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Member Seraphic
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0 posted 2003-12-14 04:56 PM

Cosette (July 14, 1989 - December 13, 2003)

Your soft fur has absorbed a million tears
Over the last fourteen and a half years
You have been my companion since your birth
And now you’re about to depart this earth.
So many pink rubber balls you have chased
Countless dust bunny attacks you have faced
And when my nephew was just a small boy
You snuck into his bag, stole a stuffed toy
There was one boyfriend you hated on sight
And I should have listened, for you were right!
Through so many nights you’ve slept at my side
Then a few years ago, you almost died
What saved you then? Doc’s unsure about that
But I welcomed back my miracle cat.
A bit spoiled, you’re used to getting your way
But it lights my world at end of the day
To come home from work, be met at the door
It’s just not possible to love you more.
Now losing you is ripping me apart
Though you’ve forever a place in my heart
I’ll miss you so much I can’t help but cry
I’m just not ready to tell you goodbye.

Born into my hands, died in my arms... buried with Bear, that stuffed toy stolen so many years ago and loved to tatters.

© Copyright 2003 suthern - All Rights Reserved
Mistletoe Angel
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1 posted 2003-12-14 05:10 PM

(big hugggsssssss) Oh Suthern, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, sweet friend, I know just how you feel because when I was a little boy I had two kittys named Holly and Suky, and though they no longer are with me, I still love them with all my heart and know someday I will pet and hold them in my lap again in heaven! (wipes tears) Know that you are the best owner Cosette could ever dream of having to love and will always love you and purr from up above, sweet friend, God Bless You, I send angel comfort hugs to console your loss, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Suthern, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"You'll find something that's enough to keep you
But if the bright lights don't receive you
You should turn yourself around and come back home" MB20

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2003-12-14 05:28 PM

You are beautiful !

I know how much you love Cosette and will miss her greatly~
To know she's on Daddy's farm where you can readily visit and honor her is a blessing~

I love you dear friend~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram
       [email protected]   

Member Empyrean
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3 posted 2003-12-14 05:40 PM

suthern...I understand the love and the grief.  Hugs to you, dear friend.
Member Elite
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Charlotte, NC
4 posted 2003-12-14 05:46 PM


this produced a flood of tears from me...
I am SO sorry for the loss of your cat.
Pets become so special to us, just like
family--though some don't understand that.
I know you will miss Cosette greatly and
she/he will miss you too! Here's a
to wipe away your tears.

Happy Holidays,

"love is like a butterfly--
if you chase it,
it will surely fly away,instead
hold it close and watch it grow into
something beautiful"

Senior Member
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On the edge of forever
5 posted 2003-12-14 06:46 PM

Oh, suthern...

You are both in my heart and my thoughts...thank you for sharing this loving memorial.

Love and Light...jc

This I know as Truth...we are all Beings of Light.

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Member Rara Avis
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Visiting Earth on a Guest Pass
6 posted 2003-12-14 08:45 PM

Little passings can be just as painful as big ones...especially when it's one as dear as Cosette was to you. I've heard it in your voice as you spoke of her, so I know how much this must hurt.

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

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Member Patricius
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just out of reach
7 posted 2003-12-14 10:26 PM

Oh, Ruth, I am so sorry to hear of the passing of such a loving little pal. I know this feeling well, it hurts terribly. You words are touching indeed. hugs, Chris

"At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet."


Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
8 posted 2003-12-14 10:32 PM

Ruth I am so sorry for your loss.
When we have had a pet that long it's like losing a memeber of the family.
Heart hugs~

~Let peace begin with me...    

Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
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By the Seaside
9 posted 2003-12-15 12:29 PM

I wish I could find the words to comfort you.
I am so sorry suthern, my heart aches for you.

Warm hugs and loving thoughts to you,  dear lady.

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
10 posted 2003-12-15 12:43 PM

I have known of that pain and loss and I can understand what you are going through at this time. I send you my love and understanding and blessings for Cosette.

