Philosophy 101 |
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SNS killed the Message-Board Star |
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since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA ![]() |
Not to cast a shround over Ron's wonderful world of Passions, but it seems that "Social Networking Sites" are generating much more popularity than message boards and forums. What is the difference in paradigms between something like this, and something like facebook or myspace? Why isn't this considered "social networking", and what precisely gives twitter or facebook that magic title? I don't know why I thought this should go in philosophy, but it seems that it might touch on some anthropological or social philosophy, or at least produce some good old fashioned logorrhea from us arm-chair-experts. ![]() Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe forums are as popular as ever. But it does seem our beloved Pip has drifted into a different gear than before. And I don't think its just because of anything, but that the current model has changed/ is changing. So what do you think? Stephen |
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
I'll take your shround and lift you a shroud. ![]() of all people should realize that life isn't static. People change, forums change...but words go on. Now, I'm not into deep and heavy philosophical terminology as most of those that may come in here to respond... but, my dear, where's the beef? From what I've seen of's a hit and miss popularity that doesn't dispose itself to any deep thought from what I've seen, and I can guarantee you, what I've seen leaves a lot to be desired... and no, I really don't know from MySpace at all. Perhaps it is because if I choose to read, what I read must contain some substance! Not regurgitated song lyrics. I truly believe the two focus groups you've given us is that of nonsensical liberalistic stats that overwhelm us much like advertisements for female products and laundry detergents. But someone may come along and change my mind, just like any other ad might do. ![]() ![]() |
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
Sunshine, My post is neither a promotion nor criticism of such sites, merely an observation. Facebook definitely does not have the tendency of in-depth discussion about anything. But an easy way to post photos and other media, make it a bit more personable and "fun", for lack of a better word. I personally think both have strengths and weaknesses. Maybe this appeals to a generation less concerned about ideas and more about image? Are they more shallow? More driven by the sensational than by substance? I don't know. But I do know that many younger than me don't even know what a message board or forum is. But for good or ill, they all have facebook accounts. Indeed the written word will not pass away, but the particular package may still wax old? From your faithful fellow forum foraging dino ... Stephen |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
PIP IS a social networking site. One needs only to look at the replies to the posts to see that. The difference between PIP and Facebook or MySpace is that PIP has a major connecting topic..poetry. A karate site would be the same, where the connector is martial arts. Facebook, MySpace and others have no such connecting topics....anything goes. That is the difference. We speak of our lives, or occurences in our lives, in poetic forms. Has PIP changed? Of course. It has changed many time in it's decade of existence. It's all a cycle that will continue to be that way. Reminds me of the song "where everything old is new again". ![]() |
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
Would have replied sooner Mike, but I was busy with facebook. ![]() Okay, so technically this could be called a SNS, though when most say that, the forums don't come to mind. I'll bet there's a much lower median-age of the people on FB, as opposed to msg boards. How are they different? For one, the sites I speak of seem to have no limit as to how many people sign up. Is that generally true of message boards? They also seem a bit more media-rich and interactive. That's not to say I don't love pip, I do. But I will share one thing I appreciate about PIP, is that though we are not above triviality, we don't tend to post repetitively about mundane things we do, like what we ate 5 minutes ago. I just don't get that. Later, Stephen |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Sometimes we do, Stephan. We just do it poetically ![]() |
rwood Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793Tennessee |
