Open Poetry #26 |
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Fishing For Answers |
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Richy Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 3050![]() |
Today I thought I’d go fishing I used to go quite a bit Maybe more then I should have? I must have needed it more back then? I felt like needing it today It’s nice to get away Far far away Away from the noise Away from the kids Away from the noise... Where a man can think And ponder??? Pondering’s kinda fun I hadn’t “pondered” in a while... ... heavy sigh ... I contemplated last Tuesday... That was cool... One of these days I’m gonna ruminate! You know, give something... a good long chew... That would be good... I chewed on an old piece a turkey jerkey today that I found in my tackle box Not the same... Although I did do some reckoning, while I gnawed I reckoned just how much I missed fishing And just how tough this darn piece of jerky is I’m pretty sure it’s jerkey? I’m not absolutely sure But I’m pretty sure Hmmmm? I think I’ll chew on that a while longer??? Yeah, I like fishing Here at my little lake It’s not that far from the house But it’s far enough I’m right under a bridge A bridge of a highway Cars and trucks are zooming by Ahhh... I don’t mind In fact I hadn’t even really noticed .... HONK!!!.... Well I did then! Why truckers always have to honk at us, I’ll never know? I think they’re jealous So they honk at us You lucky slobs! They must be thinking? Yeah, I guess we are? It’s real nice and open out here And I can see the clouds out in the horizon, over the lake They have so many different shades right now It’s real nice when a rainbow appears. Sometimes several, in different places It’s always windy out here That’s about the only thing out here that bites The fish sure aint! But I don’t care I’m having fun You know what the best thing about fishing is? Really The hunt! Yeah, really Just the anticipation of getting ready for something you like doing That’s what I like It doesn’t even matter if I catch something I could really care less It’s about the preparation It’s about going out and buying yourself a real nice pole and reel and all the other junk I’ve got this real good Ugly Stick With a sharp, Abu Garcia reel And the best line, SpiderWire And the sharpest hooks that I keep sharp with my little hook sharpener I’ve got a whole big ol box full of little boxes, of leaders, sinkers, swivels, lures And I go a few extra miles to my little Bait Shop to get some live minnows that I keep in a little minnow holder, to keep them alive And I grabbed a half dozen pile worms at the bait shop too. You gotta watch them little buggers They’ll wrap around your fingers and give you a little bite And I brought a half bag of frozen anchovies from my freeze, just in case I packed me a real nice lunch last night And I packed the car with my fishing chair and a small cooler last night too Man, when I get “the fever” Sometimes I can hardly sleep Just like when I was a kid, and we went camping and fishing a lot Man was that fun! And all through high school Once we got our drivers license’s and someone had a car We’d be gone... I can’t think of one real good friend of mine, that I haven’t taken fishing? Many I taught how to fish All night shark fishing trips out on the pier in the bay Fishing trips to lakes and rivers So many memories, so many stories So here I am, again This time, by myself just relaxing in the sunshine I don’t mind fishing by myself I don’t mind being by myself But I would have to think pretty hard to remember one time that I didn’t end up meeting someone next to me while I was fishing It would usually start off with a, “Hey nice fish” and then maybe a, Hey what bait ‘cha using?” Or if it’s real slow, there’s always, “Hey you wanna cold one?” That one’s pretty good for starting up a conversation! I’ve met so many cool people while I was fishing Maybe that’s why I don’t mind going alone It just dawned on me right now Maybe that’s another reason I like about fishing so much? Meeting new people? Even if it is just for a few hours Or the better part of a day And then, maybe that’s what I like so much about writing poetry The anticipation The anticipation of doing something that you really like doing The anticipation of pulling a new poem out of the water Yeah, that’s what I like It doesn’t even matter if I pull one out or not every time Or, if it’s even a keeper Those poems will still be in there tomorrow Waiting... Waiting for another day... And of course, the other reason I like writing poetry so much.. Is you get to meet new people A lot... Of real good, people! Well, I guess I’ve had enough fishing for one day... And “pondering” too... Kapooie! Plunk! There you go fishy’s There's something to chew on... [This message has been edited by Richy (05-19-2003 04:00 PM).] |
© Copyright 2003 Richy - All Rights Reserved | |||
garysgirl![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2002-09-29
Posts 19237Florida, USA |
Richey, I love fishing, I love writing poetry, I love meeting new people, and I loved meeting, what's not to like about this delightful poem? It's really great. I felt like I was right there fishing, too. Hugs, Ethel [This message has been edited by garysgirl (05-19-2003 06:34 AM).] |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
Kewl - Didya catch anything??... That really doesn't matter, does it? I enjoyed this piece, Richy... ![]() |
GG Member Elite
since 2002-12-03
Posts 3532Lost in thought |
this reminded me of the one and only time I've every been fishing. Went up to my boyfriend's in Oklahoma and he and his dad took me out there, every time my line moved I'd pick it up real fast and scare the fish away... then these kids came up and kept wanting to take our minnows and have us teach them how and I was like "this is my first time too!" It was so great, ahhh I miss him *sigh* ok told you more then you wanted to know, what I mean though is, I like this!! Always, Alyssa - And so it was that time stood still - |
Patricia Member Elite
since 2003-04-06
Posts 2160Missouri |
Ahh...thoughts of a fisherman. I can see the connections of one thought to another in your writing. Sometimes when I have time to think (some people think I think too much) I wonder how I get the thoughts I I made the leap from a benign thought to pondering some philosophy of life. I like your poem because I can see the process of your thinking. I hope this makes is early and I don't think I am thinking with all cylinders yet. Better get to go to work! -Patricia |
