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TV Violence |
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Isis Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296Sunny Queensland ![]() |
Patchoulipumpkin raised an interesting thought in the dark forum today. She was watching TV and saw a man get his arm ripped off by a passing truck, he was obviously screaming in pain but there was no sound. It affected her, she wrote a poem on it. I think TV is still too voilent. Things like that and much more should not be shown until after say 9.30pm at night. Before that time little ones could still see it. Sure we cannot lock them up from reality but they shouldn't have to be exposed to such horrors at a young age. Recently over here a 5 year old girl was kidnapped, raped and murdered her body thrown in a dam, my 5 1/2 year old son was quite upset by it all constantly being on TV. It almost seems blase' the way we report and view these horrors or tragedies and I can't help but wonder if that too is negative where children are concerned. I'd be interested in other poets opinions on this??? < !signature--> Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. ~Isis~ (Sovereign of the Spirit) |
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Trevor Senior Member
since 1999-08-12
Posts 700Canada |
Perhaps it is not T.V. that is too violent but rather the world. Personally I'm glad that news covers such violent events (though it is usually unnecessary for them to graphically display them) as murders, etc. The people need to be informed of the world they live in. As far as your son hearing about awful things on the news there is an easy solution....don't let him watch it, turn the channel....don't let the T.V. become his babysitter. Also I think there is probably more violence in the cartoons your child watches then on the news. Anyways that's my tertiary thoughts on the subject, thanks and take care, Trevor |
Tara Simms Senior Member
since 1999-08-12
Posts 1244Honea Path, SC USA |
I think tv just reflects the violence in our society, but I do agree that it should be restricted to late night adult viewing only. Around here, I've noticed that the 6 o'clock news doesn't usually have the sensational news stories. They reserve that for 11 with plenty of teasers for you to tune in. Also, the few times I've seen the more horrific things on daytime tv, they've included a warning that it may not be suitable for children. |
Isis Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296Sunny Queensland |
Well over here it is on the 6.00 o'clock news usually. And like Tara said the teasers are enough to scare or interest the child. I prefer him to watch videos I have chosen, but somedays you know????? I am careful what he watches, but think all graphic violence should be later on viewing time. And Trevor you are an opinionated fellow, do you always presume the worst of people rather than the best?? I watch/edit what my son watches on TV, and the tv/video is not his babysitter. I find that comment a bit insulting. ![]() Sure kids should know what can happen etc. but graphic displays of violence etc are not necessary. Thanks for responding Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. ~Isis~ (Sovereign of the Spirit) |
Trevor Senior Member
since 1999-08-12
Posts 700Canada |
ISIS: "And Trevor you are an opinionated fellow, do you always presume the worst of people rather than the best??" Do you mean like you just did about me? "I watch/edit what my son watches on TV, and the tv/video is not his babysitter." If that is the case then why are we even having this conversation? What does it matter if some television stations show murder after murder if it is not accessible to a child? Don't blame the television for your you own it or vice versa? If you don't like what you're watching, turn it off or turn the channel and write a letter to the station. The only reason for sensationalized news coverage is because there are people watching it....if they didn't then the stations wouldn't show it, it's really as simple of that. I'm so sick and tired of people being so reliant on their television sets all the while bitching and moaning about what's being shown yet unable to stop watching....turn the damn thing off if ya don't like what's on!!!! Don't let your kids watch adult orientated material!! Just because something is on in the afternoon doesn't make it a kid friendly program. It's up to the parent and not the t.v. stations to be a child's censorboard. The only person to blame for your child seeing unsuitable material on television is yourself because a five yr old child's television access can be easily monitored by the parent. And honestly, be insulted if you wish at a comment that simply said....keep an eye at all times on what your child watches and make sure he's not spending all his time in front of the T.V. Personally I don't know where you got all this "presume the worst of people" and "opinionated fellow" stuff from. Is that what people are when they don't have the same feelings on a subject as you do? Here you've asked what people think and I tell ya my opinion....if you don't like what's on and don't want your child to see it then turn the television off and make sure it doesn't become his babysitter (it's the parents job to monitor what the child watches and not the television's responsibility), so now I ask....why are my words so insulting to you? |
patchoulipumpkin Member
since 2000-01-01
Posts 196Bermuda |
