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Member Seraphic
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0 posted 2003-09-25 10:31 AM

Razor-edged blade of betrayal
Slices deeply between my ribs
Mere friendships fall helpless victim
To harbored malice, lies and fibs

I didn’t notice its approach
Not one defensive wound exists
Distracted by a loving smile
I’m shocked to bone to feel knife twist

Condemnation came from your lips
I couldn’t stop it if I tried
I claim innocence with last breath
But by your hand, a friendship died

© Copyright 2003 suthern - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2003-09-25 10:33 AM

Y'know...I know this poem.  No one such a loss.

Hope you're speaking for someone else, Ruthie...

it's a sharp, hard poem.  Well done!

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Somewhere out there~
2 posted 2003-09-25 10:37 AM

And does this person still to this day claim they never did a thing? Or that everything fell apart because of you? Very familiar with this. Sorry when anyone has to feel this. Thanks for sharing.

SharaRose @-->--

Cpat Hair
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3 posted 2003-09-25 10:41 AM

hard... both in tone and fact.

you present it well and I agree..there are no winners in such cases. No winners at all

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4 posted 2003-09-25 10:45 AM

Ach, so hard! To write so beautifully, on a subject so tearing. Such a heartbreak, this feeling, and one I've known. Don't lose hope entirely, Suthern lass, the one I thought was lost found a new center and still exists. Maybe yours will too.

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5 posted 2003-09-25 11:28 AM

suthern...razor edged writing too!  
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Member Laureate
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Florida, USA
6 posted 2003-09-25 11:35 AM

Oh Ruth, I can feel the pain in this one.
Your words really touched me. This kind of
thing really hurts. I hope that things will get better soon.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2003-09-25 11:55 AM

This one tears greatly~

'Not one defensive wound exists'
That touches me~

Sweetie ... sending *hugs*
Write me if you want, or need, or just because~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram
   [email protected]     

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
8 posted 2003-09-25 11:56 AM


Member Patricius
since 2003-06-19
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9 posted 2003-09-25 12:15 PM

ouch, I hate it when that know, love does not play games, nor would do anything but compliment, not point fingers and blames, love does not cheat, nor is tempted by another, and yes, people do make mistakes and learn from their mistakes, but what we must ask ourselves, does this person never learn...doing it over and over again?

Hard and hurtful situation.

Member Rara Avis
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Somewhere... out there...
10 posted 2003-09-25 12:41 PM

Oh my, Ruth...

This touches more deeply than you know...

Hugs to you, lady...

When the power of love overcomes the
love of power the world will know peace.
-Jimi Hendrix

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Member Seraphic
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11 posted 2003-09-25 02:36 PM

Sunshine: No... no one wins... but some lose more. Thank you very much!

SharaRose: For sure, it's all because of me... no doubt whatsoever. *S* Only there are at least 2 sides to every story... even when only one is told and heard. Thank you!

Cpat: A soft heart doesn't shatter... I guess a glaze of unbelief had to coat it first. *S* Thank you so much, kind sir. *S*

Jamie: I've enjoyed your poetry so much... I'm truly honored to see you reading here. *S* And while I wish you didn't know this heartbreak, your words give hope... I do thank you!

Martie: I knew the content would be critiqued... so I was hoping the writing would bear up. *S* Thank you so much for that assurance. *S*

garysgirl: Yup... I've been a regular ole tear factory. *S* Thank you so much, kind lady. *S*

Marge: It's hard to defend yourself when not given the chance. *S* Thank you so much, my friend... I appreciate you greatly.

Seymour: Thank you, sir... I needed that hug. *S*

LeeJ: And friendship doesn't say one thing to your face and opposite behind your back. *S* Thank you! *S*

vlraynes: Thanks to a few incredibly special people, I'll survive this... but oh, the ouch. *S* Thank you so much! *S*

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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
12 posted 2003-09-25 04:03 PM

Suthern, you WROTE that pain so incredibly well, but I am so sorry to read it your pain.  There is truly nothing worse than feeling betrayed by a friend, and I hope you can find it in your heart though to forgive them in time as they know not what they do, for they only did it to themselves you see, you will survive, but will they? Hugging you from here.  
Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
13 posted 2003-09-25 04:07 PM

(big hugggsssssss) Oh Suthern, this is so very heartachingly beautiful, sweet friend, I send many angel hugs your way as I know this feeling of betrayal so much  but know you do have true friends too who love you so much! (sigh) We're all here for you, sweet friend, God Bless You, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Suthern, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

I don't need no proof when it comes to God and truth
I can see the sun set and I perceive


Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
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Victoria Australia
14 posted 2003-09-25 05:25 PM

Ouch! This cut me to the quick and left me dead. I thought we had a 'thing' going.

Here in the midst of my lonely abyss, a single joy I find...your presence in my mind.  Unknown

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
15 posted 2003-09-25 05:36 PM

suthern, I just don't understand it, but so often it is the nice and gentle spirits that are the targets of such maliciousness. I suppose they make easy targets.

Let me know who done you wrong and I'll send the avenging angels after them!

Loving, healing hugs,

P.S. I'll be dropping by with a specially brewed herbal tea that I blended myself!
make you feel better.