quote: I’m looking at the sites’ principle functions and objectives as a point of differential. And the differences in the actual settings--both creatively imagined and programmed are a factor, I guess, as much as genre or personal preference. PiP is like my favorite diner/café/bistro and poetry is always on the menu. I enjoy reading at PiP and writing and the communicative membership. I don’t feel pressed or bothered (or confused) at all about PiP’s functions or my involvement within and I’m grateful for the site. Myspace is too Vegas for me. I had an account but deleted it due to an over-abundance of unwanted and or offensive material, the superficialities, the fickle lol Top Friends List, fakers, spammers, trollers & stalkers. I can always do without all of that. I see Facebook as more of a hub for profile trafficking, personal and or professional. Lots of toot-yer-own-horn type interaction and self-promotion, which “marketing self” is a network marketing/social network concept that’s pretty ancient. It’s a great tool for that concept, and I guess the corporate world has hired a few techies to tweak ‘em a Facebook page and keep it updated. Power to the peeps! But for befriending people? Facebook is Not for me. Twaddle posts seem all the rave and I’d rather read fortune cookie slips. The News Feed corrals & prompts branching-out with “People You May Know” and yeah I know them, but I don’t want to, and it feels really strange that the site might even know that! I’m not fond at all of the “Face” collecting & info harvesting. I’m told that I “never LIKE anyone’s stuff.” I don’t like the LIKE button. If I have something to say, I’ll comment or not. I only created a facebook page because my young’uns communicate with me from abroad on there, but I have no goals to cyber-friend the world. I’m SO Facenot in those respects. Twitter? Sounds like bird crap on the shoulder to me, and if I want that I’ll sit around on a park bench and wait to be tweeted on. Dunno. With all that the other sites offer, I’ve not networked into anything I’d value more than what’s offered at PiP, so I guess it does boil down to what people value while they’re online. Personally, I think people miss out on too much for trying to keep up in many regards. And the standards that keep sites like PiP alive over the years are the same that make Spacebooks and Myfaces constantly battling for a new gimmick--for lack of substance. |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
Well said, Regina! M |
Essorant Member Elite
since 2002-08-10
Posts 4769Regina, Saskatchewan; Canada |
I am not sure. I think there are probably enough folk to go around to both kinds of social sites, so one being generally more popular may not matter that much. It depends on which ones can maintain interesting activity best and in some cases can keep a level of "freshness" I suppose. Unfortunately that can be very hard to do in a Philosophy forum because we often go around in the same circles so much over and over again that we lose a lot interest and freshness that inspired us in the first place. ![]() |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
Regina! You rock! I agree with every word you said. I do NOT trust any of those sites, and try to keep personal pictures and info to an absolute minimum. We use it to communicate online with family, or my family does I should say. I don't get one bit of that stuff in my email in-box as I really don't care what anyone did today. I sure treasure those privacy settings I tell you. I have that "If it's not about me mentality" I guess. Don't tweet, greet, meet, online. I don't even like cell phones. I love this place, it is my refuge to come on the most stressful days. I read, and read between lines when I can, and have not disconnected with one sincere person I have met here. This to be is enough "social networking." Great to see you posting in here again, I missed you, Stephanos, and Brad, wherever he is. Happy December all. |
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
Essorant, is it only philosophy that seems to be in a slump? |
Essorant Member Elite
since 2002-08-10
Posts 4769Regina, Saskatchewan; Canada |
Stephanos, No, each forum somewhat has its own story. I do think there were problems of how forums were dealt with (Critical Analysis and Alley), which turned quite a few people away from the more discussion-oriented activity at the forum. But not much we can do about what has already been done, except try to do better in the future, even though we are still paying for it in the present. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
It's pretty obvious who was here only for the discussion portion of the site. They are gone. Since the site was originally created with the main focus on poetry, one has to opine whether or not their non-participation is a loss. There are thousands of blogs out there where their main interest is welcomed. When all is said and done, Passions is STILL a poetry site....and I think it is doing well. There is an abundance of new talent posting some very good stuff...and with a strong sense of community and consideration for others. I see no negatives there. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
I quit facebook because it's just too damned nosy--and EVERYBODY is on it. I rather like Regina's summary, though. ![]() |
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
Karen, I think I saw once that you had over a THOUSAND friends. Frankly I was amazed. I think you must've quit because of overload. ![]() |
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
One feature I like about facebook is the ability to share embedded video. can that be done with pip, apart from just a link? |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
