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since 2001-02-06
Posts 118

0 posted 2004-05-09 08:11 PM

This is a poem I wrote when I was still a teenager. Actually, the writing of this poem is what set me off on my current path, a docorate in philosophy. I haven't been to these forums in ages, and now as I am attempting to revitalize my poetic tendancies, I wanted to share this poem first as it is essentially the spawn of my curiosity. I will post any philosophical poetry here.

I Cry Out in Vain

I question your God, my heart, and my soul
Existence needs proof, in stories I'm told
But I sit here and cry, lacking gratification
While others have died, solely for their religion

So why do I cry? If I do not believe
What makes me doubt, I can not conceive
Is it power above? Or in my own heart
where these feelings are born, I know not where to start

Is God just a form of societal ethic?
Or is God a true being, to be viewed as angelic
It is nature to question, but with no answers received
I am still hanging, what can I achieve?

In need of assistance, I cry out in vain
I am a lost child, my doubts will retain
But I fear for my death, for what will remain

please help . . . for I fear I am already slain.

and i'm certain that if i drive into those trees, it would make less of a mess, than she's made of me...

© Copyright 2004 Jesse Wintonyk - All Rights Reserved
Star T
since 2002-07-12
Posts 182
Philadelphia, US
1 posted 2004-05-09 09:35 PM

a great poem that was.but friend,God is forreal,u need to believe that for that is the essence of our being here in the first place.recognition of and appreciation to God and in the process achieving the purpose he has for us here on earth.froim the poem i could sense an element of faith that u're scared to act upon,please dont be.being a believer doesnt make u less of a philosopher,it makes u a wiser one.if u ever need to talk to anyone about this,please email me at [email protected] and i'll be more than quick to answer anny questions and guide u towards home.when u do email,as subject use somthing like "netpoets" well i do hope to hear from u.

Jesus died that you might live...accept that and u shall be saved.

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
2 posted 2004-05-09 10:08 PM

It was said, "Seek and ye shall find."  That is the truth of it.  Best wishes on your journey.  If you seek sincerely, and with patience, you will find.
since 2001-02-06
Posts 118
3 posted 2004-05-10 09:42 PM

Thanks! I have long since come to some temporary conclusions about what exactly the concept of God is. I tend to stay away from the idea of a "Creator", or a seperate being that "created" the universe and us seperately from it. I tend to lean much more towards the idea that the universe (that includes us) is one being, experiencing itself through various levels of creativity and novelty (or complexity) that increase constantly in both density and resonance of recursion (experientially). That the universe was not created and pushed from a starting point, but instead is being pulled by a transendental object towards itself, towards the end of history (or time as we conventionally know it).

Confusing I know, but it makes sense to me. Just thought I should share this along side my teenage poetry of curiosity.

and i'm certain that if i drive into those trees, it would make less of a mess, than she's made of me...

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