Warm, compassionate hugs,

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
11 posted 2003-12-15 02:06 AM

The grief of loosing a pet as I said is worse than a human for they can't tell us how they feel and so we feel even more for them. You sure were there for Cosette until the end and that you shared in love.  I am so sorry, and having felt this pain and know how deep it goes, may you heal soon.  
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Member Laureate
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Florida, USA
12 posted 2003-12-15 02:36 AM

Suthern, I am so very sorry for your loss of your little pet. I have always loved each and every one of my pets through my life, but my little "Scooter" dog that I have now is extra special to me. I've had him since he was born two years ago on Dec. 8th. He was one of my Christmas presents from Gary that year, so that makes him even more special to me. Because I know how very attached I am to Scooter, makes me know a little of how you are feeling about your loss. I don't know how I could stand it if something happened to him. He has seen many tears from me when I was talking to him and telling him my troubles.

I am just so sorry, sweet lady.
Heart hugs to you,

passing shadows
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13 posted 2003-12-15 02:36 AM

oh my

this is heart wrenching

Janet Marie
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14 posted 2003-12-15 08:17 AM

Knowing the depth of which you write, I knew this would get to me and the very first line did just that...but that speaks to the depth of which you love your "girls." Their age speaks to the level of care and content that you have given them.

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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15 posted 2003-12-15 01:59 PM

M’Toe: I’m not sure who owned whom. *S* Thank you so much, my friend… I’ve always called her my angel cat… so angel comfort hugs are appreciated. *S*

Marge: Such a small being left such a big hole in my heart. *S* I’ll make sure no farm visit is too frenzied for some quiet time remembering. *S* Thank you, my friend… I love you so.

Martie: I know you do. *S* And hugs are greatly appreciated… thank you very much! *S*

Aimster: Cosette and Mama Kitty were my family… now Mama Kitty and I are just rattling around, missing “our” baby. *S* Thank you! *S*

Jaicie: I thank you very much. I wrote this when I new the verdict was bad… wasn’t sure at all about posting it. * S*

Ratleader: Yes, it does. *S* But I know the hurt would be less if she hadn’t given so much love for so long… and I wouldn’t trade a moment. So I’m trying to remember how lucky I was. *S* Thank you, my friend… so much.

Nightshade: Loving little pal describes her well. *S* She was just that. Thank you very much.

Enchantress: Thank you, kind lady… so very much.  *S*

Blues: I think only time can do that… though I wouldn’t have made it through this without the loving support and understanding of friends. * S* Thank you very much!

EA: Gifts from the heart are always appreciated… these especially. *S* Thank you so much!

Mysteria: She was facing down the storms Friday night, determined to chew on the patio plants one more time… I couldn’t stop the rain so I kept drying wet paws. *S* Healing will take a while… thank you so! *S*

garysgirl: Losing a special kitty many years ago hurt so much I swore I’d never get so attached again… but Cosette had other ideas. *S* She decided I needed keeping… and accepted that as her job when just a tiny kitten… I had no resistance… I was hers. *S* Thank you! *S*

PS: Thank you very much. *S*

JM: I do love them so… and know that love reaches across the barriers of our physical existence. But how I miss her. *S* Thank you so much. *S*

Member Empyrean
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
16 posted 2003-12-16 10:53 PM

Tender words...James
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Listening to every heart
17 posted 2003-12-17 12:09 PM

Honey, I'm so sorry.  
To this day, I can still imagine
the feel of my first kitten's fur,
and my first puppy's warm tongue!

Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

18 posted 2003-12-17 12:11 PM

aw Suthern gal, I know this feeling and your words remind me of the furry face full of love that I miss so much too...very well done hon.
Member Ascendant
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Ala bam a
19 posted 2003-12-17 12:57 PM

Just now saw this...know how ya feel...and hope things get better for ya soon.....
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
20 posted 2003-12-17 04:11 PM

James Michael: Thank you so much! *S*

Sunshine: Thank you, lady... I see her everywhere... but only with my heart.

GS: Thank you so much... I knew I couldn't capture her or the parting in words... but couldn't stay silent, either. *S*

Toerag: I know you do, my friend... and I do, too. *S* Thank you!

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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21 posted 2003-12-20 10:37 PM

Suthern -- so sorry for your loss; you have offered a beautiful tribute to your friend.
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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22 posted 2003-12-21 03:54 PM

iliana: Thank you so very much... your response means a lot to me. *S*
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