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Open Poetry #26
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0 posted 2003-05-27 03:18 PM

Dear Reader of This Poem,

I ask for your thoughtful reply.
I have a friend, well-meaning, yes
(pardon, here, my sigh).
He calls my muse a diversion or
some such silly device,
Then proceeds to give direction
with unsolicited advice.
He says I need some focus, for me
a vision he’d provide,
But first I must cast my pen and
paper ardently aside.
I sent him a few writings,
thinking then he’d surely see
How much I loved my poetry
and what it meant to me.
I even wrote a verse or two
for him just to show I care,
In reply, I received no more than
an annoying blank stare.

At a crossroads ‘tween a friend’s
loyalty and my poetry,
I feel as if my new-found freedom
has been usurped from me.
It is with much regret, I am left
little choice but to choose
Between a dear friendship and
the blissfulness of my muse.
So, in regards to this dire dilemma
I ask for wisdom wise,
Dear Reader of this poem,
with confidence, please advise.

Athough I feel torn, I believe I know
what’s best for me.
I guess I need your assurance I should
choose my poetry!

[This message has been edited by Patricia (05-27-2003 03:27 PM).]

© Copyright 2003 Patricia A. Plotz - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2003-05-27 03:20 PM

I'll be back!

Member Elite
since 2002-07-23
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somebody's dungeon
2 posted 2003-05-27 03:49 PM

Your muse will always be.
It's important to poetry
which is paramount you see,
at least I know it is for me.

One should never have to choose
between friend and loyal muse.

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since 2003-05-03
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3 posted 2003-05-27 04:37 PM

“To choose between a dear friendship and the blissfulness of my muse?”


Now that’s a toughy...

Well first of all I rarely give advice (yeah right!) But then I thought, hey, someone might as well take my advice, I’m not using it?

And second of all... What are we here at Passions, chopped liver?

har har

That was just to kinda break the tension...

Did it work?


Is this mic working?

Testing, 1, 2, 3, four.....?

Dear Patricia, without really knowing the person or all the circumstances involved. All I can really offer, is that this “friend” sounds, uhh... rather, controlling...

Yeah...  I said it...



To me, a real friend, would support something you love so much, not try and squash it (did I say squash?). What do you think is behind this person wanting to take something like that away from you?

Are they jealous? Does it take too much time, or focus away from them?

It’s not like your passion is drinking crack, or smoking whiskey... (huh?)


So, I don’t know...

One of the most important trips a person can make...

Is the one, where they meet another, halfway...


Advice is what we ask for...

When we already know the answer,

But wish we didn’t...

You’ll simply have to follow your own advice my friend...

That one, deep down in your heart...

Oh, and hey...

If for some reason, this “Person” is dumb enough to end your friendship?

Hey well, you always got us Wacko’s OK?

(Hey Richy, speak for yourself!)

(About the Wacko part, that is!)

The Best Of Luck To You Patricia!

Your Friend,


[This message has been edited by Richy (05-27-2003 04:39 PM).]

Senior Member
since 2003-04-24
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4 posted 2003-05-27 04:48 PM

hello from me and this is just my 2cents worth but ........
a true friend wouldnt ask for you to choose. compromise maybe but choose to give up such a part of yourself is asking way too much.

love and hope for a compromising resolve from june xxxx

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since 2003-04-18
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5 posted 2003-05-27 05:08 PM

all i have to say is love me, love my poetry.


Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
6 posted 2003-05-27 05:31 PM

Seek your can only be found in sincere relationships where the other is concerned with your happiness and well it found through writing...does writing provide happiness to you...
Some of the women I know encourage me to write and some could care less...this is normal...but I never had one tell me to stop writing...James

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7 posted 2003-05-27 05:34 PM

Patricia...I've got to of the biggest parts of me is my poetry...would he ask you to chop off your like he is jealous of the heart that goes into a poem and wants it all to himself.  Not the kind of friend I'd want.  Good luck!
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Member Laureate
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South Carolina, USA
8 posted 2003-05-27 05:42 PM

I can't say that I would lean toward a given
direction as much as I would try to ensure
that I balance my needs with their needs.

