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0 posted 2004-02-12 04:46 PM

I guess I have to say that I do and I
don’t understand why Jesus called you home
but my son if you can hear me now
please know that I miss you so.

Your heart was so loving and your soul
even more so, how could my Lord
not wish to hold you close and ease your pain,
especially when it was internally directed.

The shelter of your strong arms never seemed
weak or weary but I see now that your strength
and protection that we all counted on was
really quite a load to bear, still my son
I cannot help but tell you
how I miss you so.

This is the longest you have ever been
gone, my precious, and I cannot hide
my sorrow at your leaving;
my heart is ripped open and grieving.

Not yet can I express joy at your going home
but incrementally my Lord is instilling
a tranquility when I can picture you
at peace in His presence, no more pain,
no deadlines to meet, and no more work
to be done, but oh my son
how I miss you so.

Oh and I just thought that you would want to know
that your dad and I are taking turns mustering up
the energy of being designated the monster…
right now I can’t even tell you how we manage
to make the little ones squeal and run,
amidst the laughter we all know that no one
will never be as good a “monster” as you,
and my son
you just have to know
I miss you so...

© Copyright 2004 jellybeans - All Rights Reserved
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Canada eh.
1 posted 2004-02-12 05:20 PM


~Holding you close in my thoughts and prayers~

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Member Seraphic
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2 posted 2004-02-13 09:32 AM

This one brings tears... and then I smile through those tears as you and your husband make the little ones laugh... keeping the weight of this grief from their tiny shoulders and their missing from being so intense.

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3 posted 2004-02-13 09:58 AM

thank you enchantress

suthern, you see so much in my words, I am so lucky to call you friend

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
4 posted 2004-02-13 12:14 PM

my heart is ripped open and grieving.

Not yet can I express joy at your going home
but incrementally my Lord is instilling
a tranquility when I can picture you
at peace in His presence
, no more pain,
no deadlines to meet, and no more work
to be done, but oh my son
how I miss you so.


What a beautiful picture, this thought.
I'm so glad He is allowing you to let
loose with your heart, here...

and that He still has one who is living
on in her faith...

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2004-02-13 01:47 PM

This one disolved me completely into tears~
For I know the 'missing' ... the void that we try so hard to fill, knowing it won't ever be done~

I hold you in prayerful thought as your faith sustains you~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

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6 posted 2004-02-13 02:14 PM

sunshine and marge, thank you so much, right now my faith is all I have, and so I cling tightly to it, I do not know how I could withstand this without it...
thank you again

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Member Patricius
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just out of reach
7 posted 2004-02-13 09:36 PM

Touched me deeply. My prayers are with you. Take heart sweet lady. hugs, Chris
Mistletoe Angel
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8 posted 2004-02-14 04:55 PM

(big angel hugs) I know, dearest friend, believe me, we all know, as your love is so strong and evident and with your faith you can always hold him close to heart! (wipes tears) Keep the faith and let it carry you upward to His light, God Bless You, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet friend, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"You'll find something that's enough to keep you
But if the bright lights don't receive you
You should turn yourself around and come back home" MB20

passing shadows
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9 posted 2004-02-23 03:35 AM

this aches and aches and there's nothing I can do
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10 posted 2004-03-29 12:53 PM

Dear Jellybeans,
The loss of your son,draws you closer to your Gods love.Talking,tears,laughter,song,dance,    
speaking in ones Holy Language are but a few avenues of Gods healing.I am glad you have shared this with others,for you are being healed within. Keep on sharing your heart with others,add the ingredient of time,and God will see you through this loss.For the Holy Spirit draws you close each moment of each day, to gather you to His bosom,and surround you with His loving arms.   In His love,    lampwicke xxx

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Elapsing, Eclipsing, Evolving
11 posted 2004-03-29 02:46 AM

its hurting sooo much...tears in my eyes, lump in my beautiful soul
wish i knew what to say

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12 posted 2004-03-29 10:55 AM

my heart goes out to you. i know of your loss and pain. very well written, i felt your pain.  thanks for sharing  


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13 posted 2004-04-01 02:03 PM

thank you all for sharing in my pain
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since 2000-10-13
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14 posted 2006-06-26 11:18 AM

thank you again
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