Spiritual Journeys #2 |
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I have a question... |
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Angel4aKing Senior Member
since 2006-09-27
Posts 1372USA ![]() |
I have a question and no one to ask Is it true that what we do not matter what it may be if it is done in his name than we have done the right thing? ~~~kingsangel~~~ |
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Skippyrick Member
since 2006-05-16
Posts 150Rohnert Park |
good question? Have you an answer yet? Mine would be. to ask before you do whatever you do and who do you ask? that is your qusetion. Ask God. rick |
Bob K Member Elite
since 2007-11-03
Posts 4208 |
quote: Dear Angel4aKing, No. All sorts of things have been done in God's name. Many of them are in direct contradiction to each other. During the crusades, everybody was killing everybody else in the name of God, conveniently forgetting that the commandments forbade murder. During World War two, the allies were killing the soldier of the Axis powers in the name of God and many of the Axis soldiers believed God was on their side as well. I believe the Wehrmacht soldiers had a standard issue belt buckle that said "Gott mit Uns." I'm happy, by the way, the allies won. I have quite a few family members who died in that war. But the suggestion that God approves of the destruction of any life seems a bit too difficult for me to follow. In fact, it strikes me as a violation of the first commandment, to worship no other gods before Him; these would probably include nationality and vanity, wouldn't they? Perhaps there may have been a time when people could have gotten away with such thinking, but my understanding of Christian theology, which is not so hot at best, to tell you the truth, suggests that man paid a very high price indeed for his knowledge of the consequences of good and evil in this life, and while man's soul need not be lost for the knowledge any more, man is still the bearer of that knowledge and is still given free will for what he chooses in this life. He must not give up his knowledge of the outcome of these choices or that free will becomes essentially meaningless, doesn't it? But this may be more of an answer to the question than you were looking for. I think you were looking for a simple and comforting, "yes." I'm sad that I can't offer it to you. I wish I could. Sincerely, BobK |
Joyce Johnson![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-10
Posts 9912Washington State |
Attaching God's name to evil only makes it more evil. I think God had more than profanity in mind when he forbade us to take His Name in vain. Joyce |
Bob K Member Elite
since 2007-11-03
Posts 4208 |
Dear Joyce, I'm unclear if you're addressing me or not. My understanding of the prohibition on not placing any gods before God is that we should hold God first in our thought, before all other things. Everything else flows from that single thought, at least in my limited understanding. I think this is why Angel4aKing asks the question in the first place. It's a legitimate question. My comment is that many kinds of people have received that revelation, and some of them have claimed exclusive ownership of it. Many of us disagree with each other as to the correctness of the revelation we have extracted from our understanding. The fact that we believe our revelation to be the correct one gives us only the authority we choose to attribute to it to differentiate it from the authority of any of these other revelations. To my mind this is not enough to justify any action. Murder, I believe, is still murder, even if one believes it is commanded by God. God may in fact be pleased to forgive you; some of us believe that. The action is still wrong in Law and some of us believe wrong in spirit as well. If you find this particular type of thinking profane, Joyce, I'd like to know how and why. Maybe I'll agree with you. What do you think, please, in a little more detail than in your last posting, where I was left somewhat unsure of your position, or even to who you were addressing, though I thought it was likely myself. Yours, BobK. [This message has been edited by Bob K (07-19-2008 01:50 AM).] |
Joyce Johnson![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-10
Posts 9912Washington State |
Sorry Bob. I just found this. I thought my answer was clear that yes something wrong is still wrong even though we attempt to attach God's name to it. lWe are taking His name in vain if we murder and say he has condoned it. I believe we can be forgiven for wrong acts but doing them and blaming God is a very sinful act. Joyce |
Bob K Member Elite
since 2007-11-03
Posts 4208 |
Thank you Joyce, and pardon my paranoia. I understand and sympathize entirely. Bob Kaven |
Danny Cobb Member
since 2008-07-09
Posts 74 |
If you want a straight from the hip answer from the Bible for your question--you will find it emphatically answered in MATTHEW 7:21-23. It is only in His name,(that is, by his authority[Matthew 28:18]as in "Open up in the name of the law!") if it according to the Father's will as revealed in the Gospel (Romans 1:16-17). hope that helps to answer your question! danny cobb |
Lighthousebob Member Elite
since 2000-06-14
Posts 4725California |
Is it true that what we do no(t) matter what it may be if it is done in his name than we have done the right thing? ~~~kingsangel~~~ Angel4aKing, I don’t know what the ‘we’ did or is planning on doing in this question (hopefully nothing illegal) (smiles), but, as you might know in that you're a poet, all words are very very important and I think the word that is probably the most important here in your question or at least the one that stands out the most to me is the word 'in' (highlighted in light blue). The word 'in' here means that the ‘we’ (whoever it might be) needs to be 'in' a position of some kind when the ‘we’, as you've written it, 'does no matter what it may be' and the question, then, that I would ask of myself and anyone else who might be included in the ‘we’ here in your question would be this … In your 'doing no matter what it may be,’ where are you? Are you ‘in’ Him? Are you ‘in’ His will (not only for your life, but, also, every other single life that He bled and died for on the cross)? Doing the ‘right thing,’ as you’ve written, is probably the most difficult decision that ‘we’ can or will ever ever be asked to make, but, yet, I’m very very confident that through the One who gives us strength, ‘we’ can (‘WE’ CAN) do it. Amen. Great question, thanks for posting it, and God bless, -Bob |
Angel4aKing Senior Member
since 2006-09-27
Posts 1372USA |
I almost forgot I posted this and it has been five years ... first off thank you for your responses and no I was not planning on doing anything I am just a deep thinker and anyway I did find a passage Proverbs 21:2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD weighs the hearts. ~~~kingsangel~~~ |
Angel4aKing Senior Member
since 2006-09-27
Posts 1372USA |
I almost forgot I posted this and it has been five years ... first off thank you for your responses and no I was not planning on doing anything I am just a deep thinker and anyway I did find a passage Proverbs 21:2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the LORD weighs the hearts. ~~~kingsangel~~~ |
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