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Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
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0 posted 2003-10-31 07:24 PM

Remember the Sabbath Day

“Remember the Sabbath Day“, He said. “Remember the Sabbath Day”
And all of the beasts of the fields and the woods were silently passing the day
So he tread with a step as light as he could so as not to intrude or disturb
The suede supple pad of a rabbit’s foot or the feathery flutter of bird
But suddenly crackle of twigs underfoot, in a silent green forest was heard

Then the scampering feet left a man all alone to reflect on the sorrows he felt
Although many a year he had lived without God, by a hemlock he quietly knelt
And he stammered and stuttered each word that he uttered, as tears wondered over his cheek
And he said, “Holy father, this weight that I’m bearing, has greatly exceeded its peak.”
And he lifted his head to a vision so wondrous, his voice wasn’t able to speak

From out of the mist there appeared an illusion, resembling a chapel he knew
The trunks of the maples rose up with their limbs forming arcs under deep of the blue
A huge granite rock was the alter of God, the cross was a young sapling pine
A carpet of crimson leaves laid at his feet. A chalice, of sweet nectar wine
Had dripped from a honeycomb into a hull, and His bread was the fruit of a vine

Then he supped of the bread and he sipped of the cup and he said, “Lord, forgive me I pray
Not a penny of offering, no dollar of tithe can a poor man imagine to pay.
The only remaining possession I have is this heart that is weary and worn.
So I offer it now to Jesus, my Lord, though it is quite tattered and torn.”
And the beasts of the woods were no longer in fear, of a spirit so gentle and warm

A poor man had entered the forest that day, a rich man walked out from the trees
And he thought to himself, I could never recount such a story no one would believe
Then he stopped and he turned at the edge of the woods, his trousers still soiled with sod And the eyes of the forest were watching his steps, retracing the ones he had plod
“Remember, remember the Sabbath, my friend, and come back to the chapel of God”

The breeze was the voice, and the creatures the eyes
That led this frail man on his way.
“Remember the Sabbath“, they whispered to him
“Remember the Sabbath Day”

Elizabeth Santos
October 11, 2003

© Copyright 2003 Elizabeth Santos - All Rights Reserved
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Somewhere out there~
1 posted 2003-10-31 09:52 PM beautiful this is!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this!!!

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
2 posted 2003-10-31 11:04 PM

Elizabeth:  Your poetry is always a treat to read and experience!  so glad to get to read this tonight.  It's wonderful!

Betty Lou Hebert

Mistletoe Angel
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3 posted 2003-11-01 12:46 PM

(big hugggssssssssss) God Bless You, sweet friend, this made me cry because this is kind of how I got started being acquainted with His grace and turning with Him; I almost ended my life in despair but before jumping off a precipice, I felt the fear rushing through my veins and I truly fet that was Himn making me reconsider and knowing there was  aforce bigger than my body, I have been with Him ever since! (sigh) This is marvelous, sweet friend, I'm keeping this in my library, yay, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Elizabeth, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

I don't need no proof when it comes to God and truth
I can see the sun set and I perceive


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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
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British Columbia, Canada
4 posted 2003-11-01 01:23 AM

Well I asked for a poem and presto!  I can't ask for anything better than this, as this is just as good as it gets.  Oh Liz, I am so happy you are posting in here, we can use a new face every now and then, even if it is an original member   Big old PA hugs m'friend!  Absolutely beautiful as usual, and I would never expect less than perfection.

Try to make time to listen to
someone who talks from their heart.

Carpe' Diem

whispering wind
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5 posted 2003-11-02 08:40 AM

Wow!! This is amazing work and is going straight into my library.
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Peterborough, Ontario Canada
6 posted 2003-11-02 02:29 PM

What a lovely way to share a story.  Thank you and may God bless you.

Jesus lives in my heart!
Sheri Liegh Welna
(formerly Sheri Liegh Adams)
[email protected]

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
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Washington State
7 posted 2003-11-02 06:37 PM

A wonderful story, told masterfully by a great poet.  It is a inspired reading. Love,  Joyce
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