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D.Lester Young
Senior Member
since 2001-12-08
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Austin, Tx

0 posted 2002-12-31 08:45 PM

My brother is dying
What can I do?
Time can not be stopped
For I can not look away
To ignore the reality of it
Dam, life can be so cruel

What seems like
Only yesterday
Receiving a call
Requiring brain surgery
Getting a tumor out
But also finding his lungs
So full of cancer
Trying to spread
My special loved one

In a desire
For him to get better
The chemo will make him
So sick
The quality of live
Will falter
In the hope
Of a miracle in remission
Special angel
Please comfort him

How special can I make these words?
That they breathe into you the feelings
Gravitating within one lonely heart
That life is so special
As to never abuse it
But yet wanting to share it
In the exceptional love
Of a cherished one

In a special belated Christmas wish
I wish for bulk mail for him
To tell him
Yes Jack, there is a Santa Claus
As my tears now enter
My broken heart
Writing this in such pain
That I must continue
To release the frustration inside

It is almost the New Year
And my thoughts
Are subdued in a gloom
But I will put on
A happy face for him
Smiling as if nothing is wrong
Especially when I go down to see him

You think of the special moments
That made us brothers of the heart
Now knowing it has come time
For him to depart
Leaving a emotional hole in me
In the memories of brotherly love

In all my prayers
What miracles are there
To make things better for him
Even if it has come time
For me to say adieu

Never before today
Did I know his dying wish
That he be cremated
With his ashes being spread
Over the Everglades
And that is just so special of him

My life will also travel to an eventual end
And I hope there will be someone there
To comfort me into the heavens
Helping me release this worldly soul
Hug my brother again

Thought: What could make this poet’s heart a little lighter is for a few of you to send him a note, card or email to make his last days so special that all the love of the world is felt over war. If you want as a favor to me email this poem to others, so more mail can be sent him. I would use the media but they have forgotten the common man for corporate integrity.

Anyone one from Goodyear please send your wishes. Even if Goodyear dumped him just before his full retirement, in his bitterness he has hidden feelings for this company. I know for he is my brother. Thank goodness he is a veteran, for his treatment in a VA hospital was a lot better and paid for.  ( It is sad that corporations are so inhuman as to give someone the axe while CEO’s are using creative accounting – sorry had to put this in there for both of us.)

Thoughts: Men do not cry they have side effects.

Status: He has been admitted with severe infection and low blood pressure. He is in stage 4 and in chemo treatment. God bless you for your special heart.

Jack W. Young  (Birthday December 19 - 64 years old)
614 Malaga Ave #2
Coral Gables, FL 33134
[email protected]

Miami VA Medical Center
1201 N.W. 16th Street
Miami, FL 33125
D.Lester Young 12/31//2002
Tuscaloosa, AL
Copyright © D.Lester Young (White Eagle poetry)

[This message has been edited by D.Lester Young (12-31-2002 08:52 PM).]

© Copyright 2002 David Lester Young - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
1 posted 2002-12-31 09:12 PM

A year ago
I learned of my brother's health...
younger than myself...

and I will most likely
outlive him.

My prayers for your brother...
this was a hard write...
and a hard read...
my prayers are with you, as well.


Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
2 posted 2002-12-31 09:45 PM

Your poem is a wonderful tribute to the love you feel for your brother. I'll be sending him a card for sure!
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Member Patricius
since 2001-08-31
Posts 13962
just out of reach
3 posted 2002-12-31 11:02 PM

Prayers are on the wing. Chris

"Hope" is the thing with feathers-
that perches in the soul....
                       -Emily Dickinson

passing shadows
Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577
4 posted 2003-01-01 03:25 AM

I'm sorry.

I don't know what to say but I'm crying...and praying for both of you.

You are very special. You will make it through. I'm always here to share and listen.