Hi there Isis, i came in here because i saw a correlation with my poem idea, and sure enough here it is. Just to let you know, i'm actually a guy, and not a she, though i understand my name can be misleading (in retrospect i hadn't really thought it out that much before using it, but alas, at least it makes for some kind of conversation). Its funny you posted this topic because i kind of wrote a response to this idea in a poem, that i'll post later on today in dark passions. Anyway, my feelings on Tv violence is that there are acceptable levels of violence, and then there are overboard levels of violence, that can only be controlled either by a parent or by a kid who know's his limits of tolerance. Probably the most violent shows are these FOX "real tv" things where they show actual accidents and crimes and things, but usually they are slotted fairly late so the only people watching them are night owls like me, or curious people, also like me. The actual incident that i saw was on one of these banned in america tapes that shows graphic accidents and things, which i rented with some friends to see exactly what all the fuss was about. And it was more than disturbing the things that were put on the tape, it was basically an exploitation of dead bodies and accidents, which was very grim and disturbing. But being the curious one that i am, i always want to see stuff like that because its new, but always regret it afterwards. I can't say i've slept too well, but i guess that's the price you pay for being curious. In any case, now with the ratings for TV shows that give you a synopsis of what you are about to see, TV watching has become like cigarette packs with warnings about your health. So ultimately its up to the viewers to know what they can stand, and what they can't. |
Dark Enchantress Senior Member
since 1999-07-27
Posts 1258meet Morgana |
I think that it is absolutely horrible to deprive a child of it's innocence. They have every right to be young minded and child-like at heart. Violence like this on tv takes that away. I know that it is wrong to have children growing up believing in fairytale fantasies and such but for crying out loud why do they have to know about rape and murder and hate crimes and bombs and school shootings when they are any younger than 10?! Why is that important? Yes, they need to know they can't talk to strangers or any of those other stranger rules. The facts and dangers will come to them...but eventually! Why deprive them of their childhood?! The moment a child is afraid outside...not because of monsters and the dark but because of the real dangers...the moment they're no longer children. They are no longer innocent. They are no longer carefree and child-like. They are paranoid and scared when they should not have to be! Their knowledge will come to them but while they're young, why not let them be children?! I agree with Isis...there should be some kind of control over the violence that is shown on tvs..atleast as far as time goes. Most children are in bed by 9. So why not start those then? Makes perfect sense to me. "Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." -Antonio Smith |
jbouder Member Elite
since 1999-09-18
Posts 2534Whole Sort Of Genl Mish Mash |
Hey everyone (especially Trevor ... good to see you again): I am actually surprised nobody has made this point yet. Perhaps violence isn't necessarily the problem but, rather, the perception that violence is commonplace and not necessarily immoral that is at the root of the problem. Combining desensitization to violence with a loss of the sense that a violent act committed is wrong is a toxic brew. Violence has been around for a long time. I don't think it is going away anytime soon but I do know that it's intensity with continue to escalate if the sense of it's wrongness is not restored. Banning violent materials is not the answer, I don't think. That would be a quick-fix that is not really a fix at all. The answer is very difficult to accomplish ... changing the flow of the mindset of a nation. Well, I just thought I would throw this out there to see if anyone would chew on it a bit. I warn you though, I'm just getting warmed up! ![]() Jim "If I rest, I rust." - Martin Luther |
Brad Member Ascendant
since 1999-08-20
Posts 5705Jejudo, South Korea |
Trevor, You are an opinionated fellow! ![]() Isis, You did let your child see the dam story. ![]() I wonder if this current 'dispute' between the two of you is based more on a misunderstanding than any real trading of insults here. I think Isis is intending to argue a 'general' point -- the level of violence on TV will influence a society and community and in turn children (including her own) regardless of how much control she can exercise over her own child's viewing. Trevor, in turn, sees TV violence as an excuse for the 'general' lack of parenting that may or may not be responsible for that escalation of violence. Both originally argue a general, societal point which quickly came to be seen as specific, even personal. Yet, my guess is both of you agree on the parenting point and also agree that there is too much violence on TV (including cartoons). Trevor, Do you think it is appropriate for young children to watch excessively violent programs -- what's your personal opinion? Is it possible for any parent to watch his or her child's viewing habits all the time? (kind of a rhetorical question, isn't it?) Isis, Do you think other parents use the TV as a baby sitter and that in turn may exacerbate the level of violence in society? Do some people use TV as an excuse? (Still another kind of rhetorical question). While I don't think either of you two need a peacemaker, I was left with a slightly bad feeling and just had to add my two cents. Perhaps I was mistaken so why not go after me? ![]() ![]() ![]() Thanks, Brad |
