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Senior Member
since 2002-12-29
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California Desert

0 posted 2003-08-15 03:42 PM

The Library of Life

Life is naught but saga,
An epic adventure.
We are likened to a book,
See how our pages are filled.

Each page
Sheds a different light
On our abilities,
On our feelings.

Glance through these pages
Read about the love and hate,
Feel the joy, experience the fear,
Listen to truths and lies.
Notice strength and weakness,
See who are givers and takers.

So much hardship
Pain and suffering
Jealousy... so many emotions
All channeled throughout
The chapters... of our books.

See how moral, chaste and pure
We are, then turn a page
Observe the coarseness
And obscenities
That reside within.

We exist in this world
That we are not apt
To understand.
We are but a mass
Of contradictory enigmas’.

Our folios are unique
To each one of us,
As we stand propped up
Against each other,
In this enormous bookcase
We know as life.
Needing and leaning
Against each other for support,
Crying out to be read,
To be understood.

We are authors of our fate.
We are mysteries, murders
And comedies.
We are romances, westerns
And adventures.
We are scientific fact,
Biblical truths
As well as atheists
And agnostic ideals.
Encyclopedias, history
And classic literature.
Journals and diaries.
The list is endless...

A gloriously colorful
Hodgepodge of writing
We are living manuscripts,
We are fact and fiction.

Such diverse entities
Just muddling on through
The best way we know how.
We are chronicles and legend
We are the past,
The present and the future.

We are all a representation
Of a Master Being,
A great story teller
Who has given us the right
To co-author, to make choices
And yet has us corralled
Flanked by life and death
Between covers of our book.

Look at our covers!
Some have been mishandled,
Abused and they show
Enormous wear and tear.
Others have been shown
Nothing, but consideration
And great respect.

Whatever the condition
Of the tell all binder,
We cannot stay concealed
And hidden.
Once the pages are turned,
We are an open book for all to see.

Oh to be a book of quality,
Our cover tooled from nothing
But the finest leather.
Sitting on the best shelves
Of this Bookcase of Life.

Treasuries of such classical,
Dignified publications.
Quality writings,
Brimful of love, laughter,
Commitment, honesty,
Good humor and tastefulness.

Such books impart
Such a genteel warmth...
From their pages
That can benefit the coldest heart.
They are stories of lives,
Well lived and lived well.

As in every writing, every book
These tales have bad times,
Yet they appear to hide
Within the recesses
Of forgotten paragraphs,
For they attract the reader
For no more than a fleeting moment.

But fear not if you fall
Elsewhere than this category,
For that does not make you
The most read or understood,
Or even the most enjoyable.
The book cannot be judged
By its cover.

All of us will endure,
Not only in this lifetime,
But in those already past
And in those yet to follow.

We are without doubt,
Tomorrow’s voice and history.
So whether we are fine tooled,
Leather, Cardboard, cloth
Or paperback really makes
No difference at all.

We all have an ending
A last chapter and a last page.
See how glaringly blatant
The final words are,
One cannot help but see
That they are not ...‘the end’
But rather...‘to be continued‘.

Accordingly we should live our lives
As we would wish those
Who follow us ... to live.
Our final chapter
Should render forth anticipation
For a great sequel.

We are but
Poets of our souls,
We will forever...

© Copyright 2003 das - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2003-07-19
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Somewhere out there~
1 posted 2003-08-15 10:28 PM

This rang out of equality, and was a very forgiving write. It took *ALL* of us, and placed us on a plane of [just the same.] Contrary to popular opinion in certain circles (in society) we are all created equal, and we will all remain that way. We all come from a womans womb, and we will all end in ashes to ashes, dust to dust. I appreciated this write so much, because no person is any better than another. We all begin the same way, and we will end up the same way. It's who you are, and the actions of your life that matter in the in-between time. If I spend my time snubbing people rather than loving them ..then I don't think I have much to look back to when I am old, and gray. In my older years I want to be able to look back, and see I made mistakes, but when I did my motive was to love not to hurt, or harm anyone, and to do to others the way I would have them do to me. We are all human, and make mistakes, but in the deepest parts of our being we are ALL good, and what we want is good for all people concerned.  We are *ALL* a pretty good lot. This was amazing!!!!
SharaRose @-->--

p.s. So sorry for such a long comment.

Of sound, and speech let all lift the hearer!

[This message has been edited by SharaRose (08-15-2003 10:38 PM).]

Member Elite
since 2000-02-08
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Mississippi coast
2 posted 2003-08-16 08:24 AM

...The list is endless...


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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
3 posted 2003-08-16 05:10 PM

SPIRIT:  What an impressive poem!  I'm glad I got to read it!

Betty Lou Hebert

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
since 2001-03-10
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Washington State
4 posted 2003-08-16 06:31 PM

I enjoyed your representation of each of us as a book with a tale to tell.  Very interesting concept.  Joyce
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Member Laureate
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328
British Columbia, Canada
5 posted 2003-08-17 03:35 AM

We all have such stories to tell, and only you can bring that into your own special light the way you write.  I have truly missed your postings, and so enjoyed this.
Mistletoe Angel
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Member Empyrean
since 2000-12-17
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Portland, Oregon
6 posted 2003-09-17 11:27 PM

(big hugggssssssss) God Bless You, sweet friend, this is wonderful, and yes, it is essential that we all must work to be the hero of our story and though we all will experience tragic flaws, we must make it an effort to make it end as a comedy instead of a tragedy and have our children to thumb through the pages and not get papercuts or disappointed by the lack of denouement! (sigh) This is such a wonderful comparison, sweet friend, your heart is a library of love and wisdomn, and each of your poems are among a card category of blessings, yay, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Das, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

I don't need no proof when it comes to God and truth
I can see the sun set and I perceive


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