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Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
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Bewilderment , USA

0 posted 2003-06-19 08:52 PM

Of Mother Goose I asked,"Why are you sad?"
She pondered for a moment, then replied.
"Dear Dr.Moose, most surely you are mad,
my happiness is known both far and wide!"

"Dear lady I would not refute your claim,"
I said to her, as nicely as you please,
"in a class action suit , you have been named,
you've right to council as the law decrees."

"Why sir,I do protest my innocence,
and waiver right to council, it's absurd!"
"Quite honestly, I rhink it's all nonsense,
what are these accusations you have heard?"

"Ms.Goose", I said " behold exhibit "A",
and tell me of this document you signed,
where-in were heinous crimes committed, nay?
(or as you said am I out of my mind?)"

"There's "Jack" who caused the giants' deadly fall,
extortion by the "Piper" and his rats,
and surely "Humpty" perched upon that wall
was pushed to his demise, when he went "Splat!"

"And, leave us not forget the "Three Blind Mice",
decapitated by the farmers' wife,
of penning things like this, one should think twice,
such violence these days would get you life!"

Of Mother Goose I asked "Why are you sad?"
She pondered once again, and then replied,
"'Tis not for me that I am feeling bad,
but for this world where fantasy has died."

© Copyright 2003 William E.Kleist - All Rights Reserved
serenity blaze
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1 posted 2003-06-19 09:11 PM


Loved this...

Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
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Bewilderment , USA
2 posted 2003-06-19 09:21 PM

Thanks. I've got a couple of grand-kids coming up through the ranks now and am at a loss as to what would be "Politically", "Morally",and, "Socially",
correct reading material for them!( After all,I can only write just so many poems!")

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
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3 posted 2003-06-23 01:31 PM

Don't worry about all that PC junk, Doc, just enjoy those kiddies!

Cute poem!

Brad Majors
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4 posted 2003-06-23 01:52 PM

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5 posted 2003-06-23 02:00 PM

LOL, keep reading that Goose. The kids hear and see so much anyway, I think it's best they hear it first from grandpa.
'Politically correct' is just a cop-out phrase (my humble op), and will never take the place of your obvious accumulation of wisdom and common sense.

But that MG really did spin some bizarre tales!

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Bewilderment , USA
6 posted 2003-06-28 09:50 AM

Excellent advice Denise,I most certainly will.
Thank you, and yes she did.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
7 posted 2003-06-28 12:41 PM

Meets the MotherGoose
What fun that would be to see~

I hear ya' Doc ... I'm beginning to write my own tales for that adorable little granddaughter of mine~

WONDERFUL write, sir~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
   [email protected]   

passing shadows
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8 posted 2003-06-28 12:55 PM

sad but good...sigh
since 1999-09-17
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Atlanta, GA
9 posted 2003-06-28 01:04 PM

Kids use to use their imagination to create games… now they leave that to other and just play games.  good write...
Member Patricius
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By the Seaside
10 posted 2003-06-29 06:00 PM

Love the spin you put on this Dr.Moose~
I like to think fantasy is alive and well
as long as we believe.

Such fun this was~  

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
11 posted 2003-06-29 06:16 PM

I'm all for keeping fantasy alive and well in the imaginations of our children--and in the minds and hearts of our inner children as well!

Warm hugs,

Local Rebel
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Southern Abstentia
12 posted 2003-06-29 07:08 PM

oh fantasy is alive and well -- just listen to the political candidates speak

but really -- this poem is well done doctor and I agree with Denise -- just enjoy those babies

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13 posted 2003-06-29 08:07 PM

Very touching

I said I'm going to buy a gun and start a war,
If you can tell me something worth fighting for

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Member Laureate
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Florida, USA
14 posted 2003-06-29 08:22 PM

Of Mother Goose I asked "Why are you sad?"
She pondered once again, and then replied,
"'Tis not for me that I am feeling bad,
but for this world where fantasy has died."

Doc, something bad can be made out of  anything, if a person wants to do it. And, a lot of people like to do it nowadays.

Just keep those grandkids innocent as long as you can. I do believe that fantasy should be kept alive, though. What would we do without dreams?  

Bonnie j
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15 posted 2003-06-29 08:42 PM

Hi interesting poem.I have one I will share with your grand kids it's called School and Children. Give a minute or two I'll be right back.
Bonnie j aka Bon-Bon

Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
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Bewilderment , USA
16 posted 2003-07-05 04:05 PM

Wow! It seems that while I've been goofing off on vacation all these scholarly types have been have been hitting the books (or blue pages, as it were).Thanks for dropping
passing shadows,
Yep, sad. But then again, rules are made to be broken, and I've never been much for doing things the "proper" way.Thanks.
"Imagination".If you doubt that it's alive, just watch a little kid throw the toy away and spend more time playing with the box!
That is, until they become too "grown up" for such nonsense.Thanks.
I'm a believer. It's just that there seem to be a rather vocal minority who seem bent on taking the darn fun out of everything! The pendulum has swung too far off center when censorship in the name of being "PC" rears it's ugly head.
Ditto, and thank you.
Local Rebel,
LOL at your reply, and most certainly will.
Thanks. Being a big kid myself , I really do hate to see kids choices being limited through censorship. It's hard enough to get a kid reading these days without making everything so bland.
Thanks. I'm all for innocence too, but you can't protect them forever, and denying them the tools and skills that prepare them for life doesn't seem to be the answer either.
If we try too hard to shelter them from everything that's "bad",how will they know it when they see it?
Thanks. I look forward to it.

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