Isis Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296Sunny Queensland |
Hello it's me again. Firstly PP sorry I thought you were a female, I had no idea either way and took a stab at a gender sorry ![]() Trevor, I read this forum much more than I comment or leave comments etc. You are opinionated that is true, you took it harshly for that I apologise. I am no trouble maker I am a moderator and the last thing I wish is to be taken as one. I closely monitor all my son watches but I cannot control TV commercials showing violence on at 6.30 or 8.30 shows. I have had to explain a lot cos of those commercials. I am speaking generally that there is too much violence on TV during children hours before say 8.00pm. Ads for upcoming programmes whatever. News flashes what is on tonights news etc. I take my job as a mother as the most important job I will ever have and certainly do not expose him to real life violence where possible. I cannot be responsible for ads and I can't never have the tv on for the possibility of a violent ad coming on. You know? If anyone says my son seeing violence is my fault my hackles will go up, that is natural. I'm sorry my hackles went up but family/my son is a touchy subject being adopted and all, I am determined he will have only the best. Writing to the TV stations never does any good, I have friends and I myself have tried in the past. They write you back a nice 'get lost' letter and that is it. Brad hon, no need to worry I am fine about this whole thing. Mature enough to know if you discuss this thing through the written word, things will be misunderstood etc. I am not angry in any way at Trevor or anyone. Trevor again my apologies but I believe we are even anyway. A discussion forum will always have little disagreements that should not be taken seriously by either person. All to well I remember a couple of recent discussion problems with various Passions members. I would not do the same. Like Trevor said we are entitled to our opinions, as long as we are mature about it all it doesn't matter really. I have broad shoulders I can hack it!!! BUT let's keep the topic going I am enjoying it thoroughly. ![]() PEACE!! ![]() Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. ~Isis~ (Sovereign of the Spirit) |
Isis Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296Sunny Queensland |
Trevor, a last point in answer to your question. Monitor Dylan's tv etc. If I am in another room working etc, (peeling veges) and an ad comes on, all 30 - 60 seconds of it, I race around and change the channel or whatever. But honestly hon no one can be in two places at once, ads are ads are ads. Usually I have a video on at the that of day, but if something has been going on in the world I may have the tv on instead. I know you understand that. Thanks Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. ~Isis~ (Sovereign of the Spirit) |
Trevor Senior Member
since 1999-08-12
Posts 700Canada |
Hello everyone, BRAD: "Trevor, Do you think it is appropriate for young children to watch excessively violent programs -- what's your personal opinion?" No I don't think that it is appropriate. Some things children should not have to see or hear about. Is it possible for any parent to watch his or her child's viewing habits all the time? (kind of a rhetorical question, isn't it?) When the child is at a young age I would say most definetly. Just like a parent is able to monitor what they eat or where they play and who they associate with. But there does come an age where you have to start letting the riegns out a bit, then it becomes more difficult to monitor what a child does in all aspects of their life. If a parent has trouble with their child watching unsuitable programs all they need to do is put the television away (t.v. is not a necessity in life) but most parents aren't willing to do such a drastic thing. "Trevor, in turn, sees TV violence as an excuse for the 'general' lack of parenting that may or may not be responsible for that escalation of violence." Remember that many societies used to blame books for the corruption of the youth and then music after that. Maybe if adults conducted themselves in a more responsible manner then we wouldn't have to worry about this whole debate....I mean that is who children learn their habits from. I'm just sooo tired of "scape-goats", we are all to blame for how society is. Enough thoughts from me...thanks, take care, Trevor |
Isis Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296Sunny Queensland |
Trevor, You never accepted my apology?? Friends? I hope so!! ![]() Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. ~Isis~ (Sovereign of the Spirit) |
Trevor Senior Member
since 1999-08-12
Posts 700Canada |
