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Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA

0 posted 2003-09-02 08:59 PM

Dancing To The Beat Of a Different Drummer
(For Matthew)

You entered this world
changing life
as I once knew it
a little man
born before his time
or was it
after mine

I held you
when you couldn’t fly
to reach that red balloon
you left drift
hoping catch the stars
and I clutched you tight
afraid to let you go

You aged
long before I
was ready to let you
Dr. Seuss giving way
to comic books
and hot rod cars
and red became blue
and the grass was no longer green
and we agreed
to disagree

I watch you now
and can’t help but wonder
when it was
that you grew up
I want to hold on to you
just a moment longer
I want to hear those first words
and watch those first stumbling steps
but you turn to me
ready to dance
and all I can do
is let the music play

(I've found myself missing my children's younger days more and more lately. Matthew has always danced to the beat of a different drummer and for that I respect him. It's hard to imagine that this 6'2" man was once that 5 pound 15 oz baby I held in my arms...Matthew, you are your own person and for that and so much more, I love you...Mom)

[This message has been edited by hoot_owl_rn (09-02-2003 09:02 PM).]

© Copyright 2003 Ruth Kephart - All Rights Reserved
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Member Patricius
since 2001-08-31
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just out of reach
1 posted 2003-09-02 10:07 PM

I want to hear those first words
and watch those first stumbling steps
but you turn to me
ready to dance
and all I can do
is let the music play

Ruth this is beautiful. I often watch my daughter with her own two sons and think...."if only I could turn back time, just for a little while." I wish I had known how quickly our babes do grow up. hugs to you dear lady, Chris

"Hope" is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul ~
            Emily Dickinson


Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
2 posted 2003-09-02 10:57 PM

You're an amazing mother, Ruth - Your love, understanding, and compassion are undoubtedly an anchor for your children... They'll always hold on to that... Nicely written, m'friend..
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Somewhere out there~
3 posted 2003-09-02 11:03 PM

Lovely...!! Very touching for me. I miss the same. They grew up before I knew it. That's the cycle of life, and I accept it, but I still miss the childhood..let me take care of that for you kind of things. :'( I had to get a hanky for this one. It's fresh on my mind.

Shara @-->--

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Masked Intruder
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4 posted 2003-09-02 11:21 PM

I know my mother is feeling the same thing.  But, my parents are visiting this weekend.  It's a long drive from Boston.  And through all that rain.  *Grins*  They'll be glad to get here for many reasons.
Member Laureate
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Between the Lines
5 posted 2003-09-03 09:02 AM

so like "a loving mom..."  
beautiful, Ruth


Member Rara Avis
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Victoria Australia
6 posted 2003-09-03 11:46 AM

This is so loving, it shines with the afterglow of motherhood choices.

Here in the midst of my lonely abyss, a single joy I find...your presence in my mind.  Unknown

Earth Angel
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7 posted 2003-09-03 12:15 PM

What a lovely poem for your son to treasure always. So many readers who are also parents will surely identify with your feelings. I know that I certainly do.

Great to see you back!

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
8 posted 2003-09-03 12:39 PM

Wow Ruth!  What Nan said and more.  Makes me want to go write a poem for Todd too.  I wonder if it is September that is bringing this out, as I see the kids walking to school the memories are flooding back.  You dear lady are the very glue that will have you both dancing together one day to the same tune, I just know this.
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2003-09-03 12:49 PM

This is tender, touching, tissue-stuff~

Having just celebrated my BABY son's birthday last weekend ... I know the loving cling of those precious memories~


~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram
[email protected]   

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10 posted 2003-09-03 01:03 PM

The pictures of my kids that I'm most enchanted by are those of long, lost years ago.  We give them roots and wings, but they choose their own flight path.  
You've written a very caring piece that any parent can feel.  Ken J

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The yawn of a dawn will hasten the light

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Member Laureate
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Florida, USA
11 posted 2003-09-03 06:46 PM

and can’t help but wonder
when it was
that you grew up
I want to hold on to you
just a moment longer
I want to hear those first words
and watch those first stumbling steps

hoot_owl_rn, this is a very touching poem. I know exactly how you are feeling. I miss the days when my "little girl" really was a little girl.
Thanks for sharing this.

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12 posted 2003-09-03 07:19 PM

You are a wonderful mother with an amazing heart and I know he has your angelic spirit within.It's something we all seem to be reflecting on latley, but know that he carries you with him everyday

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
13 posted 2003-09-05 06:33 AM

Thank you all for your kind replies. Raising children certainly puts a few gray hairs on ones head, but it is a joy I'm glad I never had to do without
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Member Elite
since 2003-02-20
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Saluting with misty eyes
14 posted 2003-09-05 02:35 PM

This has me thinking once again of my own son who is about the same height as yours. I only met him when he was 4, yet I would love to go back to the days where I could carry him to bed just one more time.
Outstanding job with this.

We are all equal but we’re individually different
and able to reach the impossible if we try.

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
15 posted 2003-09-05 02:54 PM

but you turn to me
ready to dance
and all I can do
is let the music play


Enjoy him, Ruth...I've promised
my grandsons a dance with them
and we're going to start early!

Member Empyrean
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
16 posted 2003-09-05 07:30 PM

Ruth I have been thinking similar thoughts about my three sons recently...I miss those younger days a lot...when they were totally dependent upon me, and so much of their time was mine...that time seems to be only about the first five years of life and then they become busy with school and with friends...still their are many pleasures to be lived with children no matter the age...I wish I could see mine more often and spend more time with them....I am trying to write of those days, how I miss them, but it is hard to come out...for now I only have a rough draft...take care,  James
Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
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17 posted 2003-09-06 04:10 PM

THis is written  so lovingly and from a dedicated heart. What son would not cling to this verse like a long ago blanket.
THis is a wonderful tribute to a mother's love
WEll done, sweet, sweet friend

Mistletoe Angel
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18 posted 2003-09-06 05:45 PM

(big hugggsssssss) God Bless You sweet friend, this made me cry because though obviously I haven't been a parent yet as I still am too young and must enjoy the other things in life first, I understand the tears of each parent as their children get older and I always give my mom a warm hug so she knows the boy in my heart is always there and I will always be her little boy! (wipes tears) I send many angel hugs your way, sweet friend, you are the kind of mother any child would love to have, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Ruth, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

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19 posted 2003-09-07 08:26 PM

Your words are beautiful.  I don't have children, and if I do now it will be past my time, but what you wrote spoke to me.  All we can do is let the music play (and dance).  I'll remember your words, thank you!
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20 posted 2003-09-07 08:47 PM

wow this was awesome!!! you sound like a great mother i see they call you ruth!!!
Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
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New Brunswick Canada
21 posted 2003-09-07 08:55 PM

It seems they grow too quickly sometimes.
They're only young once so every parent should take the time to enjoy them while they can.
This is a beautiful write!


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Local Rebel
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22 posted 2003-09-07 11:39 PM

its good to see you at PIP again!

they do grow up too fast don't they?

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