieces of gold upon my skin
and I'm looking for a way to mend
with the heat I dig from truth
a treasure not of what I have
but of what I know and cherish enough to send

I can hear the song of change
where all the doors are slanted stuck
and wood has shrunk in upon itself
I open it with a simple pen
and turn it toward the light of sun again"

Terrific writing about these deep matters, Martie!  

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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4 posted 2004-02-16 04:55 PM

Oh  I can see the slide   the fall
the crunch of it hurts the burn
where the sun is opening awareness
until it sings across the distance
into the oceans constant fall
and I am buried in the call
of sand and shimmering drenched
find the summer of my years
bare and brown and good
where the child in jump splash
shouts and is heard

The sun takes me around about to you
sifting snow and painting breath on window
pinched and torn of hand the shovel deep
laying across the driveways steep

The sand leaves pieces of gold upon my skin
and I'm looking for a way to mend
with the heat I dig from truth
a treasure not of what I have
but of what I know and cherish enough to send

I can hear the song of change
where all the doors are slanted stuck
and wood has shrunk in upon itself
I open it with a simple pen
and turn it toward the light of sun again


OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I can fly after reading this!!!!
THIS is what poetry was meant to be...
goodness this is such a gorgeous write!!

Well I cant say what I might believe ...
but if God made you ... he's in love with me.

5 for fighting

Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 3050

5 posted 2004-02-16 05:00 PM

Love this Martie!

Can I borrow your pen?

My door's stuck too...

Bill Charles
Member Patricius
since 2000-07-11
Posts 10619
highways, & byways, for now
6 posted 2004-02-16 05:21 PM

Martie - I can't say anymore than I have since I've been reading your writings. Great write from a talent...


Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 4383
in the shadows
7 posted 2004-02-16 06:48 PM

This is very beautiful, touching poignant, very moving imagery.

I like it!  *smile*

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Member Patricius
since 1999-10-22
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8 posted 2004-02-16 06:56 PM

Member Elite
since 2002-06-15
Posts 2386
Ohio, USA
9 posted 2004-02-16 07:59 PM

You are the consummate poet Martie - you say things here and paint images on my soul that i take deeply within.  this is just the best - Paul
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Member Elite
since 2004-01-15
Posts 2949
Elapsing, Eclipsing, Evolving
10 posted 2004-02-16 08:09 PM

"The sand leaves pieces of gold upon my skin
and I'm looking for a way to mend
with the heat I dig from truth
a treasure not of what I have
but of what I know and cherish enough to send"


Member Elite
since 2003-05-17
Posts 3404
11 posted 2004-02-16 08:25 PM

"...I am buried in the call
of sand and shimmering drenched
find the summer of my years
bare and brown and good
where the child in jump splash
shouts and is heard..."

Oh, I like this, I really do....

Excellent poetry, of course you always deliver the fuel, just when my tank is on empty...

enjoyed ______ice

Marge Tindal
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Member Empyrean
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
12 posted 2004-02-16 08:54 PM

You come word-gusting through my heart just when I thought there was no page of imagery that you had not yet turned~


~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
13 posted 2004-02-16 10:34 PM

As the squeak of soles
finds the wipe of matted retreat
I find the key to riches
laid upon the path of my feet

An alphabet soup of mixture
laced in golden ink of treasure
Scolled in pen upon linen
far worth their measure

Divine capture of heart warmth
embraced in hug of poetess reach
Tugging wonder of pondered strings
playing the harp on strings of teach


Truely lovely as always sweet friend of SM pier retreat.  I do so love finding your words each time I visit.

Senior Member
since 2000-01-17
Posts 1601
14 posted 2004-02-17 01:58 AM

Very Compelling...


Speaking of ghosts, wouldn't you know here comes mine again...
~Rosemary J. Gwaltney~

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577
15 posted 2004-02-17 02:01 AM

very touching, softly done
Cpat Hair
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Member Patricius
since 2001-06-05
Posts 11793

16 posted 2004-02-17 08:33 AM

Rub it out   a jewel has been washed
again and again   no longer rock
but the smooth touch of a friend
bleached and unknotted it has gone
passed the place of high tide

I can hear the song of change
I can feel the window opening
know winter has been everywhere
taking cold bites of sidewalks
slipping precariously under feet

as always Martie... you journey and come back with words to put perspective around those things which nag..those questions and life

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
17 posted 2004-02-17 08:45 AM

I can hear the song of change
where all the doors are slanted stuck
and wood has shrunk in upon itself
I open it with a simple pen
and turn it toward the light of sun again


Smiling, smiling...

Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

18 posted 2004-02-17 08:49 AM

Martie, dear gal, there is nothing that you write that I do not absolutely love....
hugs to you for this and for sharing your talent with us all...
peace sweetie.

Member Ascendant
since 2002-10-02
Posts 5178
19 posted 2004-02-17 09:04 AM

The images flow from your pen Martie.  

believe in what your heart feels...

Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
Posts 10549
By the Seaside
20 posted 2004-02-17 12:49 PM

There is nothing quite like your word pictures,
such a rare beauty they are.

Gosh Martie, this is exquisite!!

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095

21 posted 2004-02-20 12:24 PM

Martie, this digs deep and the imagery is  exceptional.

I'm keeping this, this piece of you


Beauty of the world which is soon to perish has two edges, one of laughter and one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.
(by Virginia Woolf)

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2003-01-23
Posts 7026
Visiting Earth on a Guest Pass
22 posted 2004-02-25 02:31 PM

Some things change, some things begin and end...some only continue.

Some marbles you drop in the circle, and some you quietly leave in the bag.

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

23 posted 2004-02-25 02:49 PM

a second read was much enjoyed the second time around as the first!
Senior Member
since 2004-01-27
Posts 1967
London, ON, Canada
24 posted 2004-02-25 03:09 PM

Again enjoyed! Grover.
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