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Spiritual Journeys #2
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Member Elite
since 2002-12-03
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Lost in thought

0 posted 2004-02-08 04:37 AM

As I fall on my knees and onto my face,
My mind can't perceive the depths of Your grace...
The mercy it took, and takes everyday
Just to forgive me and hear when I pray.

I'm proud and I'm foolish, unworthy, unwise,
I falter and fumble then tell people lies.

I judged You a sinner then drug You away;
Beat You and mocked You and claimed You my prey.
With a tree and with nails, I laughed in Your face.
We murdered You, Lord... the whole human race.

You loved me, and cared, and prayed for me still...
And begged that I hear and take heed to God's will.

Now You've forgiven me, called me Your own
And promised I'd never again be alone.

So I thank you, and fall from my knees to my face
Where my mind can't perceive the depths of your grace.

He was a man of sorrows
...I am a girl of tears.

© Copyright 2004 GG - All Rights Reserved
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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
1 posted 2004-02-08 02:15 PM

GG:  A powerful and well written poem.  Nice to have you posting here and will look forward to more!

Betty Lou Hebert

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London, ON, Canada
2 posted 2004-02-08 06:48 PM

Truly inspired... a perfect poem, indeed! Grover.
Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434
3 posted 2004-02-10 02:11 AM

GG, I read this one last night but was on someone else's computer and could remember my password so I could not log in to reply.  I was so touched by it and understand.  What a deeply honest writer you are and I treasure your pennings.  (I am thankful, too.)
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4 posted 2004-02-10 12:15 PM

beautiful beautiful, 'this' is what is needed to have a relationship with him, to me this says that you are on the right path  
just love this.....wonderful work....wonderful inspiration

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2004-02-10 03:22 PM

The sincere beauty of your thoughts reminds me of why we love you so~

~*Marge ... <))><

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

[email protected]

Member Elite
since 2002-12-03
Posts 3532
Lost in thought
6 posted 2004-02-12 06:05 AM

Thank you Guess I don't write much that comes down here. My writing tends to be more of a purging of the anger or grief so that I can better live for God... Thanks for your reply!

perfect? that's a but much of a word! Thank you, though very kind.

Always, Alyssa

He was a man of sorrows
...I am a girl of tears.

Member Elite
since 2002-12-03
Posts 3532
Lost in thought
7 posted 2004-02-12 06:12 AM

it's alright, haven't been on to read the reply until just now anyway! That you understand and are thankful too mean more then anything else you could say, because its always great to know there are others... sure doesn't seem that way sometimes! But yes, this is the center of the heart in which all my words come from, whatever that means. You honor me, thank you

Amen, glad you understand that! And this certainly is the straight and narrow, blood bought, heaven bound path And yep, God is the best inspiration! Thank you for your reply.

Always, Alyssa

He was a man of sorrows
...I am a girl of tears.

Member Elite
since 2002-12-03
Posts 3532
Lost in thought
8 posted 2004-02-12 06:16 AM

Marge ... <))>< ,
Thank you so much. They are as sincere as can come from a heart once ridden with sin, now made pure and white by precious blood that was spilled for me. Love you two, too.

Always, Alyssa

He was a man of sorrows
...I am a girl of tears.

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
9 posted 2004-02-14 05:07 PM

(big angel hugs) God Bless You, sweet friend, this is a most beautiful epiphany animated through your golden heart, sweet friend, faith shapes and cleans anything no matter how soiled and tear-stained one may be! (smiles) Yay, I love this, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Alyssa, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

"You'll find something that's enough to keep you
But if the bright lights don't receive you
You should turn yourself around and come back home" MB20

Member Elite
since 2002-12-03
Posts 3532
Lost in thought
10 posted 2004-02-17 05:33 AM

it's who the faith is in that counts... God is so amazing in how he works in and through us if we just give him the chance to. Thanks much for your reply!

Always, Alyssa

He was a man of sorrows
...I am a girl of tears.

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