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0 posted 2004-02-21 07:31 PM

How can I continue
to believe in you.
With what you've taken
the pain you put this family through
Their loss of three
no way can they hide
Such pain, such sorrow
much emptyness inside
You must hear their cries
throughout the night
See their tears
feel their fright
There is nothing like
the love of a mothers
Orlike the bond
between a father and brothers
To take away family
three in one year
Not giving enought time
to heal, or wipe away a tear
NO words can ever
take away their pain
or replace their hearts
where only memories remain
Hearts so heavy
yet so empty inside
Never ending tears
pain you can't hide
In their hearts
what does remain
Their precious memories
along with tears
that fall like rain
Now when I look
up into the skies
In the far distance
Ihear their cries
Clouds falling in place
tears flowing down my face
I see an angel
as darkness sets in
I hear more sounds
the soul cries from within
thunder and lightning
darkness so frightning
a ray of light shines  through
heavens gate as his angels guide
their souls home to be with you
fogive me for ever
thinking your not there
life is so hard
like the cross you bare

© Copyright 2004 marsha groves~adragonsdream~ - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2004-02-21 07:37 PM

You speak of something horrific, something I know I could not bear. Thanks for sharing! Grover.
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2 posted 2004-02-22 05:09 AM

thank you my husband lost his father and both brothers, doesnt help his alcohalism ormy pain from it at all

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2004-02-22 09:37 AM

I've known the pain of the loss of a father, mother, sister and brother, grandmothers 2, grandfathers 2 ... friends, oh too, too many friends ... the years in passing do not really ease the pain ... as the memories each of them wrote upon my heart remain ... I can only thank Him for giving me those footprints to remember~

There are times that the tears flow because of missing them so ... and times when the smiles-of-remember are all I have ... that, and the knowing that each of them had beautiful souls that now walk on streets of gold ... just as He promised, keeps me focused on the hope of a reuniting of our souls one sweet day~
I reach for that comfort continually through prayer~

May you and yours know that comfort~
Bless you for this tender share of heart~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

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4 posted 2004-02-22 05:07 PM

thank you from my heart and soul. you are a very special lady

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
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5 posted 2004-02-22 07:53 PM

Today is the fifth anniversary of the day I lost my only son.  I could not have borne it had God not been with me.  The sadness is still there but the fact that He loved my son even before I did, tells me that there was a reason for taking him.   I will know sometime.  Love, Joyce
passing shadows
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6 posted 2004-02-23 03:31 AM

Mistletoe Angel
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7 posted 2004-02-28 03:33 PM

(big angel hugs) Oh, dearest Marsha, we all understand ever so much how you feel, sweet friend, I am 20 and I have already experienced a number of close losses, and before I turned to Him at age 12 I was rather angry with Him and asked "Why?". It is so difficult to fathom exactly why His plan was intended this way but I believe it is not to punish anyone at all, but to help everyone grow and understand how deep ones love for loved ones truly is, and know the reward of seeing them again forever and ever when the time is right above the clouds and until then being guided by their spirits! (sigh) All our thoughts are with you, od Bless You, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Marsha, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"You'll find something that's enough to keep you
But if the bright lights don't receive you
You should turn yourself around and come back home" MB20

Member Patricius
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8 posted 2004-03-01 01:33 AM

I'm sorry for your loss, but you have faith, and it shows.  This poem made me think of another family's fate, as well.
Member Rara Avis
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9 posted 2004-03-02 04:38 PM

That pain runs deep don't it? I lost my younger brother a year ago. It was horrific, sudden and crashed my world around me.

Though I can understand that's a lot to lose in one family and quite difficult to bear, God didn't do it. The good you see that come from the tragedy is from God.  He does understand our pain, He knows every tear we cry.  I still cry over my brother, how much I miss him.

But I really have to stop and make myself think, that He is in a much better place. When he left here and passed on, I know the love and peace he felt there was nothing he ever could have felt here on earth. I know he would never want to leave that and come back to the pain of living here on earth in a corruptable body.  So that gives me great comfort.  I know my time is short, and I shall meet him again.  

I wish I could have had him around for much longer, talked with him much more, not been in such a hurry, taken more time, but I can't change that now. I can however hug my family more closely, and remember to say that I love them, for it may be the last time I see them.  I can't change what happened, but I can however change today in the way I respond to others.

God bless you in such a great loss, may He bring you and your loved ones much comfort and peace.  Hugs...hang in there!

Time does help to heal the pain. This was a very moving poem!!!

Life may have influenced who we R, but we're responsible for what we become.
I don't question YOUR existance- GOD

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10 posted 2004-03-04 05:25 AM

thanky you for your heartfelt reply, i too know loss, grandparents, friends, my sons father,becoming widow at 24, more friends,family. your right, most are better off where their at, and we do learn love and forgiveness through pain, even if it takes a lifetime to get there.  i am sorry for your lossess too. and again i thankyou all for your replies

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11 posted 2004-03-04 08:42 PM

thanky you very much

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12 posted 2004-03-29 12:28 PM

I couldn't help but feel the depth of your spiritual wounds through your words.I also can see that Romans 8:28, will bring a fullfilment of Gods good in the future.As all things work together for that good to those who love Him and are the  called according to His purpose.You may not see it  today,or six months,or even 5years down the line, but; Your Gods promises are true ,and are yours to claiim. The effects of trials and tribulations in ones life now, only stores up Gods grace within us for times of need for He always provides for His children.Bless you my friend.  In His love,        lampwicke xxx

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13 posted 2004-03-29 09:55 AM

pain as this.......I do not know, nor could I comprehend, but knowing my own, I will send all the extra strength I have, and since that isn't much, I will send prayers, and love...for those I have lots of
May your grief lighten with sharing

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14 posted 2004-03-29 10:38 AM

thank all of you for your kind and loving words and prayers  


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