Enchantress Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113Canada eh. |
Enjoyed this Richy...I enjoy fishing as well.. For fish and poetry... Good write...great ponderings. ~Hugs~ ~Somewhere in my heart I'm always |
Rick Member Elite
since 2001-06-21
Posts 2903Victoria, Australia |
Richy, this was just wonderful, I am glad to have met you my friend, I loved this story and the comparison you gave. You are a wise man with many thoughts to share, so please keep them all coming. You speak from the heart and the flow is like the river, calm and cool. Well done. Sincerely Rick |
littlewing Member Rara Avis
since 2003-03-02
Posts 9655New York |
Richy: aaaah here you have given me the fever I do love to fish - remember many nights spent - pole in water - nothing biting beer in hand - contemplating life - great late night conversation - under the moon watching in silent guard . . . I miss those days . . . thank you for bringing them back to me they were good days . . . and ones I will introduce to my son (you know once I reeled in a 26 inch 6/1/2 lb walleye - big for a lake - was the proudest moment . . . hehehe since none of the guys had caught one that season) "I don’t mind being by myself" me neither and yes for the same reasons nice warm write here Richy so glad you grace these pages with us thank you xxoo [This message has been edited by littlewing (05-19-2003 09:04 AM).] |
Richy Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 3050 |
Ethel, you are very sweet! Your a fisherwoman too huh? Your gonna have to tell me about your biggest fish sometime? Big Hugs Back To You Too! Hi Nan! No not this time. Dang it, I hate it when that happens! lol Aside from the few rays I caught, and the nibble from this one mosquito... I “skunked out“ Ahh, but you should have seen the one that got away? Oh yeah! A real Beaut’! (I’m lying... lol) Alyssa, you only went “the one and only time huh?” Sounds like you had fun though... Hey, I still grab my line too quick every time I get a bite (It’s usually just the wind blowing... lol) too. Well, all I got to say, is your Oklahoma boyfriend let “a real nice catch” get away! Oh and Alyssa, you didn’t tell me more then I wanted to know... Heck I liked your story better ‘an mine! Thanks for the great reply! Patricia! How are you! Yeah it’s easy to think about junk when your sitting on the bank of a lake staring at a line going into the This time it all started with that one piece of Joiky I was chawing on... (still not sure what it was? A piece of petrified anchovy? A part of an old fishing boot I found? And I chewed on it? Ewww!). Well have a great day at work. We’ll see ya when you get back, alrighty? Enchantress, you enjoy fishing too! Why should I be surprised? Another reason, your so enchanting! Hey Rick, your a real swell mate! And I really mean that! Now, your down Australia way right? Boy you talk about fishing... I used to watch this one fishing show on TV, with this Australian guy. Fishing out on the Great Barrier Reef. Oh man! You talk about some big sharks and a lot of Blue and Striped Marlin and many other great species. Hey Rick, thanks for always having such kind things to say, and making me feel so welcome. I’m looking forward to learning a lot about writing poetry from you. And just getting to know you better as well. Hey, I ever find myself in “the land down under” we’ll have to charter a boat, and give it a go at them biggun’s all right? Nice talking to you again Rick, Well G'day Mate! Ahhh littlewing, your a lady after my own heart... Your quote: “aaaah here you have given me the fever I do love to fish - remember many nights spent - pole in water - nothing biting beer in hand - contemplating life - great late night conversation - under the moon - watching in silent guard” How so well put! So you caught that big ole Walleye huh? Geesh! Why is it you gals always catch the good ones, and the men come home with what could easily pass for a piece of Yeah, it’s nice to get out by yourself now and again, aint it? Well, I’m sure your son will cherish the memories of him and his wonderful mom, spending some quiet time together, working together toward the goal of catching a fish. I’ve seen quite a few moms with their young sons out fishing. And I always think, that is just so great! Any time I get one on my line, I just holler over to one of my kids to come reel it in. They get such a big kick out of it. You should see their eyes, as they battle, what to them, feels like a small And I’ll sit there and go, “Man, what a great job son! How in the heck we’re you able to pull that big ol’ fish in? lol Well littlewing, And everyone else, thanks again for the wonderful replies! [This message has been edited by Richy (05-19-2003 04:11 PM).] |
Richy Member Elite
since 2003-05-03
Posts 3050 |
Hey everyone, on a different note. This drivel that I just posted about fishing. Is it even remotely, in any way, shape, or form, what someone, maybe, possibly, might consider “free verse?” I’ve only been writing poetry for a few months. And silly ol’ me, automatically just figured that a poem was supposed to rhyme... Seriously... And so, that is how I have been writing my poems. Now since I’ve joined this group. I have read so much free verse poetry, and have read about people talking about the differences between these two types. And I was just wondering, if this was even actually what would be considered... free verse... or any kind... lol of poetry, whatsoever? Because, I thought, I was just running my mouth (or pen... actually keyboard, but any who!). Now if this is free verse poetry, then dang! It was too easy! Now, even if it is, what might be considered free verse, I’m not implying that it was anything special... just me rambling on, about this and that... But I was just curious, about the very basics of free verse... So if anyone out there, wants to give me there three cents, I would really appreciate it! And please don’t worry that my sensibilities would be offended. I’m a pretty easy going lad... I just have a lot to learn, and would just appreciate, anyone’s input about this... Thanks so much, in advance... Richy [This message has been edited by Richy (05-19-2003 04:05 PM).] |
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