Member Elite
since 2002-10-01
Posts 3940
5 posted 2003-01-01 08:03 AM

D.Lester Young,

You described the illnesses of my twin sister almost to a T. Except she had a brain anueism first and successful brain surgery, a miracle in itself, with no residual side-effects of paralysis, blindness, speech impediment, etc.; she had a perfect recovery, but 2 years later a spot of cancer was discovered in kidneys, and over course of a year+(?) it spread; she going through the chemo treatments...a war on the body(and mind) itself; the cancer took it's time, but never stopped slowly spreading, one organ, after another. Three years ago this Christmas she lost her battle, and I ~know~ she has found peace indescribable, even by we poets. I believe your brother will know that peace as well and while I'll pray for him, I also pray for you, that you may find extra strength and awareness and  ability to accept. I commend you for trying your best to bring comfort to him. Know that you have. I am one who accepts Christ as ~my~ Brother, my ~God~, and in His name, I pray for both of you. You and your families have my deepest sympathy for the grief you're experiencing even now in this final battle.

With warmest regards, love and hugs,



..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
6 posted 2003-01-01 09:30 AM

Loss is immeasurable - Unfortunately, each of us encounters it at times in our lives.  I certainly have, and can empathize with your plight.  You, your brother, and your families are surely in my prayers...
Member Ascendant
since 2002-10-02
Posts 5178
7 posted 2003-01-01 09:40 AM

The love you feel for your brother is very strongly felt in this poem...the pain and frustration you have is felt by all who read your prayers go out for your brother and you...

believe in what your heart feels...

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Member Laureate
since 2002-09-29
Posts 19237
Florida, USA
8 posted 2003-01-01 09:46 AM

I'm so sorry to hear this. I can only imagine the hurt, worry, fear, and sorrow that you are going through. I only have one brother and the last couple of years his health has been really bad. I worry about him a lot, and he lives thousand of miles away from me and my parents.

My concern and prayers are with your brother, you, and all your family and friends.
I will send a card also........  

P.S.    Which address should the card be mailed to?
"Love makes the world go around"
~~with love and hugs from Ethel~~  

[This message has been edited by garysgirl (01-01-2003 09:49 AM).]

Member Elite
since 2001-01-03
Posts 2597

9 posted 2003-01-01 10:57 AM

I understand.
It was a year ago, and he too was 64.
Perhaps this will help . . .

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
10 posted 2003-01-01 01:20 PM

D. Lester Young...My prayers go out to you and your family at this time.
Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
Posts 13989

11 posted 2003-01-01 01:24 PM

D.Lester, prayers are on flight for both of you.  Let your strength carry you both.  Hugs.
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-02-22
Posts 9353
Michigan, USA
12 posted 2003-01-01 02:02 PM

Warm arms around you all. Peaceful acceptance, and wings for the everlasting that will never go. ThisDiamond
Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
13 posted 2003-01-01 03:07 PM

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your brother at this time.
Member Empyrean
since 2001-08-14
Posts 35113
Canada eh.
14 posted 2003-01-01 03:11 PM

Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with your brother, you, and the family.
~Hugs & Prayers, Nancy~

~Time has cast a spell on you,
  So you won't ever forget me~

Bill Charles
Member Patricius
since 2000-07-11
Posts 10619
highways, & byways, for now
15 posted 2003-01-01 10:13 PM

D.Lester Young - my thoughts are with you. I also lost my younger brother in his prime. A difficult read for me, but needed. Thank you....


Diane Coway
since 2002-08-01
Posts 61
16 posted 2003-01-02 07:55 PM

My thoughts are with you. My brother died as a young adult.   My prayers are with you and your brother.  I shall send him a card.
Take care, cry whenever you need to...I didn't and years later the tears fell hard.  I found it hard to get through the grief so I shut it out.  When that happens it hurts just as badly later.
Now though I can think of the good times Paul and I had with a smile...before I allowed myself to feel the intense hurt and lost I could not.  It is a blessing now that on his birthday I can think of him remembering the fun we had as children, and the closeness we had after growing into adults.

Hugs with love to both of you.

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Member Ascendant
since 2000-02-06
Posts 5146
17 posted 2003-01-04 10:55 AM

my thoughts are with you and yours during this difficult period...

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