Stephanos - Miss Karenity had some mighty scary looking friends too in Mafia Warland. LOL, I would get out of Dodge too! ![]() Everyone is on Facebook it's true, but it's the member's choice how active or inactive they wish to be. The more you put out there the more "they" know about you. I don't accept everyone who sends me a friend request. My one granddaughter has now been told to reduce over 500 friends to 30 - I wish her luck with that ![]() |
Essorant Member Elite
since 2002-08-10
Posts 4769Regina, Saskatchewan; Canada |
I am sure embedded youtube videos could probably be enabled here. There is an easy bbcode available for it: [youtube] [/youtube] There must be a list of bbcodes allowed at the forum, where Ron could add the appropriate codes to allow the youtube to work. I don't think it would hurt anything. Never heard of anyone hacking a site with a youtube video. ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Sigh. I played that Mafia Wars game. People were SUPPOSED to look scary--if it was the mock gangster pictures that frightened you, Sharon. I did enjoy meeting people from around the world though--and I'm sure you weren't frightened by the friends I had made who had funny sounding names. ![]() ![]() Overload, though? Sometimes I feel that even now. I am very social, but I also have an introspective side that I really need to protect for my own sake. I like to hear about how people live, though. I miss that part. And Stephan, I might have recommended it before, but "Walking The Bible" is one of my favorite books--it's a dream I once shared with my brother to retrace the route of Moses. I doubt I'll ever be able to do that now, since it's a physical challenge, and also quite unsafe (especially for an American woman) but I read it, and I re-read, and make the journey through the author's eyes. I do miss my farm, though. ![]() (Farmville) But my nephew loaned me that Civilization OH.I'm reading more now, too. Current book? "Of Doctoring"--a collection of poetry, essays and short stories from an assortment of celebrated authors such as Checkov, Rilke, Dickinson and more. Good stuff. Since you're in the field, Stephan, I think you'd enjoy it too. And I think my chatty responses rather prove Balladeer's point that this is indeed a social networking site. And now, I think I'll have a shameless bowl of potato soup. (I make it cheesy, yanno.) Ciao for now, dear friends and poets. *hugs* |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Ooops. The book I'm reading is "On Doctoring"-- not Of. I just found my glasses. ![]() They were on my head. ![]() |
since 2000-07-31
Posts 3618Statesboro, GA, USA |
lol. My wife has done that before. It's one of the funniest things I've ever, um, seen. ![]() And I love this quote: quote: Yep, that settles it. Stephen. |
icebox Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 4383in the shadows |
Facebook helps me to keep in touch with my children and with a few friends. PiP helps me to keep in touch with my soul. |
rwood Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793Tennessee |
icebox~ wonderful reply. Good morning all and thanks for the kind mentions. I've enjoyed what's been shared here on the topic. I know I'm a critic toward the other sites, though some of my friends and family members do highly enjoy their memberships. My Sis is probably a Farmville magnate. Last I saw her farm, she'd built something I could only liken to a cartooned Colombian drug baroness' estate. I'm suspicious of Facebook because some of their methods warrant suspicion. Like this one: Why is Facebook asking me to confirm my identity by providing my phone number. quote: Currently, new accounts are prompted to provide cell numbers for verification & activation. You don't have to provide cell#'s and can still verify with email, but you will have to wait 30+ days for your default landing tab to be your "Wall" instead of your "Info" tab. When members complain about the "glitch", they are advised to provide a cell number and the glitch disappears. That's a very convenient glitch. So, yeah, while PiP can be considered a SNS, I don't feel PiP is in the "web" weaving business. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Exactly. Too damned nosy. And hey, I liked it. Till they got too damned nosy. So how's it goin' Reggie? *chuckle* (Facebook owes me money.) ![]() |
rwood Member Elite
since 2000-02-29
Posts 3793Tennessee |
Hey, Karen ![]() I'm in hibernation mode, trying to stay warm. It was 13 degrees yesterday morning, but a big happy 30 this morning Woohoo! ![]() Facebook owes you money? I'd say Zuck is good for it. I think Forbes guesstimates his worth at around 30 billion to date. That figure will probably skyrocket once FB hits China, and that's exactly where he's publicly stated he's headed for the new year.--> ![]() Zuck signed on "The Giving Pledge" with Gates & Buffet, which is also slotted for campaign in India and China. I smell a merge-marriage made of money, philanthropically speaking. And I do applaud anyone who takes on Mandarin, for a good cause or for personal gain, no matter. Zuck is weird but he's doing some good things. |
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