Open Poetry #24 |
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A Valentine's Bouquet (some oldies) |
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Tim Senior Member
since 1999-06-08
Posts 1794 |
Four simple words I speak, I love thee Rose, There, 'tis now said, no beauteous madrigal, From forth mine lips, to thee mine love disclose, No dreams, nor illusions on thee befall. For goddess of night's welkin sky above, Is not mine quest, thou art mine life's adore, I cede to thee mine heart, and soul thereof, My gift fair Rose, mortal love and nothing more. You took mine hand, and placed it on thy heart, To feel within, thy inmost hopes and dream, I found therein, true love to me impart, As pure and sweet, as flowing mountain's stream. I love thee Rose, for thee mine heart doth pound, I love thee Rose, in thee mine heart have found. Fair Rose, deep within mine mortal breast, Lays tender bud, sweet essence of thine bloom, No swordman's steel, could from mine being wrest, Thy fragrant scent, shall e'er remain, 'til tomb Doth beckon me, and steal thine life from me, But even then, Fair Rose, heed now mine word, For from night's void, darkness of eternity, In evening's still, upon the winds be heard, Love's madrigal, from forth my lifeless lips, As to thee call, beyond the rim of time, O' come to me, to sail on Passion's ships, Forevermore, as to the heaven's climb, Beyond the stars, through realm of welkin's portal, As to thee sing, to Rose, my love immortal. Fair Rose, how would I kiss thee dear? I would kiss thee lightly on thy brow, As whisper softly in thine ear, Sweet words of love to thee avow. A rising warmth as lips in yearning meld, Tender touch of satin rose in warm embrace, Within mine arms, thy gracious charms in passion held, Thou art the light of heaven's grace, Sweet taste of honeyed mead, desire's delight, Dear Cecilia, music springs from forth thy breast, Doth soothe my pain in glow of Luna's light, As sate my inner fire, love's desire, mine lover's quest. Fair Rose, to thee I make this mortal vow, How would I kiss thee goddess fair? With love and tenderness is how. Fair Rose, as light of day doth fade to night, I wait thy bloom, to feel thy satin kiss Upon mine lips, to taste of love's delight, To once again, partake of passion's bliss. Comes now the night, soft winds to me doth bring, Dulcinea, mine goddess from above, Thy tender words, to me of heaven sing, Doth carry me, to heights of Eros' love. O' beauteous Rose, you touch within mine heart, As one we dance, in rhapsody's ballet, Thee lance mine soul, true love to me impart, Whilst in thine arms, ensconced in love's bouquet. Am sated by the night, thy nectar sweet, But then the dawn, I rue the night's retreat. O' beauteous Rose, doth not thee hear the words I speak, When forth my lips, I sing love's madrigal? Thy tender touch, in glow of Luna's orb I seek, As in the evening's calm to thee fair Rose I call. Thou art Urania, thy songs of welkin charm, Fall on mine ears, as notes from forth celestial harp, With but a glance upon thy bloom, my soul disarm, Forevermore, doth breech the walls mine heart's escarp, I yearn thy satin lips to sate love's passions deep, To gaze upon thy petals of angelic grace, For I am thee, fore'er within thy bloom shall keep, As thou art me, as meld as one in warm embrace. I wait the night, to once again thy beauty see, To once again, in heaven's light, with goddess be. Fair Rose, thou beauty comes in still of night, And touches on mine heart as gentle breeze, Unto mine soul, thou beauteous charms requite, As thou doth calm within my raging seas. Thou art lustre of midsummer's moon, Sweet welkin charms that rise as day doth sleep, With thoughts of scented bloom, I e'er shall swoon, From passion's cup, of thee I do imbibe, Thy nectar sweet, mine yearning deep doth sate, Thou lover's quill, doth on mine heart inscribe, Eternal love, as for the night I wait. Fair Rose, I sing unto the gods above, For Luna's light, hath brought eternal love. Time doth stand still, whilst thou are in mine arms, The moon itself doth cease to cross night's sky, As Luna's glow cedes to thy welkin charms, In wondr'ous awe, the sparkle of thine eyes, Ignites mine soul, Fair Rose, in passion's fire, I espy thy eidetical vision, Mine eyes, they drink from well of thy desire, As am sated by depth of thy passion. I smell the fragrant scent of heaven's bloom, Caress thy skin, sweet grace of supple limb, Thy tender voice, in warmth mine heart entomb, With songs of muse, my Rose, my seraphim. But then the morn, sweet sorrow of goodbye, As wait the night, to touch upon the sky. Fair Rose, forget me not as summer wanes, As autumn's chill, the winter snows portend, O' senescence, begone thy curs'ed banes, Steal not mine Rose, whose bloom shan't ever end. As light of day gives way to vespertine, And springtide flows as mist of distant haze, Through which doth shine, jewel adamantine, I ever shall upon thy beauty gaze. Thou dost Fair Rose, take me through time's portal, As gaze upon, the joys of life replete, Thy tender kiss, memories immortal, For in thine arms, have lived a life complete. Fair Rose, if t'will be within mine power, Shall ever gaze, upon thy satin flower. What creature this, that comes in still of night, Upon the wind, on feathered wings of grace? 