Sometimes I take a break, do other things
that are not related to my poetry...It is
easy to put it first sometimes...particularly
when we are in our "poetic zone" and just
spitting them out like wildflowers....

Others who don't write often have a difficult
time relating to the euphoria that poetry
can bring to us...  and that difference is
what oftens causes a rift to appear...

that is my best advise...I have been down
that road...

Member Rara Avis
since 2002-02-22
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Michigan, USA
9 posted 2003-05-27 06:00 PM

If poetry is the soul speaking,
Then poverty would be it's silence.

Something in my heart says a friend would never feel threatened

Your gift brings such spice to this forum, and to this world, as to leave it absent of a valid and visible flavor
Not the same without

Just a me thing...Smiles from TD

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
10 posted 2003-05-27 08:07 PM

I can only tell you this -
give up my poetry ?????
Not me ..... not on my life !

'He says I need some focus, for me
a vision he’d provide,
But first I must cast my pen and
paper ardently aside.'

Truthfully .... what would you be expected to ardently cast aside next ???
What part of God-given TALENT doesn't he understand ?

I believe in your heart you already know what you'll do ...
As they say in the majors ... JUSTDOIT !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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since 2002-12-03
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Lost in thought
11 posted 2003-05-27 08:59 PM

I have friends that write poetry, and others who don't. The ones that do, we share our poetry. The ones who don't, I've showed some poetry too, but since they don't have a huge interest in it I don't show it to them anymore. I write my poetry for me, not for them. So it doesn't bother me that they don't enjoy it. As long as they are still respectful of me... and they are.
I don't know all the specifics, but I know in my own life, I could keep both my peotry AND my friends. I hope that you can, too.

Always, Alyssa

- And so it was that time stood still -
     (blink, breathe, stand, fight)

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
12 posted 2003-05-27 09:23 PM

(big hugggsssssssss) Reads my lips in the following comment I'm making..."That person is a coward!" (sad sigh) Honestly, I don't believe in critiquing poetry whatsoever, the only poetry that is false and gutter-trash is from lying hearts and hypocrites! (sigh) I think this person is very jealous of you and jealousy shall have nothing to do with your heart! So go get em! (sigh) I send many healing hugs your way, dearest friend, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Patricia, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

Underneath your clothes, there's an endless story


[This message has been edited by Mistletoe Angel (05-27-2003 09:24 PM).]

Member Empyrean
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
13 posted 2003-05-27 11:38 PM

No brainer here, PAtricia. SOmeone who loves you loves you for what you are and respects what you consider important. To ask you to give up what is important to you is pure selfishness and will manifest itself in other things as time progresses. Don't let it happen.....for your sake.
passing shadows
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14 posted 2003-05-28 02:54 AM

have to agree with Deer
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
15 posted 2003-05-28 07:03 AM

I told you I'd be back...

see what everyone said?

Just like I knew they would.  I think some of them made their point concisely, truthfully...

if a person has a passion, it is what MAKES the person.  If someone cares or loves you for WHO you are it is because of that very passion...

why in the world would they ask you to give up what is Part of You?

If you came into working on and sharing this Passion late in life, I think many would concur it is because you put Your wants and desires on the backburner for others for years.  But the dream was there, the desire was there ... it was what still made you what you were and are today.

Give it up?

Give up breathing?

don't THINK so!!!  

[This message has been edited by Sunshine (05-28-2003 07:04 AM).]

Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
Posts 2903
Victoria, Australia
16 posted 2003-05-28 08:38 AM

Dear Patricia, "love me and my poetry". Do not choose, one should accept you and what you love, he who dees will get the best of you; your freedom lies in your poetry, love thy self first, then maybe take another to share your love and everything else about you.
He is not worthy of you, there will be some one who is.
Take care.


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