Member Ascendant
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Ala bam a
16 posted 2003-09-25 05:48 PM

I'll drop by with E.A....and just in case her "tea" doesn't make you feel better...I'll bring you some 'brew' that will make you feel nothing at all?...
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
17 posted 2003-09-25 08:53 PM

Bumping with a BIG OLD Nite-Nite HUG~
I love ya' gal~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram
   [email protected]     

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
18 posted 2003-09-25 09:02 PM

can't add much except to say it is easy to feel your pain through your words..


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Member Patricius
since 2001-08-31
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just out of reach
19 posted 2003-09-25 09:45 PM

Ruth - This hurts to the core. I hope everything is alright. hugs, Chris

Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf. -Tagore


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Member Rara Avis
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Visiting Earth on a Guest Pass
20 posted 2003-09-26 12:33 PM

Such a shame when these things happen. I know this feeling all too well.

Take comfort in knowing that there are others who aren't so narrow -- many of them, Laura....many of them, here and elsewhere.

~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>   ~~(¸¸¸¸ºº>  ~~(¸¸ ¸¸ºº>    ~~~(¸¸ER¸¸ºº>

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21 posted 2003-09-26 01:33 AM

Ahhh this hurts.There are always two sides to every story and if you're friendship is strong enough you;ll hear each other out and work through it.If not maybe it's time to reevaluate the relationship and maybe you;ll see their not the person you thought.JMO

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22 posted 2003-09-26 11:40 AM

content and writing, both equally as well, this is presents the pain clearly, no judgements, no solutions, for this there are none, you just have to get over it...however you can...sigh...and yep its not easy...ok...I am wandering through my own graveyard just about I will quit rambling...
hugs lady

Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
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New Brunswick Canada
23 posted 2003-09-26 01:46 PM

In three short verses you really captured the essence of emotional hurt with great metaphors....Well done I'd say!


The best teachers have the biggest ears

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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24 posted 2003-09-26 05:26 PM

Mysteria: Forgiving is one thing... forgetting comes harder. *S* I thank you so much for your comments... and the hug. *S*

M'toe: Feeling hurt isn't a free pass to be hurtful... there's no excuse for betrayal or lies. Thank you very much!

Kethry: You aren't getting rid of me that easily... so wipe that hopeful look off your face! LOL Thank you, my friend... that smile felt good. *S*

EA: Perhaps so...  *S* A timely application of foot to rear end could have circumvented a lot of pain... but I kept quiet and didn't admininister one... lived to regret it. *S* Thank you... for the tea... and for you. *S*

Toerag: And here I thought you were gonna join her in offering hugs!! LOL Darn it! *G* Thank you, my friend... numb is good. *S*

With friends like you
To see me through
The darkest night
Is free of fright
What others think
Might sear my brain
Comforting arms
Buffer the pain

nakdthoughts: I thank you so very much. *S*

Nightshade: It will be. *S* Thank you, my friend. *S*

Ratleader: It's one I wish no one knew, dear friend... especially not you. And yes... there are those I trust with my life... knowing they'll at least look for the good in me. *S* Thank you!

angelblueyes: It's definitely reevaluation time... *S* Thank  you so much!

jellybeans: If I can. *S* Some things scar deeply. But ramble on, dear lady... love you! *S*

ethome: I say... thank you very much for those kind words! *S*

[This message has been edited by suthern (09-26-2003 05:30 PM).]

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
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Maidstone Kent England
25 posted 2003-09-29 08:13 AM

Beloved one, there is within this story a tale that wrenches my soul, nothing hurts quite so much as the death of trust. Betrayal of confidence and betrayal of friendship, lead to such wracking pain of sorrow. Your writing is always superior, within this poem, that drips with the shed blood of a heart torn apart by words, you transcend your ability and write something that truly is outstanding. Even and anon your talent shines, but in this piece I’m left gasping at the power of the words, truly magnificent writing darling one.

All I say is take care beloved one, and there was something else, lean in close while I whisper it………………

I love you

Love you always
And forever

Tomorrow is another day I don't know what it holds
but I can face the future with courage brave and bold

Footprints In My Heart

Bonnie j
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26 posted 2003-09-29 09:45 AM

Have had this happen a few times in my life. Always is a shock when a friend does you in.
Kind of leaves you numb when you find out that they are not a True Friend.

Member Patricius
since 2001-10-23
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By the Seaside
27 posted 2003-09-30 01:57 AM

The hand of fate, twists and turns,
and wounds the heart and soul.  

I loved your poem suthern woman,
but whatcha gonna do, and how
do you make it right?   I gave up
trying to force it a long time ago!
Therein lies the scars that don't heal.

I owe you for this~ love you gal,
you are such a fine lady~

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
28 posted 2003-09-30 01:36 PM

Marsha: *with ringing ears* Talk about untrustworthy!!! LOL Whisper, my left hind foot! LOL Thank you, my friend... so much. *S*

BonnieJ: It is a shock... you always tend to think your judgment's better. *S*

Blues: Sometimes, you can't make it right... you're just left knowing that it's their loss, too... whether they have enough sense to realize it or not. *S* Thank you!

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