'Tis thee mine Rose, in glow of Luna's light, To soothe the tempest's ire; harsh storms complace. Mine haven sought within thy satin bloom, I drift no more upon life's raging seas, For in thine arms, mine fading light relume, As Dante's gales, thee calm to gentle breeze. Fair Rose, my love for thee adamantine, Shall evermore, within mine heart reside, As I await once more the vespertine, Mine harbor sought, upon thy eventide. Thou art Venus, goddess of the night, O' beauteous bloom, sweet jewel of welkin's light. Doth not thee feel fair Rose, enchanted love, Within thy breast, as welkin charms divine? When'st thou appears, mine goddess from above, Thy ethereal bloom doth me entwine. Thou hast assailed in quest adamantine, Against mine inner wall; breached battlements, To set me free, release love's quarantine, For in thy passions deep, my soul relents, Bequeathing everlastingly to thee, Eternal love, and now to thee belong. I shall fore'er yearn my Aphrodite, As in mine heart I sing Aglaia's song, Dost thou love me, as wholly I do thee, Or in thine eyes, shall e'er a mortal be? Fair Rose, why do thee part at dawn's first light, As darkness fades, and drifts away the night? Doth morning star, forewarn thee coming sun, So with the moon, into the heavens run? What dost thou fear, what pains shall day reveal, That causes thee, into the darkness steal? Doth not thee know, that even in the day, The stars remain, and in the heavens lay? The cloak of night, for thee is but facade, Protecting not, behind high priest's ephod. Lay bare thy soul, into the light emerge, And hide thee not, from thee thy demons purge. For whilst I wait, thou presence in the night, I yearn soft touch, of Rose in glow of light. My Rose, doth not thee feel the coursing in mine breast, That hath remained since first our lips in passion pressed? With fragrance of thy bloom, I am touched by thy desire, I wait the night, to once again sate passion's fire. O' heaven's orb, next to thy grace, the stars above, Pale as the daffodil to rose of Eros's love, Love, O' sweet love, I long the whisper of thy voice, When thee arrives with setting sun I shall rejoice, Beneath canopy of stars, we shall e'er embrace, I yearn thy goddess kiss upn my mortal face, For I have met my Aphrodite, thou art her, By beauteous Rose, that comes while day doth slumber, Unto the gods above, I sing sweet song's reprise, For mortal to a goddess be, until the sun doth rise. On evening's breeze, I hear sweet song of nightingale, In thy music, thou doth entice me to thine breast, Softly tracing, seeking with thy fingers to unveil, Mine heart's desire, thy tender touch in lover's quest, Why doth the seek, love ensconced in heart's dominion, When I am thine, forevermore thy mortal swain? Theee search what's hidden not, as sure doth rise the sun, For all eternity as thy vassal shall remain. Thou art the morning star shining through night's tempest, As beacon in dark night, thou beauty ever shines, Goddess of the night, with beauteous grace I have been blessed, I have tasted thy lips, supped thy fragrant wines. And with the setting sun, as fade into dawn's mist, I feel thy warmth on lips, where by mine goddess kissed. Fair Rose, thy bloom from tender stem hath sprung, As Luna's glow, upon night sky doth shine, Of thy blossom, the god's themselves have sung, Love's madrigals, will ever thee be mine? From forth thy lips, thee sing sweet harmonies, With soft caress, that kiss upon mine ear. And touch within mine soul; love;s symphonies, Forevermore, thy beauty will I hear. Thou art the night, the calm preceeding dawn, The glow of welkin stars through rising mist, When air is crystallin; as newborn fawn, Thy tenderness, when I by goddess kissed. With rising sun, night fades with morning light, I wait again, my goddess of the night. O' precious Rose, when I gaze upon thy splendor, As eyes espy, beauty of thy bloom resplendent, I cede control; unto thee mine heart surrender, Foevermore, enslave to thy love transcendent. When thou doth speak, from forth thy lips love's madrigral, From forth thy tongue, pour words as honeyed mead, Upon mine ears, doth fall Erato's lyric call, And in response, to thee eternal love decreed. Thy tender touch, as soft as glow of Luna's light, I feel thy satin kiss upon my weathered brow, Enraptured by your silken charms, I yearn the night, To thee fair Rose, my everlasting love avow. Thou love doth transport me to far side of the wind, O' precious Rose, my love to thee doth time transcend. The softest notes of nightengale, as gentle breath of dawn, Float in whisper on night's breeze, 'mid songs of heaven's spawn. How sweet the music of the heart, doth echo truer far, Than madrigals of Muses fair, sang from a distant star. Not a harp, nor zephyr heard, when dream of scented Rose, But softest note of nightingale, as bloom in my heart grows. Cecilia sings to gods on high, afloat on evening's mist, Whilst below in Rose's arms, I am by heaven