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Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
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0 posted 2003-04-27 02:15 PM

"The incredulity of Saint Thomas" by Caravaggio

Thomas wanting proofs
(inspired by today’s Gospel)

Jesus Christ,
even though the doors were shut,
You silently entered the room
where Your disciples gathered.
They welcomed You with Love
when You greeted them
“Peace be with you”.
In awe and reverence they bowed to You,
all but one, Thomas, who asked for proofs,
not believing it was truly You.
And with infinite patience
You said “Put your finger here ..
put your hand in my side …”

Was I there in their midst?
Did my soul witness Your revelation?

“Blessed are those who have
not seen and yet have believed”!
Do I need to put my fingers
in Your wounds, in Your side?
I may question now and then
and not take  my faith for granted,
but somehow deep inside I hear
Thomas proclaiming his faith
“My Lord and my God!”
These words resonate
today in my breast.

So I was there in their midst?
Did my soul witness Your revelation?

My heart is filled to overflow
with the beautiful awareness
that You Jesus Christ have risen
for me and for all, to show
eternal life is not just a tale
but absolutely real.
My heart sings the ultimate truth
of You living among us
until the end of time …
until one day You’ll show us
the rooms You have prepared
for all in Your Father’s house,
beyond time and space.
Humbly I give thanks for You
for Your infinite Love and Grace.

Yes, I was there in their midst.
And my soul witnessed Your revelation.

© Copyright 2003 Margherita Rueger - All Rights Reserved
Mistletoe Angel
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1 posted 2003-04-27 07:51 PM

(big hugggssssssss) Oh Margherita, this is timeless, sweet friend, I cried reading this because I truly find it a blessing when someone suddenly acknowledges His grace and finds a smile and joy in knowing His love exists! (kiss on cheek) God Bless You, sweet friend, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Margherita, thank you for sharing!

May love and light always shine upon you!

Noah Eaton

Underneath your clothes, there's an endless story


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2 posted 2003-04-28 09:31 AM

Hi Margherita, Beautiful poem. It is nice to see the word infinite being used. I haven't seen this word used in awhile and you used and placed it in your poem very nicely. I always felt that the word infinite is another companion to faith. For we know not how to paint it, but are able to see it through our faith. Nice Job!!, God Bless!!


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3 posted 2003-04-29 02:11 PM

How true it is that also when I hear and/or read the words from the Bible that in my spirit I do find myself also remarkably transported and present as I believe you have expressed very very well here in your poem. I enjoyed reading your poem very much and I again enjoyed visiting and experiencing Jesus resurrected from the dead with all of His splendor and in all of His glory. God bless you and once more thank you my poet friend.


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4 posted 2003-04-29 11:56 PM

Humbly I give thanks for You
for Your infinite Love and Grace.

Wow!!!  I really like reading your work.  This is so well written.  I can totally relate to how you feel.  Isn't Jesus grand???

Jesus lives in my heart!
Sheri Liegh Welna
(formerly Sheri Liegh Adams)
[email protected]

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
5 posted 2003-04-30 12:51 PM

Margherita, I can truly say I feel blessed having read this tonight.  You did a beautiful piece of work in this poem, and the art was simply stunning as well.


Member Rara Avis
since 2002-01-04
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A Mountain Paradise
6 posted 2003-04-30 02:33 PM

And the basis of all religion is faith and trust. And it took a Thomas for us to fully comprehend the manginitude of His love and sacrifice for us.

Beautiful picture and magnificent poem.

Hugs, Marti

Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts.  A.Einstein

serenity blaze
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7 posted 2003-04-30 07:20 PM

I've read this a number of times, and even though I do not interpret scripture literally, I love the wisdom of the story--
and you have crafted it into quite a visual piece of poetry.

Lovely, and? Lady? You are very good.

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8 posted 2003-04-30 11:48 PM

A beautiful interpretation of the story of "Doubting Thomas". I really like how you compare yourself to those who were there. Think of the rest of the story of Thomas, though. He founded the Christian church in India and was martyred for his faith. I often see myself doubting as Thomas did, and I rebuke myself for it, but we must also remember how God used Thomas, even after that!

Oh.. an interesting fact.. Thomas never did have to touch Christ's wounds.. he just fell at His feet and said "my Lord and my God".

Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236
9 posted 2003-05-01 10:19 AM

Thank you my friends for reading and appreciating my words.... Last Sunday I was just moved by the Gospel and felt heartdriven to write about it.
Yes, dear Lovebug, the Path of Faith is not an easy one ... Jesus said it.
Hugs. God bless you all.
Love, Margherita

since 2003-04-13
Posts 74
10 posted 2003-05-03 09:45 PM

This story is one of my favorites, and as it happens one of the crux of my "problems"

If indeed I had seen Jesus:
1.Walk on water.
2.Calm the wind and the waves.
3.Feed over 5000 people with a few fish and  loavs of bread.
4.Heal the multitudes.
5.Raise the dead.
6.Grant me power over demons and sickness.

If I had seen these things,(the bible says that if all Jesus's miracles were written they would not fit in all the volumes in the world) I would have had NO problem believing
he had risen from the grave! But the sad fact is, that it has been 2000 years and I HAVE SEEN NOTHING! Is it so strange then that I too doubt?

Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236
11 posted 2003-05-04 01:27 PM

Dear Seth, no it is not strange that you should doubt, as most of us do at times, even when we KNOW the truth deep inside. I think Thomas represents a great number of us .... and yes as you say it HE HAD SEEN IT ALL!! Human nature always quivers when mysteries can't be fully unveiled and explained scientifically. Especially our science and technology influenced minds cannot fully grasp it and ONLY FAITH WILL DO ...
It is a grace TO BELIEVE. It's that grace that we need to ask for, more than for proofs. I also think that if we just could fully grasp the POWER OF LOVE, we would be given the key to understand many more things.
Love, Margherita

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12 posted 2003-08-07 02:13 PM

Great piece I have never read this one and I am glad I came across it.

I love it

Tjomas AKA: Rogue

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
13 posted 2003-08-07 04:26 PM

Margherita:  You did a wonderful job with this.  It is so inspiring and believable!
I really enjoyed reading it.

Betty Lou Hebert

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Somewhere out there~
14 posted 2003-08-07 05:38 PM

Beautiful!!!!!! Jesus seemed to know Thomas was also *human.* That there is still a part of us that remains human, and needs that reassurance at times of the supernatural things God the Father, and His Son could do. Also proving what it can do in our lives even to this day. Thank you so much for sharing this! Maybe the miracles aren't so dramatic as they used to be back then, but I can see it in my life at times when things seem so impossible there's no way out and He comes through to give hope, and change in  situations in my life, and other people around me. Also thanks for sharing this.....what a blessing to have read this and what beautiful artwork!!!!

SharaRose @-->--

Of sound, and speech let all lift the hearer!

[This message has been edited by SharaRose (08-07-2003 05:41 PM).]

Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236
15 posted 2003-09-13 08:39 AM

Thomas, Betty and SharaRose thank you too for appreciating. When we DO BELIEVE we possess the key to miracles happening everyday, we SEE them.
Love to all. Margherita

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
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Washington State
16 posted 2003-09-14 03:27 AM

I don't know where I was when this was posted.  It is beautiful and inspiring and we can all identify with doubting Thomas but God will forgive us.  Love, Joyce
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