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since 2003-10-11
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0 posted 2003-12-19 11:59 PM

The guitar began
as a present to our daughter.
But as it ended
it was a gift to us.

The gift was a trip in time,
To a humble house,
With myriads of violin cases
On two by four shelves.

Ancient cases were displayed
Dusty black, paper edges,
criss-cross stacked
as summer bales of hay.

He brought out the $45,
A pretty little thing;
He played it like a bango,
Picking every string.

He was dressed in gray snagged
polyester pants, two inch suspenders
and a shirt of green and coral plaid,
With spectacles ramping down his nose.

He couldn’t stop at the $45
He ached to show us more--
To show us all his children
And play their many chords.

Early, an instrument maker,
Creating a bango at eleven.
For self-entertainment he said
During our Great Depression.

He pulled out guitar after guitar,
Tuned it, picked it, and smiled
At each wooden friend, then
confessed its every flaw and mar.

Then he lifted the has been,
a thirty year old Yamaha.

The guitar was not impressive,
Beaten with love ‘til scarred,
But still he smiled, caressing it,
Special of three hundred fifty babes.

He handed us several guitars handmade,
of which he was offered many thous,
He handed them to us, not to buy,
but for riches us to hear
So we could compare
the beaten babe.

As it was, pretty versus rich,
The pretty lost and rich was won
When she chose the beaten
Yamaha guitar.  

That’s not the end of this,
He brought out his bango!
My son sat it on his knees,
Can you imagine what happened?

For the next Robert write,
you will have to wait and see.

[This message has been edited by Sadelite (12-21-2003 08:09 PM).]

© Copyright 2003 Sadelite - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2003-12-20 12:01 PM

Lucky, lucky you!
I absolutely love this write!
It goes right to the strings of my heart.
And also into my library

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since 2003-10-11
Posts 2519

2 posted 2003-12-20 12:05 PM

   I know.   I was soooooo lucky to see this
wealth.   He had a collection of three hundred years of string instruments hanging
dustily on his walls.  It was like going into an attic of music history.

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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3 posted 2003-12-20 12:27 PM

Okay, tell me who this was.  I give up.  So has L now got a guitar and what 'bout the bear? .......... .lol
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4 posted 2003-12-20 12:39 PM

   My hubby struck gold when meeting the parents of two of his clients. Robert was raised in Kentucky and now resides in S. L.   My hubby insisted that I go in to meet Robert, telling me that it would be a cultural experience.  It truly has been enriching.  (He even made a banjo for Porter Wagner!)   I have a feeling you'll be hearing more about him in my writings-he said he didn't mind.  Truly, meeting him has merried our Christmas.  

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Somewhere out there~
5 posted 2003-12-20 01:05 AM

What a lovely thing I just read. Rich in heart, history, and a soul that loves to share his wealth of the good that has come his way. WOW I loved this! Just beautiful!

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender...Dido

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6 posted 2003-12-20 01:22 AM

   Thanks for commenting and sharing my excitement.   When departing he left us with these words, "If you live a life from beginning to end, you must have music to fill the void."  This man has even fashioned
Chrysler, I believe, hubcaps into bango bands
(I thinker that's the terminology he used--I
need to visit him again with a notepad!  He said that'd be just fine to do.

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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7 posted 2003-12-20 03:41 AM

So L is playing the guitar now!  Great!  I think I liked it better the first time -- but that doesn't matter, what matters is what made you happier.
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8 posted 2003-12-20 09:36 AM

   Thanks for the re-read!  I agree, I liked the first version better, with just a couple of modifications.   I changed this again!

since 2004-01-05
Posts 484
state of marital bliss
9 posted 2004-01-19 06:40 AM

  I'm glad I found this!

My eldest son is 11, and is on his 3rd guitar.  The most recent is an electric.  I like the openning of this poem:

The guitar began
as a present to our daughter.
But as it ended
it was a gift to us.

Too true!  I love to hear my son create, what a gift!


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10 posted 2004-01-19 10:02 AM

Thank you much, McLean.  Your son must be quite a natural to be on his third guitar at eleven-he's quite fortunate to have a musical gift and the gift of a supportive family.  

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
11 posted 2004-01-19 10:55 AM

Oh my ... can't tell you just how much I enjoyed this penning~

As a woman who lives with a 'guitar man' ... I can attest to the beauty found in the old and the new guitars of his collection~
To hear him finger each one (as memories remain in the strings) is pure pleasure~

My fellow also is a woodcarver and now makes 'MiniGuitars' ... including a small collection of his works here for you~
He chooses special woods for each piece, carves, stains and strings them and carves stands for them - as the *perfect* gift for the guitar man who has everything else~

I LOVE THIS WRITE and will look forward to more~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

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Listening to every heart
12 posted 2004-01-19 10:57 AM

Sadie, my brother, a musician.  I am forwarding this wonderful poem on to him, just in realization that he will be smiling when he reads it.  Thank you so very much!
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13 posted 2004-01-19 11:02 AM

  Glad you sent this--you DO indeed understand Robert, guitar maker!  He was telling me about some Brazilian Rosewood that he was able to find.  I believe he said just the wood ran somewhere around $700 for one guitar.  He spoke to me like he had found the Hope Diamond when he was able to acquire this wood!  I'm sure your husband can appreciate this.  His guitars are quite beautiful-I'm glad you sent them up...  I bet the sound is even better!

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Member Seraphic
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14 posted 2004-01-19 03:56 PM

I like this very much. *S* The gift continues on to us through this vivid portrait of a man and his music. *S*
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
15 posted 2004-01-19 04:54 PM

Hey Sadie?  From my brother, Robert...
Very Cool! I can relate, all six of mine each have their own meaning…heh

Thought you would enjoy!

Member Elite
since 2003-10-11
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16 posted 2004-01-19 06:53 PM

    How nice of you to send this along to your brother, Robert.  The arts must run in your family!  Thanks for your thoughtful response.

    My poem does little to portray the richness in this man's soul.  I'm glad I could share what I was able... Thank you for
you kindness in response.  

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