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Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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0 posted 2003-11-29 08:49 PM

The Trip to Mother and Father-in-love

It is so cold here
closed and pumping heat  it seeps
out of the walls
and I must walk the frost tipped grass
to relieve the ice that I feel
coming from the aged couple
she of frail and he of will

Her voice is caught in morning tones
soft and pleading for annunciation
wanting to be cared for yet wanting to be not
to do something that will catch the gruff
make him hear
and ease back into what is love

I touch her hand and close mine
like a blanket on a child
meaning to be warm
afraid I’ll crush the bones
like baby birds so

He marches into battle with the foe
that takes her and breaks small pieces at a time
until there is only a sigh and pale time
dry eyes that do not find the strength to weep
at the harsh loud noise he throws her way
built from not knowing what to do
to caulk the pieces

He thought he had the weapons for it all
for building and keeping what he deserved
using up the muscles in his reserve
he grew a beard of white that he could say was time
he could use it like a clock
ticking down the minutes until the final paper
loud and clear
proclaimed him mightier    then what

It is so cold that the boy who is a man
cannot hold the tenderness of time
and make his father see the gravity of this parting gift
the gravity of love so dense with muscle
that the ache burns after all the chore is done

I can sing this now  tell the story that I see
and yet though I am warm
and I have flown miles away   the bitter truth is
the cold remains

© Copyright 2003 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2003-11-29 08:53 PM

I enjoyed reading this...but sad
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-02-22
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Michigan, USA
2 posted 2003-11-29 08:56 PM

What a write Marti!
The ache as time takes away what has been cherished so, and makes it unbelievably changed and frail.  Such tender sympathy for the aging that sometimes is unforgiving.

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Member Laureate
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South Carolina, USA
3 posted 2003-11-29 09:00 PM

What Kathy said, with a hug included...aging
is such harsh company....when we have been
away and then return...

Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
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in the shadows
4 posted 2003-11-29 09:21 PM

Hard miles.

There is no destination on this road, only points of passage.

I have missed you.

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Member Rara Avis
since 2003-01-23
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Visiting Earth on a Guest Pass
5 posted 2003-11-29 09:25 PM

So feel this, to hold in emotions because letting them out will only make it worse, and yet the cold permeating everything.... I feel for you on this one, and with this beautifully created poem, I think I feel exactly as you did. Now I'm doubly glad you're back.

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

since 2003-11-28
Posts 248
Ohio, USA
6 posted 2003-11-29 09:41 PM

Such a bitter sweet read. An emotional write
which awakens an emotional read of reality.
I enjoyed this poem with a tear!
pictureme :-)

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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7 posted 2003-11-29 10:13 PM

You, my dear lady are the queen of poetry.

Not believing me? smile...

read this as if someone else wrote it:

"I touch her hand and close mine
like a blanket on a child
meaning to be warm
afraid I’ll crush the bones
like baby birds so"

Hug yourself twice. Once for me, and once for you.

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Member Rara Avis
since 2003-01-23
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Visiting Earth on a Guest Pass
8 posted 2003-11-29 10:18 PM

Glanced back here and what do I see? New Pic, and a beauty it is! I like this one very much.

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

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Member Laureate
since 2002-09-29
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Florida, USA
9 posted 2003-11-29 10:40 PM

I can sing this now  tell the story that I see
and yet though I am warm
and I have flown miles away   the bitter truth is
the cold remains

Martie, I am so glad to see you here. I'm missed you, too.  

And, yes, you did tell the story that you saw, and
so well that I felt I was there watching.

Martie, I love the new picture!!
Hugs to you, sweet lady  

passing shadows
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10 posted 2003-11-29 11:37 PM

sad but do that well
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
11 posted 2003-11-30 12:12 PM


'I touch her hand and close mine
like a blanket on a child
meaning to be warm
afraid I’ll crush the bones
like baby birds so'

How fragile your word-thoughts~

Poignancy in this tender piece~
Glad you and Taylor have returned safely my dear friend~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram
       [email protected]   

Senior Member
since 2003-09-27
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On the edge of forever
12 posted 2003-11-30 12:26 PM

So beautifully sculpted, Martie.

Thank you.

Love and Light...jc

This I know as Truth...we are all Beings of Light.

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
13 posted 2003-11-30 05:18 AM

This is stunning, Martie... the ache and cold seep through the screen.

Welcome back... the pic is lovely! *S*

Member Elite
since 2002-06-15
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Ohio, USA
14 posted 2003-11-30 05:11 PM

welcome back Martie - a great poem with sad truths and keen observations - Paul
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

15 posted 2003-11-30 05:40 PM

Thank you for sending this my way...hmmm...heart hugs?


Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
16 posted 2003-11-30 05:46 PM

Ah Martie...You have been missed.
This is a treasure as are you!
Love the new pic as well!

~ let peace begin with me... ~

Seymour Tabin
Member Empyrean
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Tamarac Fla
17 posted 2003-11-30 05:57 PM

Well done, enjoyed.
PS. pretty icture.

Member Elite
since 2003-05-17
Posts 3404
18 posted 2003-11-30 09:08 PM

I tried to pick out the most excellent stanzas,
read this several times and was unable to do...
So I read again, feeding the words deeper...
and my spirit told me nothing was missing, and added words would only blurr the clarity,
to just let it consume me...
so I did.
What a joy it is to share the world with someone who cares about life so deeply...
and is able to write about it....
strange how this sad poem made me happy.
(hope this makes some kind of sense to you)

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
19 posted 2003-12-01 11:13 PM

(big hugggsssssss) Oh Martie, I send your heart many angel hugs, dearest friend, I understand aging ever so much and that is why every time I go out to see my grandparents, I always make it an effort to get to know them better so when the time they come when they move on and I have a family in the future, I can know about them and let them know how special they were! (angel hugs) Know as time moves on, your mother and father will always love you, God Bless You, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Martie, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"You'll find something that's enough to keep you
But if the bright lights don't receive you
You should turn yourself around and come back home" MB20

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
20 posted 2003-12-10 10:29 AM

He marches into battle with the foe
that takes her and breaks small pieces at a time
until there is only a sigh and pale time
dry eyes that do not find the strength to weep
at the harsh loud noise he throws her way
built from not knowing what to do
to caulk the pieces

He thought he had the weapons for it all
for building and keeping what he deserved
using up the muscles in his reserve
he grew a beard of white that he could say was time
he could use it like a clock
ticking down the minutes until the final paper
loud and clear
proclaimed him mightier    then what


This found a spot deep within, Martie...Only the tables were reversed, and still we bang against the invisible wall, for we chide ouselves unmercifully that we should have ALL the answers...

my prayers are with you and yours...

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Member Patricius
since 2001-08-31
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just out of reach
21 posted 2003-12-10 11:02 AM

He marches into battle with the foe
that takes her and breaks small pieces at a time
until there is only a sigh and pale time
dry eyes that do not find the strength to weep
at the harsh loud noise he throws her way
built from not knowing what to do
to caulk the pieces

Oh, Martie, This makes my heart weep. I am tucking this away in my library....very gently. hugs, Chris

"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet."


Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095

22 posted 2003-12-11 05:54 PM

I touch her hand and close mine
like a blanket on a child
meaning to be warm
afraid I’ll crush the bones
like baby birds so

yup you're amazing..totally... and like K said.. the queen of poetry.

it's a keeper.


fate is not just
whose cooking  smells good
but which way the wind blows

(Ani DiFranco)

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095

23 posted 2003-12-11 05:55 PM

clicking now

fate is not just
whose cooking  smells good
but which way the wind blows

(Ani DiFranco)

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