ISIS: There was no real reason to apoligize, just two people expressing their opinions on a subject. Thanks for the apology though and I too am sorry if some of my comments rubbed ya the wrong way (though I'm not retracting them ![]() "I cannot be responsible for ads and I can't never have the tv on for the possibility of a violent ad coming on. You know?" You can't always control what's on your t.v. but you can control if your t.v. is on. Why not turn off your t.v. for the very reason of violent ads and violent shows? I mean these are the things parents are complaining about. Perhaps if people would just turn the damn thing off we would have more say in what is being shown, but alas, the networks could put just about any drivle on all hours of the day and we keep eating it up (myself included). Why is one of the greatest inventions being used so foolishly?...damn thing is hardly entertaining anymore and ya never know how much is true and how much is just "malarky" (as my grandma used to say). Anyways I'm guessing by this thoroughly whipped dead horse laying on my lap that you get the jist of my standpoint....but just in case you didn't ![]() "Trevor again my apologies but I believe we are even anyway" Actually I'm two and a half points up now ![]() I know being a parent is not an easy thing nor can anyone be perfect at it. I'm not trying to imply that you are a bad parent, the only things I know about your situation is what you tell me...and from the little bit of info you've given it's quite appearant that you are doing your best and probably a very good job as well....I mean you are concerned enough to raise the issue here (that's a hell of a lot more thought put into the subject then a lot of parents). Anyways, sorry again if I pulled your panties into a bunch....your apology wasn't neccessary but warmly accepted nonetheless, take care, Trevor [This message has been edited by Trevor (edited 01-11-2000).] |
Isis Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296Sunny Queensland |
Thanks Trevor I enjoyed every minute of our 'discussion' ![]() Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. ~Isis~ (Sovereign of the Spirit) |
Angel Rand Member
since 1999-09-04
Posts 134London UK, and Zurich Switzerland |
Hi all, This subject made me really think cause I am actually in two minds about it. 1) I do not watch the News cause I find them depressing and there is hardly ever any "good" thing being reported. And the violence shown, makes me sick to my stomach. So I usually listen to it on the radio or read the Newspaper. 2) Ppl should not be "shielded" from all the bad stuff that is going on in the world. How could any one make a difference if we were made to believe we live in Utopia. What the sad thing is though is that after a while we get tolerant to such violent sights and the more violent films (for example) we watch, the less they affect us. So I wonder if the horrors shown on the News even have much of an impact any more. Of course I do not believe that children should be exposed to it and I agree with Trevor and Isis that parents should make sure that their kids are shielded as best as possible from such sights when they are young. Cause hearing about it and being warned of the bad stuff, like every kid should be to make it cautious when it comes to strangers, is not the same thing as actually showing them what can happen. Kids usually have enough imagination to drive the point home without having to be too graphic or having to resort to showing them in pictures or film. And it is easy enough to switch the TV off when the News are on. So I don't think that the News should only come on after a certain time. Ppl should not complain about the 6 o'clock News corrupting their kids when they themselves can't even be so responsible to be there at that time to switch the channel. Adds of course are different again... But one thing I do wonder about (especially concerning the US) is the following: Ppl have said that it wasn't the TV producers job to keep violence off their shows till a certain time. And while I suppose that is true as far as the News goes, I do wonder how they then are able to do such a good job in keeping all that "bad" nudity off their channels completely!? Isn't that also done as a child protection sort of thing? Must say I would MUCH rather have my child see a nude body than a dead one... |
Isis Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296Sunny Queensland |
Good point Angel, they do what suits them, the TV stations that is!! Thanks Tara glad you shared your opinion with us.. P.Pumpkin thanks for the idea in the first place, then your opinion.. Maharet thanks for your imput, you are thinking along the lines I attempted to share. Trevor you are right TV is entertaining malarky. Thanks one and all ![]() Let your heart guide you. It whispers, so listen closely. ~Isis~ (Sovereign of the Spirit) |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
Well now.... Consider the "cartoon violence" issue. My little munchkins are bright enough to know the difference between reality and fantasy. They know that Wyle E. Coyote doesn't really encounter catastrophe at every turn. Anyone who grew up in the days of "Bonanza," "Gunsmoke," and "Have Gun Will Travel" also knew then that life wasn't focused around gunfights in the center of town. It was a world of fantasy - one from another place and time that wasn't real. The populace that is a product of that time didn't grow up looking for a gunfight. There are a couple of significant differences in today's culture. First, the violence in movies today, which is freely available to our children, has become their reality. They see shootouts in our city streets as the norm. Their perceptions are further distorted by the rising influence of mind-altering drugs on our culture. Our young people see violence on the screen, take drugs, and lose sight of reality. Add to this equation the lack of parental control that is becoming more and more prevalent, and what have you?.... Pure chaos.... ![]() |
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