kissed. I gaze upon her satin bloom, am touched by petal's dear, While Venus sings to gods above, tis nightingale I hear. I seek not the stars above, nor pine for midnight's moon, 'Tis only Rose that I desire, for whom my heart doth swoon. Carry me not, to heaven's far, beyond this earthly portal, For in my heart, lives precious bloom, my Rose, my love immortal. There is, I think, no beauty as the rose, Enchanted bloom, simplistic in its grace, Sweet fragrant scent, to senses does disclose, An angel's breath, enwrapped in satin lace. At birth of verdant spring, does rose appear, As tender bud, a promise sibylline, Of love portent, of velvet petals dear, Aglow in dawning's rays, a gem pristine. Come summer's sun, a scarlet splendor rare, Erupts in vestal glory full, ablaze, As Helen's beauty pales to rose so fair, In wond'rous awe, upon your bloom I gaze. O' beauteous rose, you are an evening's star, That fell to earth, to grace us from afar. In the heavens I espy, beyond the clouds afar, Splendor of a winter rose, a wond'rous midnight star, Am touched upon by petals fair, exquisite satin flower, As sings her songs of Terpsichore, in calm of evening's hour, A muse alone in solitude, beyond Orion's belt, Strums her lute in love's reprise, her sorrows ever felt, A soothing wind that comes to me, from other side of time, And carries me to skies above, encaptured in her rhyme, Sweet flower of the heavens, outshines the welkin light, Beauty of a velvet bloom, my goddess of the night. Fair Rose, I see thee not with eyes of flesh, But with mine heart, espy thy beauty rare, In chambered vault, thy petals fair enmesh, My mortal soul; within thy bloom ensnare. I sail with thee, aboard the Southern Cross, On winds of time, on rising evening's mist, Within thy arms, upon my brow emboss, Thy tender lips; as if by goddess kissed. Thou art Venus, who shepherds in the night, A beacon bright, as stars awake to shine, In harmony, in glow of Luna's light, And cede to thee, my beauteous Rose divine. Fair Rose, thy bloom on wings of heaven's glow, Illumes the night; angelic grace bestow. Fair beauty's Rose, whose bloom at sun's last fade, Doth greet the night; tender bud resplendent, Ensconced in glow; high heaven's promenade Of welkin stars, afire in night's ascent. Do not you hear, upon the winds above, As sing to thee fair Rose, Eros' refrain? My madrigal to thee, eternal love, For I shall ever be, thy mortal swain. For in mine heart, I ever dear shall keep, Thou beauteous bloom, thou art Uranina, Thy tender kiss, doth sate mine passions deep, My Rose, thou art my life, my Dulcinea. As comes the night, first kiss of vespertine, Mine precious Rose, fore'er will I be thine. O' beauteous Rose, in passion pressed, Amid the swell, of heaving breast, Let kisses rain, upon thy face, As one we meld, in love's embrace. For never shall, our heart's divide, As in mine arms, lay thee beside, I know my love, shall ever be, Beloved Rose, dear bloom to me, Rising, coursing, as river wild, As by thy passion's am beguiled. Flowing, flowing, to the sea, My beauteous Rose, I worship thee. O' precious Rose, I see thy face aglow, At eventide, when I in dream retire, Upon my soul, thy tenderness bestow, As touched upon, by depth of thy desire. Fair Rose, dear creature of my night's rejoice, When I upon thee gaze, mine heart doth quiver, In sweet anticipation of thy voice, A satin bloom, unto me deliver, Aglaea, sweet Grace of Splendor sent, As meadows washed in rain, untrodden snow, A joy unblemished, thy love transcendent, From forth thy lips, as honeyed mead doth flow. Thou art Calliope, goddess of night, Thy beauty fair, outshines the welkin light. Cool is the whisper, of breezes at dawn, The kiss of morn's dew, on emerald green lawn. Smell of sweet jasmine, angelic bouquet, Soft glow of sun's rising, advent of new day. Verdant the meadow, in morning's begin, Songbirds awaken, commencing day's din. Darkness retreating, onslaught of the sun, Helios the victor, of warmth does forerun. Alone in the distance, no jewel can compare, A single primrose, pure beauty so rare. First rays of the sun, lone primrose encase, Splendor of nature, in dawning's embrace. Do you hear the whispers, whispers of the night, Calling out come fly with me, upon love's wings of flight? A' sail on winds that call your name, sweet Rose of my desire, We shall soar amongst night's stars, ever climbing higher. Adrift upon the winds of time, past glow of Luna's light, As Polaris guides our way, our hearts as one unite. Do not you feel the feathered touch, of kiss upon your brow, As I take you in my arms, and to my Rose avow, Forever and forevermore, am touched by welkin's light, Together we shall sail the skies, you are my Rose, my night. |
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
An epopee of read... these legal eyes will find much to delight in tonight... as I feast again on this Valentine so right... And Tim? Thank you! ![]() |
Seymour Tabin Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
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Tim I'm impressed. |
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